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Cross Academy. A place where vampires and humans alike attend the same school seperated into two classes. The night class and the day class. The night class has a secret. A secret the day class must never find out.
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 We Meet Again

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Join date : 2009-11-25
Age : 28

We Meet Again  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 13, 2016 8:12 pm

Rei smiled upon Hunter's touched, and her icy blue hue fell on his own gaze. She listened to his words silently when he placed a sweet kiss on her lips. She gladly leaned into it, kissing him back and when he pulled away again to finish the smile returned to her face. "You're so cheesy." the pinkette joked, leaning forward to touch her forehead with his. "But... thank you. I feel the same way. There's no one else I rather be with than you..." she spoke, closing her eyes thoughtfully. Rei stayed like that for a while, moving her hand and placing it over Hunter's. She meant those words. No one else could ever replace him and she wanted to be with him forever. She would do anything for him, anything.


A few weeks had passed and both Rei and Hunter had been having quite a bit of fun almost every night. Though that first night was one that the young woman would stay in her mind for months to come. They had long since gotten out of the doctor's hair and with what little money Rei had left, she rented out a small apartment for the two of them. The pair had gotten settled the days became routine to them. But on this particular morning, Rei was laying beside Hunter admiring his sleeping form when she felt sick to her stomach. She grimaced as this was the fourth day in a row of this morning sickness. But as Rei was continuing to enjoy the males presence she could no longer take it and immediately put her free hand to her mouth. Her face turned pale before standing up and running off. "Fuck." she managed to blurt out as the door shut behind her. She quickly headed straight for the bathroom and slammed it closed, running to the toilet and vomiting. After a few minutes she had emptied her stomach's contents and was left sitting on her knees again wiping the leftover from the side of her lip and placing the other over her stomach. Was she...?

"No way..."
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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Age : 31

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeFri Oct 14, 2016 10:04 pm

In the time that passed since Hunter had been released from the hospital, Hunter mainly focused on returning to full form. It was tough for him to get back into the swing of things, especially since he hadn't been able to train for such a long time, but at least he still had his instincts. With the money both he and Rei had saved, the couple moved into a small, yet comfortable apartment. One bed one bath, a small kitchen and a main room for the both of them to enjoy. Considering the enemies they were sure to have made since killing Kira and Hunter's stint as "Death's Pale Shadow", it was surprisingly quiet. The first couple of weeks, Hunter was constantly on the alert, waking up in the middle of the night to investigate sounds or strange occurrences with his claws at the ready, but the most he did was scare off a stray cat or traumatize some poor delivery boy. After their second formal complaint, Rei was quick to tug on his leash and force him to calm down. It was extremely strange at first, to actually be safe. But he could really get used to it.

After everything was settled down, the pair found a comfortable routine. Hunter would still take his odd jobs during the day when most of his usual contracts were unaware and at their most vulnerable while Rei stayed sheltered. Most vampires didn't get much more than an uncomfortable headache in the sun, but she was much more sensitive. Quite frankly, it caused her great pain. So while he was away, she would take care of things like bills or small errands. Then when the evening came and the sun was at its weakest, they would trade spots. She'd go do whatever she did, and Hunter would hold down the fort. It took some getting used to at first, but once they were in the swing of things, it moved like a well oiled machine. Despite her being nocturnal and his operating in the day, they always managed to make time for eachother. Even if it meant making less money because of it. But the fact that she mostly needed his blood to survive rather than those tasteless pellets was a good money saver to make up. The resulting marks were easy enough to cover up.


The young man stirred in his sleep when Rei suddenly leaped from their bed and darted towards the restroom. The surprise and sudden worry for his partner was all he needed to jump out and follow her. He found his love kneeling to the porcelain god and did the only thing he could think of to help, hold her pink hair back so she would't have to worry about anything other than what was leaving her system, "Rei, what's wrong, are you..." He trailed off when he noticed her hand resting over her stomach. No, she couldn't be,

"Rei... Are...?" He couldn't finish.
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Join date : 2009-11-25
Age : 28

We Meet Again  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeFri Oct 14, 2016 10:24 pm

Rei looked up at Hunter, eyes wide like a deer in headlights. She didn't know what to say to the other, gently clenching her stomach in fear of hurting... The signs were there. Instead of sleeping the day away like a normal vampire, she always found herself running to the bathroom puking her guts out. Not to mention she'd been a bit... moody as of late. Hunter had the scratches and bite marks to prove it. She didn't realize it, but she'd been taking a little more blood than normal from him lately and Rei could tell that it's effects were getting to him. Though she was sure he'd never admit himself, the young woman knew. Putting these facts together could only mean one thing. She was pregnant.

The pinkette suddenly tore her gaze away from Hunter, moving her other hand up to her cheek. She was scared, terrified actually. She could hardly take care of herself, let alone another human life. Wait, human? Hunter was human yes, but she was a vampire so that meant... Her child would be a half-blood. Rei's heart dropped at the thought. She knew how cruel the world was, she had experienced it first hand. Being half-blooded would only make the child's life more difficult. And what would the rest of her kind think? She knew Hunter wouldn't give two-shits about what other people thought and she thought she wouldn't either but... Now things were different. Rei didn't want them to go through that. God only knows what they would they do. She wasn't a pureblood either. What of the child's ability, status? Would they be ridiculed because of it? All these questioned weighed on her mind and Rei was becoming even more frightened. She began to shake and could feel a pit forming in her stomach.

"W-What are we going to do...?"
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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Age : 31

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeFri Oct 14, 2016 11:26 pm

Time seemed to freeze for the 23 year old when the news was finally cemented in his brain. Instead of being elated like he thought he would in this situation, he was panicking. He was a man with a lot of enemies, enemies that wouldn't hesitate to come for his family if he wouldn't show. If he wanted everyone in the underworld to know that he wasn't to be trifled with, Death's Pale Shadow would need to go back and clean house. There would be no room for negotiation. He had to make the message clear. And that would mean spilling a lot of blood. But that was his cross to bear, and he wouldn't breathe a word of his plan to Rei. For now, he needed to focus on how he'd continue to take care of her, and their child.

The vampiress was clearly distressed about the situation and Hunter couldn't blame her. The children of humans and vampires were often ostracized by both groups. Forced to exist in a world that wanted nothing to do with them. The humans considered them monsters, and the vamps thought of them as no more than mutts unworthy of the blood in their veins. Hunter would love his children no matter what, but the reality of their union was horrifying. What if they had his personality and fought? What if they took his horrible habits? What if they went off the deep end and he was forced to put them down? God, he couldn't keep his hands from shaking and he held Rei tighter in an attempt to still them, "We're going to do the best we can, Rei." He said firmly, settling on a decision, "You're going to educate them about vampires. And I'm going to teach them how to defend themselves. But... Most importantly... We're going to love them as best as we can. And do everything in our power to make sure they learn how to thrive in this world." Hunter paused and moved so he was face to face with her, "And I'm going to make the most of what little time I'll have left to raise them."
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Age : 28

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 15, 2016 12:22 am

Rei listened to Hunter's words, her icy blue hue falling on him as he knelt down to her level. She was silent when he finished speaking, tears beginning to well up in her eyes. He was right. That was all the could do, do their best. It would be difficult, but the lives they led already were hard as it was. What was another thing to add to their plate? They always managed and they would manage now. But her lover's last words were what really broke her heart. She didn't want to believe it, but it was true. That was why she would cherish every moment she had with Hunter. Every last one.

Rei broke into tears then, falling into Hunter's arms sobbing and holding him tightly. She never let go.


The day was finally here. After nine long months, which consisted of one cranky, moody Rei, who was hungry all the time, and almost killed Hunter for the second time, it was time. She was ready to have the babies. Oh that was right, during those months the couple found out they were having twins, only stressing the young woman out even more. As if one child wasn't enough, two? They were in for one crazy ride. And now she was in the same position that Hunter had been in all those months ago. She was laying in the bed, moaning and groaning at the doctor's home waiting to just pop the babies out already. She received several grunts of annoyance from the elderly man, but she couldn't help it. It hurt too much. "FUUUUUCK!" the pinkette screamed, squeezing Hunter's hand even tighter. "Is it time yet?!" she continued, whipping her head towards the doctor who was inspecting her. Another grunt before he let out a long sigh. "Yes, you can start pushing."



Minutes seemed like hours as Rei screamed bloody murder, the doctor and nurse continuing to tell her to push. She was squeezing Hunter's hand harder than ever, surely it was on the verge of breaking now. "Almost there!" the doctor exclaimed. Another scream and push and the first had finally come. The young woman could just barely hear it's cries before it was whisked away to be taken care of. Rei looked at Hunter for a moment, a split second of relief before she was told to push again. It wasn't over yet. She screamed again, pushing and pushing until finally her second child was born.

"Well done, miss Rei." the doctor spoke, pushing up his glasses as he turned his head over to the nurse who had wrapped the twins in one blanket. Rei stared at the bundle with wide eyes, the nurse walking over to her and setting her children into her arms. She and the doctor smiled at the sight, before leaving the newly formed family. The pinkette looked down at the two, tears welling up in her eyes before her gaze fell on Hunter whom was kneeling down beside her. "We did it..." she spoke, feeling a tear roll down her face. On that day, Damien and Luna Kieff were born.
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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Age : 31

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 15, 2016 3:46 am

Hunter knew what he said was hard for Rei to hear, but sometimes the truth hurt. As much as he wanted to be with her and their little one forever, that simply couldn't happen. Even if she had the ability to change him, he wouldn't want to. She loved Hunter Kieff, the man. And he knew that, eventually, he would devolve into the mad creature that all ex human vampires ended up being, without fail. He wouldn't wish for her to see him in such a pitiful state. The man she wished to spend eternity with, reduced to a slobbering monster. A fate far too cruel.

The moment Rei fell into him, her face buried in his chest, the young man wrapped his arms around her and held as tightly as he could, wanting her to feel protected and warm in his arms, "Shhhh... Everything will work out for us. It always has in the end..."


The moment Rei went into labor, Hunter sprinted back and forth like a madman, implementing the plan he had made in advance. Wallet, keys, phone, bag with extra clothes for the both of them and their children. Twins. Who would have thought? A boy and a girl. They already decided on names, but that wasn't important right now. In a frenzy, he loaded everything they needed and went back to lead his ailing love to the vehicle while she moaned and screamed in pain. He had a special shirt made for this occasion, but in the rush he left it behind. He pondered for a moment about returning for it, but that definitely wouldn't go over with Rei. She probably wouldn't find the joke very entertaining. But they'd probably share a laugh after she beat him black and blue.

As Hunter slammed the gas and sped through traffic, he thought back to the moments they shared up to this point. Between her hormonal fits of rage, lust and sadness, Hunter had experienced a wide range of equally fun and terrifying moments. She'd go from almost homicidal and screaming with her fangs and claws extended to sobbing and remorseful for scaring the bejesus out of him or almost killing him again by bleeding him dry. From there she'd kiss him on the lips and make her way down to the crook of his neck playfully before feeling his pulse and then the fangs would be out for another session. As prim and proper as she was most times, that woman was capable of being an absolute animal. A lesser man would be dead. Luckily for Hunter, he wasn't anywhere close to being a 'lesser man'. The thought itself was insulting.

Once the pair arrived at the trusted doctor's residence, the old man quickly hobbled from his perch and shooed Hunter out of the way with a grunt when he tried to help. Hunter was no medic, but he wanted to help. The doc was experienced and only wanted his trusted staff to assist, so the most Hunter could do was hold Rei's hand and do everything he could to keep her relaxed and grounded. Everything from planting kisses on her forehead, to applying ice packs when she seemed to be overheating. He almost wanted to complain, but what Rei was going through made his toils absolutely irrelevant, "Okay baby, you're doing great, just push!"

With each push that Rei gave, she screamed and howled, squeezing Hunter's hand to the breaking point. That pain meant nothing. He'd let her crush until the hand was nothing but hamburger meat without a single peep. He was here for her, for their family, "The first one is out, it's our boy! He's crying, kicking and screaming so we know he's okay. Now we just need to meet our beautiful baby girl!"

Rei screamed and squeezed Hunter's hand until he felt a sharp pain followed by an almost sickening crack. Something definitely broke, and Rei looked a little worried, "I'm fine, don't worry about me." He leaned in to kiss her forehead and placed his free hand on her forehead, wiping the sweat from her brow, "Alright, almost there. The doctor sees her head. One last big push!"

With another final shout, the room was filled with a second shrill cry as their second child was brought into the world. Their beautiful baby girl, "You did great, Rei." Hunter said, tears of joy filling his eyes was their children were placed into Rei's arms, swaddled and now sleeping soundly. With his good hand, Hunter patted the old man on his shoulder and nodded before turning back to his family, kneeling down next to Rei, "There they are... Our baby boy and baby girl..."

It was at that moment that Hunter felt the emotions swell and reach their breaking point before he began to sob with joy, "I never thought I'd see him again... He reminds me of his uncle." He said, placing his finger into Damien's hand, feeling the tight grip, "He's gonna grow up strong..." He turned his attention to their girl and grinned, "And she's gonna make sure he doesn't get himself into trouble like his old man."

Hunter paused for a moment before he looked over to Rei and gave her a soft kiss, "Yeah... We did it... Two beautiful children... I can't wait to watch them grow."
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We Meet Again  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 16, 2016 10:52 pm

Rei closed her eye as the tears rolled down her face and Hunter placed a soft kiss on her. She was overfilled with joy. They were officially a family now. Nothing nor no one would tear them apart.


Five years later...

"You can't catch me Lulu!"

"Yes I can!"

Rei watched with a smile as Damien and Luna ran about, the sun setting in the distance. Though they were half human, their vampire side caused the sun to be a slight bother, so it was best that the two played during sunrise and sunset or nightfall. That aside, the boy was increasing the distance between he and his sister and eventually he managed to make his way up a tree. Cocking an eyebrow, the pinkette kept an even closer eye on her son as he looked down at his sister and stuck out his tongue. "I told you~" he teased, letting out a laugh.

"You meanie!" Luna shouted back, stomping her foot out of frustration. It was then that she turned around to face Rei and puffed out her cheeks in anger. "Mama, tell him to get down!"

Rei laughed. "Alright, alright. Damien get down from there before you fall." she spoke, standing up from where she sat and walking towards them.

"Yeah, before you fall!" Luna echoed, just as Rei stopped beside her.

"Boooo, you guys are no fun!"
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 16, 2016 11:33 pm

In the five years that passed since the pair had now become a quartet, Hunter did his best to make time for his family, no matter how exhausted he was from work. But the moment he saw his family's smiling faces, it was like he had a second wind. Every day, without fail, his children would rush to greet Hunter the moment he stepped through the door. It never got old hearing them shout, "Daddy!" In unison and jump into his arms. They were truly his children and each drew an aspect of their personalities from both Hunter and Rei. Damien, the 'older brother', looked almost exactly like his father. Unfortunately, he inherited a bit of that infamous Kieff fire. Once that kid got worked up, it would take an act of god to calm him down. Then again, Luna knew just how to keep him in check. There were times where he'd flaunt that rebellious nature and ignore both Hunter and Rei. But never Luna. Didn't have the heart to deny her. That, or she was able to put the fear of god into him. Despite being the 'second child' she had a solid backbone and wouldn't waver for anything. She'd grow up to be a strong woman, that's for sure.

The now twenty eight year old man was out in the evening sun with his family, standing with his arm wrapped around Rei's waist as the both of them watched their children play. Despite the mixed blood that coursed through their veins, they were still a bit sensitive to the sun at its brightest. Hunter had grown much more mature looking since the children were born. His shoulders seemed more broad, his face more sculpted and masculine. Considering his work, he still had a new injury to repair and just before this outing he was being chastised by Rei for getting himself hurt again. Underneath his shirt he was bandaged around his abdomen from his most recent contract. An ex-human vamp that went ballistic and couldn't be found. It got the jump on him and left a deep cut on his stomach. The moment he got hit, he knew that he'd have to deal with another ass chewing while Rei patched him up.

"Listen to your mother, Damien. She just wants you to stay safe!"

Damien then looked to his father and sighed before attempting to make his descent. He made it a quarter of the way down before he lost his grip and slipped off of the trunk. The boy's father felt heart leap into his throat before he broke from Rei's side and dove to break his son's fall, his back towards the ground and arms outstretched to catch his child. There was a loud thud as Hunter slammed against the ground, Damien landing on his stomach, knocking the wind out of the vampire hunter and aggravating the wound.

Despite the searing pain in his stomach, Hunter hugged Damien tightly, "Got you, kid."
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 16, 2016 11:54 pm

"Damien!" "Brother!"

Both Rei and Luna ran over to the two soon after Hunter caught the young boy, his sister being the first to fall to her knees and lean forward planting both her hands on the ground for support. "Are you okay, papa?" she asked, looking from Damien to Hunter with a worried look in her eye. Rei let out a sigh, kneeling down to their level as well resting her elbows on her knees and her chin in the palm of her hand. "What did I say, Damien?" she spoke. "Now your father's even more sore."

Damien's head lowered, "Sorry..." Rei couldn't resist the look in her eye and shook her head a few times before helping him off his father.

"It's fine, just don't do again, alright?" The young woman moved to help her lover next, holding out her hand to help him stand. She had noticed the look of pain in his eyes when Damien fell on his stomach and was sure the wound there was throbbing now. It seemed she would need to take another look to make sure it hadn't opened again. She had lost count on how many times she pleaded Hunter to stop his work, there were even higher stakes now that they had two children, but they always fell on deaf ears. The male was as stubborn as ever and as much as she wanted him to quit, he could never bring himself to. She supposed his strong headedness was another reason why she fell in love with him. That resolve was undeniable. "We'll be right back. Luna, keep an eye on your brother now." Rei said, winking at the young girl as she helped Hunter back into the house. The light pinkette nodded before twirling around to face her twin brother.

"You heard mama, you listen to me now!" she spoke, placing both her hands on her hips and leaning towards him. Damien sighed.

Meanwhile, Rei lead Hunter back inside and into the kitchen, sitting him down on a chair as she moved to get the first aid kit out just in case. After setting it on the table, she knelt down and raised his shirt, checking the injury. There was a little spot of blood here and there, but nothing too alarming. She would change the dressing again in the morning. Letting out a sigh of relief, the pinkette straightened up again before pulling out a chair for herself and plopping down on it, putting a hand to her forehead. "You're lucky. This time." she spoke, letting her icy blue hues fall on him. She reached out towards him and took his hand in her own, admiring the wedding ring on his finger. They had decided to make it official when the twins turned two. It was funny though. They had done things backwards. Had kids and then got married. Ah well, they weren't like other couples anyways. Considering they were a human and vampire made them odd enough. "I said it earlier, but I'll say it again. You've got to be more careful, Hunter..." Rei said, with worry filled eyes. "For us." she finished, turning her head to look out the window where Damien and Luna were running about again.

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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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We Meet Again  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 17, 2016 12:20 am

Hunter laughed weakly while Rei chastised Damien for his recklessness. He appreciated the boy's thirst for adventure, but not when he put himself in needless danger. So that's why Rei had a heart attack every time he came home injured. It all made sense now, "Don't worry, Lulu. Papa will be just fine, he just needs to get up and walk it off." He patted his little girl on the head while Rei lifted Damien off of his stomach and rested the child on a patch of grass next to her. From there, she helped Hunter too his feet and began shepherding him to their home. He tried his best to not show just how much pain he was in in front of his children, but he couldn't hide the hunch in his back as his wife supported most of his weight, "Make sure he doesn't get into that tree again! If he tries, you have my permission to clean that clock of his!"

In response to the permission he granted, Luna gripped her 'bicep' Rosie the Riveter style and nodded before she placer her hands on her hips and began ordering her brother around. Didn't that look familiar?

Once the couple made it into their kitchen, Hunter groaned in agony and slumped into the chair Rei placed him in and raised his shirt. There was a bit of blood, but nothing too bad. It wasn't re-opened thankfully. That ordeal was not very fun for either of them between her frustrations and his whining like a little kid with a boo boo, "Luck's got nothing to do with it, you know that!" He attempted a joke but it fell flat. She was being serious. Once Rei got like this, Hunter knew he'd have to act like an adult, "But I know, baby. I'll be more careful."

Hunter always said that, 'I'll be more careful'. But what if, rather than getting hurt, he was simply killed? He had a family now, people that depended on him coming come safe and sound. The responsibility was difficult, "I'm only taking the high paying contracts so I'll have more time to spend with all of you. And with the price tag comes danger. But I don't know how to be, or do anything else. I was raised to hunt." He reached out and placed his hand on Rei's cheek before leaning forward to place a kiss on her forehead, "But I'll never take a contract that doesn't sit right with me. My gut's kept me alive this long, I'm sure it'll keep doing the job."

Meanwhile, Damien and Luna were running around outside again, playing a game of what looked to be aggressive tag. Instead of just touching the evader, they tackled eachother. It looked silly at first, but from Hunter's perspective they were learning how to survive. It was only a matter of time before Death's Pale Shadow had to teach his children how to fight, "When do you think they'll be ready to start sparring with me?" He said, "Being what they are, both Damien and Luna need to learn how to protect themselves. I need to teach them how to use their assets to their advantage, and how to control their strength around others their age. They may be little kids now, but it's only a matter of time before someone or something wants to take a piece out of them."

He hated bringing the subject up so soon, but he was right. The Kieff kids needed to learn how to defend each other.
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 17, 2016 12:39 am

"Good. Just keep it that way, okay?" Rei spoke, turning her head around to face Hunter again soon after he kissed her. Upon the mention of learning to defend themselves, the pinkette frowned looking back outside as soon as Damien jumped onto Luna and pinned her to the ground. The young girl was smarter though, and managed to swipe his arm and rolled him over ending up on top of him now. To this, Rei couldn't help but smile for just a moment. "I know..." she sighed, closing her eye thoughtfully before turning back around. "I sense Damien's abilities becoming a little stronger each day, but Luna's have just barely surfaced within the last month." The young woman was silent again, only opening her eye to stare at the floor below. "I would give it another few months, especially for Lulu." she finally said, letting her gaze fall on him. "But Damien..." Rei looked looked outside again as her son was ran away from his sister again. "He may be ready in a month."

"Hehe, you can't tell me what to do, Lulu!" Damien was teasing his sister again as he ran from her, heading for the lakeside near their home.

"Yes I can! Mama and Papa put me in charge!" Luna shouted back, waving her fist in the air as she ran after her brother.

"Heh! Mama is strong, but that old fart can't tell me what to do!" Damien exclaimed. He knew full well that Hunter wasn't like his sister and mother. After all, they'd made it known from day one that Hunter was human as to not keep secrets. Though there was still much that the twins didn't quite understand. Not yet.

"I'm going to tell Papa you said that!" Luna was closing in on her brother now, when she tripped over a rock and began to fall towards the ground. Seeing this, Damien screeched to halt and it was as if his vampiric instincts took over. He swung an arm upward and soon after an ice formation shot out of the ground and wrapped around Luna's arm, stopping her from falling. Her eyes were wide as she was just inches from the ground and she slowly looked up at her brother. "Woah..." Damien was left dumbfounded as well and he could do nothing but stare at his hand.

"I... did that...?"
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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Age : 31

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 17, 2016 3:06 am

"I promise you, I don't plan on letting anything kill me. I didn't back then, and I much stronger than I used to be." Hunter's briefly flashed back to his first ever confrontation in his freshman year at Cross. Back then, he was unrefined. Just one-hundred percent wild instinct. He got by on it for quite some time, but after his first brush with death, he realized that finesse was something just as important as raw talent. In the years since his graduation, Hunter went from a raw stone to a polished diamond. A common thug to a consummate professional.

The man watched his children at play through the window and grinned when Lulu took advantage of her positioning and swept Damien by the arm, used his weight against him and ended up the victorious sibling. For a while, Hunter thought that Damien was the one that would gain the most out of physical training, but Lulu had the smarts that would always put her a step ahead of her brother whenever they got into it, "It looks like Lulu is more like me than I thought." He said, "But I agree with you. For now we just need to focus on letting them be children, rather than being vampires."

Hunter's ears perked up a moment when he hears Damien's rather rude exclamation. Old fart? OLD FART? He could feel the blood beginning to boil in his veins from that comment. If this were a cartoon Rei would be able to see the steam coming from his ears, "Oh, so he thinks I'm a weakling just because I'm human?" He said, standing as he rolled up his sleeves, "I guess I'll have to show that little jerk how I make my money." He was joking, of course. For now, anyway. Damien would learn sooner or later why his father was respected. Just hearing the last name, 'Kieff' was enough to give most pause. And for the ones who weren't deterred, they always received a personal demonstration, letting everyone know who was at the top of the food chain.

Just as Hunter prepared to dash out of the door and chase Damien around, he watched in awe as the boy stopped his sister's fall with an instinctive flick of his wrist, catching her with a pillar of ice, "Holy shit..." Once the initial shock wore off he laughed and rested his hand on Rei's shoulder, "And it looks like Damien takes after you the most. Guess we had it mixed up, huh? Damien acts like me, but has your abilities; while Luna acts like you and has mine. So I guess you'll be the one showing him how to keep that under control."

Looks like Damien would be a mama's boy, and Luna would be a daddy's girl,

"Mama! Papa!" Luna shouted, trying in vain to free her arm from the ice, "I'm stuck!"

Hunter sighed and jogged to the door, but not before adjusting the cuffs on his wrists. Only things he had that could free Luna's arm before she got cold burns were the teeth. They'd have to see them eventually, "Hold on, Lulu! Papa's on his way!"

Damien stood there in awe, staring like a deer in the headlights as he tried to figure out what was going on until he felt his father's hand on his shoulder, "Well done, kid."

The boy hid the fact that he was elated by his father's praise and shook Hunter's hand away, "Shut up, you old fart."

There it was again... Old fart. Hunter grimaced and clenched his fists before pointing a finger at Damien's nose, "I'll have to let your mother talk to you about that later. But for now." He paused, extending his right arm to unseal one of the Death's Teeth and free Luna's arm, "Papa has to save your sister."
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 18, 2016 12:18 am

Rei was surprised that Damien had used his powers so soon and especially with the spike in energy that she felt as soon as it occurred. She listened to Hunter's words, feeling his touch on her shoulder before she let out yet another sigh. "I suppose so." she spoke, watching as her husband jog out to help free Luna from the ice. She followed him out, arriving just in time to hear Damien refer to his father as an old fart again. To this she couldn't help but smile. "Now, now Damien. Don't speak to your father like that." she spoke, crossing her arms as she stopped beside her son. He jumped a little in surprise, before turning his head away and puffing his cheeks out in anger.

"It's true though..." he muttered.


"Hurry up, papa!" Luna cried, starting to feel a slight burning sensation. Soon enough her arm was free, signaled by the ice shattering from Hunter's claw. With her arm finally free from it's grasp, she fell to the ground with a soft thud. "Oof!" The young girl quickly sat up then and rested on her knees dusting herself off. "Thanks, papa..." she spoke, looking up at him. Rei walked over then and helped her stand, rubbing the rest of the dirt away from her face.

"Are you alright, Lulu?" the pinkette asked, a soft smile on her face.

"Yeah! Thanks to big brother. How did he do that anyway?" Luna replied, standing on her tippy toes to try and peer over her mother's shoulder. Rei turned her head and looked at Damien, the smile still on her face.

"Looks like he's beginning to be able to use his powers." she answered, turning her head back to face her daughter. "And soon, you will too." she added, placing a hand on her head. Luna's eyes seemed to light up then.

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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 18, 2016 1:05 am

Hunter felt himself flinch again when Damien continued to twist the verbal knife into his back. Old fart? Really? Him, of all people? He was still extremely spry and healthy at twenty-eight. That wasn't old, hell Rei was the same age, if not older than Hunter was! Then again, she didn't show it. As time went by, Hunter would just look older and older. But with age, came experience. Something that Damien wouldn't be able to appreciate until he ended up flat on his back a few times. Then he'd come to appreciate his old man's wisdom.

He watched patiently as Rei moved to help Luna to her feet and wipe the stray dirt away and shouted excitedly when her mother offered those comforting words. Neither of them were anywhere close to the levels of their parents, but they were growing much faster than anticipated. It was only a matter of time until they were finally old enough to really begin their training. Rei would handle their powers, while Hunter would hone their physical skills. The vampire hunter already had an idea about which of them would excel in each based on the events prior. Luna already had the beginnings of a solid fighter. She just needed to be polished a bit, "Alright, it's time to head inside. It's Papa's turn to cook tonight!"



Damien roared, charging at his father with reckless abandon. He shoved his way past his sister and continued attempting to land blow after feral blow somewhere on his father's body. After all, Hunter made a bet with him,

"The day you land a single hit on me is the day I deserve to be called an old fart. Not a moment before, you got that?"

Despite how fast, or how sneaky Damien considered himself, the twelve year old vampire still couldn't manage to land a hit no matter how hard he tried. It was as if Hunter could read his movements or anticipate them before they even happened. Every punch was blocked, every kick was dodged and every attempt to wrestle his father to the ground ended up with Damien laying flat on his back, gasping for air. Why was Hunter so hard for him to hit? Damien was a vampire and his father was just a damned human, "I'm supposed to be stronger than you!"

He threw a wide left hook which was blocked yet again by Hunter, "I'm supposed to be faster than you!"

He attempted a sweeping kick which Hunter deftly leaped over, "GOT YOU!"

Damien attempted to take advantage of his father's leaving the ground by delivering a thrust kick aimed at the man's torso, but Hunter saw it coming. The vampire hunter grabbed hold of his son's foot and stepped inward before kicking his shin into the back of Damien's leg, sending him to the ground. In response, Damien lashed out with his freed hands but quickly found himself on his stomach, both of his arms wrenched painfully behind his back.

Once Hunter was sure he had a firm hold on his son, he stood the young vampire up and dragged him over to where Rei and Luna were watching, a smug grin on his face, "Looks like the only name you get to call me today is 'Papa' Damien."

"Shut up you old fa-AAAAARGH"

Hunter tweaked his arms mid sentence, taking advantage of the stress position, "Excuse you?"

Damien grit his teeth and tried to wriggle out a moment before realizing that, once again, he was soundly beaten, "You win, Papa..."
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 18, 2016 1:29 am

Rei let out a sigh while Luna watched almost expressionless as Hunter and Damien sparred. The 12 year old girl was supposed to be sparring alongside her brother, but instead he decided to take charge, again. When he was pinned down by their father, she kept her gaze on Damien as he was pulled along to where she and Rei stood, her mother putting a hand to her forehead. "Damien, you need to start using your head more." she spoke placing a hand on her hip. "Isn't that right, Lulu?"

Luna nodded. "You have a brain you know..."

"Papa cheated that's why he won!" Damien exclaimed, closing his eyes out of frustration. He stomped his foot then. "I totally would've won if I could use my powers!"

Rei let out another sigh. "Again, you won't always be able to use them and sometimes they may not even work." the pinkette said, as Luna began to play with the dirt on the ground with her foot. "You need to be able to use them and have the physical capabilities as well. How do you think your father got so strong?" she continued, letting her icy blue hue fall on Hunter with a loving smile. "Oh, you can let go of him now."

As soon as he heard these words, Damien felt his father's grip loosen and he managed to wriggle free whirling around as he stepped back to stand beside his sister. "I'll get you next time, papa!" he exclaimed, pointing a finger at him.

Rei couldn't help but roll her eyes before she spoke again. "Alright, your turn now Lulu." she said, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Kick his ass." she whispered into her ear, winking at her.

Luna gave one last nod, leaving her mother and brother his arms crossed and cheeks puffed out in annoyance as he waited for their friendly match to begin. The lighter pinkette stepped forward waiting for Hunter to put a little distance between them. "Get ready, papa." she said, a smirk forming on her lips. Once he stopped, she sprinted towards him to make the first attack. Screeching to a halt just inches from him, she quickly fell backwards and using one arm for support she kicked upwards aiming for her father's chin. Knowing he would probably stop it easily, she threw her torso upwards as he grabbed a hold of her foot and she aimed to punch him square in the jaw. If that didn't work she would proceed to place her other hand on his shoulder and continue to use her momentum to rip her foot away from his hand and do a handstand over his head, before landing on the ground behind him. Luna would then swing her arm backwards and attempt to hit him the back of his neck in order to knock him unconscious. Hunter may be her father, but she still wanted to win their little sparring match. She didn't wanna end up flat on the ground like her brother. No way.
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 18, 2016 1:56 am

Hunter laughed when he saw his daughter's lack of an expression in response to her brother's thorough defeat. It always ended like this whenever he tried to fight his father alone. But as long as Damien acted on emotion, he'd never come anywhere near Hunter in a fight. Luna, on the other hand, was a force to be reckoned with despite her size. She hadn't managed to actually win against Hunter yet, but she was skilled enough to make it so he actually had to try. She was a crafty one and Hunter had an extremely hard time trying to gauge what she would do next in their sparring matches, "Don't be a sore loser, Damien. Just swallow your pride and spar with Luna when she asks you. You'll come out better for it!"

At his wife's request, Hunter released Damien and took a step back before he looked to his daughter while Rei whispered something in her ear, "Hey, don't give her any ti-"

Hunter was cut off when Luna leaped into action, sprinting in his direction. Unlike her hot headed brother, Luna always had a plan. And if that plan failed, she'd have another. It was like she planned five steps ahead. And then there was another five steps for each of her other choices. That brain of hers made the girl unpredictable. That was dangerous, but it made Hunter extremely proud.

Hunter braced himself for an attack but was surprised when the young vampiress skidded to a halt before feinting a punch that Hunter fell for and made an attempt to block before she fell backward and sprung up, aiming her foot directly at his jaw. Reacting on instinct, the man swung back and grabbed hold of her foot. The moment she realized that he had a hold of her, she curled upward and threw a hook, which Hunter avoided by leaning back. But that movement only created more momentum which Luna used to her advantage. Due to how light she was compared to her father, Luna planted her hand on his shoulder and vaulted right over his head before attempting to take advantage of his exposed neck.

Left with no other option, the vampire hunter continued to follow through with falling on his back and landed in a bridge before he kicked upward into a backhand spring, "Almost, Lulu! I'm beginning to think you've been getting pointers from your wise Mama over there about how I fight." He paused a moment to take his all too familiar brawling stance, something that Damien wasn't even close to being ready for, and went on the offensive.

Despite the fact that she was still a child, Luna was more than ready to begin the second part of her training. Her offense was commendable. But how would she fare when her father was going to counter attack? Obviously he'd pull his punches, but the thought of being backed into a corner could still be intimidating, "Remember, always look for an opening! Every time I throw an attack, find the easiest way past it and hit me right where it's supposed to hurt!"
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 18, 2016 2:06 am

Rei let out an impressed whistle at Luna's progress, watching as the sparring match continued. Hearing this, Damien tore his gaze away from the tree he was staring out for a moment to see how his sister was fairing. Much to his surprise she doing well, especially noticing that their father was now on the offensive. What? He'd never done that for him before! The blonde swallowed the lump his throat then. It seemed his sister was a force to be reckoned with. He felt a slight smile tugging at his lips though because deep, deep down he was proud of her. Luna was a major badass in his books.

All the while, Luna jumped backwards when her father sprung away from her suddenly getting into a real fighting stance. It seemed he was going to make his move now. He was sprinting towards her at this point and she was forced to raise her arms up in defense as his fists closed in on her. She swung side to side to avoid the blows, all the while keeping an eye open for an opening just as he advised her to. It was then that she spotted one. Seeing her chance, Luna locked her gaze with her target ducking under Hunter's last punch and raising her own fist to try connecting with his jaw one more time.
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 18, 2016 5:10 am

Hunter couldn't help but grin while Luna simply avoided his strikes. Judging from the furrow of her brow, it seemed that she was following her father's advice waiting for an opening. Despite his better judgment, Hunter gave it to her with an extremely sloppy hook. The man noticed a shift in stance when she took the opening and closed the distance between them in a flash, her fist primed to catch him on the chin. What was it with her and trying to always catch him in the face? Every strike she threw, while swift, was always trained on his head.

Hunter simply leaned back before he snatched his arm outward to grab Luna by the wrist and, if successful, he'd spin her around like a dance partner before softly planting his foot on her lower back and push the girl away from him, "You're doing great, Lulu. But my face isn't the only thing you can hit. Remember, I'm much bigger than you, so whenever you go for my head, it's telegraphed. Take advantage of my size and strike me where it's easy. The backs of my legs, my stomach, liver, kidneys. A shot to the body can be just as damaging as a strike to the face. Hit me in the solar plexus, make me double over. Then, when my head is closer to you, take your shot!"
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 18, 2016 6:34 pm

Just as she expected Hunter easily deflected Luna's blow, grabbing her by the wrist, twirling her around and pushing her away. She stumbled a bit before regaining her balance and she whirled around to face her father as he spoke. She hated to admit it but he was right. She supposed she was just getting a little to adamant about knocking him unconscious. That or she just couldn't bring herself to hit her father like that, though Damien on the other hand no problem with that whatsoever. They may be twins, but they were still two completely different people. That aside, Luna took a deep breath and as she exhale she straightened up, gathering her thoughts. They were in the heat of battle, but she still needed to use her head something that her brother had failed to do. It was then that she nodded to herself before lunging at her opponent once more.

Luna ducked below Hunter again just as he attempted to counterattack and she raised her leg to kick him in the side where his kidney's were. "Here, right?" she spoke as her leg swung through the air. Judging by how the fight had gone so far, she had a feeling her father would block it again so she continued to use her momentum to raise her other leg into the air and aimed to knee him the stomach. The young girl was determined to end this little spar once and for all.
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 18, 2016 6:55 pm

Hunter couldn't hide his proud smile as Luna followed every last bit of his advice. She used her small stature and speed to her advantage. Instead of trying to charge head on like her rather simple minded brother, she had a full awareness of her body's strengths and limitations. She knew that Hunter would have a hard time dealing with her crafty tricks and left him distracted by going for the obvious move, something she had never done before. The vampire hunter was far too used to stopping the obvious love that he assumed that she was only going to make one attack. That's where he was mistaken.

The moment Hunter looked to the girl's leg to block, she quickly snapped it back to the ground and leaped forward, driving her knee directly into Hunter's exposed gut. Despite the wind being knocked out of his lungs, his mind was solely focused on how solid a fighter that his daughter had become. Since Hunter was in no way anticipating that shot, he couldn't tighten his abdomen to absorb the shock and felt everything full force before falling flat on his back. She finally managed to do it after so many years of training. Luna actually hit her old man.

"Good shot, Lulu..." Hunter wheezed before rolling on his stomach before pushing himself back to his feet, "You've been doing extremely well when it comes to this. And I have to say, I'm extremely proud of you." He placed a hand on his daughter's head and smiled affectionately, "So now you get to move on in your training. First thing tomorrow, you move on to weapons."
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 18, 2016 7:11 pm

Luna finally hit her desired target and she would be lying if she said she wasn't ecstatic, though she did feel a little bad for hitting her father like that. She sighed a little out relief when she saw him stand walk towards her, placing a hand on her head and smiling at her. That was papa for you. "Really?" she spoke, looking up at him with wide eyes. When he nodded her eyes lit up and she leapt into his arms and embraced him in a hug. "Thanks, papa!"

Rei and Damien were watching the entire thing, and the pinkette was clapping at her daughter's accomplishment. She really was an intelligent young girl and she was excited to see just how strong she would become. Damien too of course, though he was little rough around the edges. But that was to be expected. Hunter himself started out the same way, so it was only natural that their son have a few rough patches. The thing was, she wasn't sure how he was going to react. Curious, she let her icy blue hue fall on her son, waiting for his reaction. He seemed to be standing there frozen, eyes wide after seeing the outcome of the sparring match and their father's words. Weapons? Luna was moving on the weapons now? The blonde couldn't help but become angry and he clenched his fists tightly. "No fair!" he exclaimed, stomping over to the pair. Luna turned her head to look at her brother then, as Hunter placed her back down on the ground.

"Damien, what's wrong?" she asked.

"What's wrong?! I'll tell you what's wrong. How come Lulu get's to try weapons and not me? I'm just as strong as her!" Damien replied, stomping his foot out of frustration. "She can hardly use her powers!" he added. Luna was disheartened by his words and lowered her head, a saddened look in her eyes as she place her hand over her opposite arm. She thought of all people, Damien would know how hard she was working to master her telekinesis abilities. While her brother inherited their mother's ice manipulation abilities, she had the ability to bend things with her mind. With this difference however made it more difficult to master them. It was easier for Rei to teach her son since their powers were the same, but it wasn't so easy when it came to Luna. She tried her best to help her daughter and Luna truly appreciated it, she did. But nonetheless it was still frustrating. That was why Damien's words hurt her.

"Damien, enough!" Rei piped in, walking towards the group and causing him to jump. "Apologize to your sister, now." Damien looked over to his sister and his heart dropped when he saw her expression. He was just now realizing what he'd just said and now he had upset her. Man did he feel like a jerk.

"Lulu... I'm sorry..." he spoke, taking a step towards her. He just hoped she would forgive him.
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Hunter Kieff
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 18, 2016 7:33 pm

Hunter planted a kiss on the top of Luna's head when she embraced him tightly. She wasn't a little toddler anymore, meaning that her vampiric strength would kick in whenever she got emotional. Luckily, he was prepared and clenched himself up so he wouldn't bust a rib before he set her back down on the ground. She worked damned hard to get to this point, focusing every ounce of her will into her strengths without ignoring the weaknesses. She was willing to be taught, willing to listen, and willing to take honest criticism without thinking of it as a personal attack. In time, she'd be able to defend herself without Hunter having to worry about a thing.

The father-daughter moment was shattered when Damien shouted and stomped his way over to the bother of them before going into a jealous tirade about how he thought it wasn't fair and how he should be training in weapons instead of her. Every barbed word at his sister's expense caused the young girl to slink further into the shell Hunter had worked so hard to break her out of. Feeling the rage inside begging to boil over, Hunter opened his mouth to still Damien's tongue when Rei stepped forward and called him out, causing the boy to look towards his sister and take a step forward. Her response? She took a step away.

Sensing the fact that Luna was hurt, Hunter stepped between the two and crossed his arms over his chest,

"You want to know why Luna gets to move on while you stay here? Fine. I'll tell you, you ungrateful little brat!" Hunter said, looking down to his son, "You expect everything to come to you easily. And instead of working through the pain. you give up and make excuses. You call me a cheater, you stomp and pout about how I'm not being fair, and you never take any form of responsibility for your own failures. Unlike your sister, who never once made up a reason for why she couldn't do anything. She'd get frustrated, but instead of giving up like you, she used that failure as fuel to improve herself. How many times did you see her practicing on her own, after the official lessons had ended? How many times did you see her hone her physical skills in order to land that one solid hit on me? And then, after all of that hard work, after all of that struggle, Luna was finally able to reap the fruits of her labor."

Hunter paused a moment to shake his head, highlighting his disappointment, "In instead of congratulating her on her triumphs, the first thing you do is march over here and begin cutting her down to make yourself look taller. You conveniently ignore the fact that she's growing stronger every day despite the deck being stacked against her and undermine every second of hard work she's put in to get to this point. You're supposed to be her brother and support her. But instead you're arrogant and selfish. That's why you don't get to train in weapons. That's why she's a better fighter than you." Hunter placed a hand on Luna's shoulder and lead her away from her brother as she tried her best to keep the tears back and be strong,

"I'm extremely disappointed in you, Damien."
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 18, 2016 7:56 pm

Hunter's words were like several punches to the gut and he could do nothing but stand there with wide eyes as his father listed off how much of a jerk he had been acting like. But in all reality... he was right. He acting like a brat and what he just said to Luna just now was the cherry on top. Being a punk to his father was one thing, but his sister... That made him the lowest of the low. He lowered his head then, his bangs casting a shadow over his eyes as Hunter lead Luna way. She turned her head to look at him though, a saddened expression on her face with tears welling up in her eyes just waiting to be spilled. She hadn't expected their father to be so hard on her brother. She just hoped he wouldn't take it too hard. Though he had said those cruel words, she was still his sister so she couldn't help but worry. She was upset with Damien yes, but Luna didn't want for him to be upset too. What good would that do anybody? Then again, it seemed like he needed to hear those words. She just wished papa hadn't been so harsh about it.

Rei watched as Hunter lead Luna away, before looking down at her crushed son. She knew that he needed to hear that in order to grow, but she knew he wouldn't take so well to his father's cruel words. He'd never been spoken to like that before, so it was only natural that he be hurt. After all, the truth hurt. "Damien?" she asked, kneeling down to his level. She was about to place hand on his shoulder when he swatted away and whirled around to face her, tears streaming down his face.

"Papa's right!" he exclaimed, clenching his fists out of frustration. "What good am I? All I do is complain and now... now Lulu is upset with me." The boy was sobbing now. "I didn't mean it..." He fell to his knees and tears rolled down his face and onto the ground below. "What should I do...?"

The young woman hated to see her son like this, kneeling down further and rubbing his back with her hand. She sighed. "You... just leave your father to me for now." she began, as Damien slowly looked back up at her. "You just focus on Lulu. She really was hurt by those words you know. Only you can fix things between you two. Then once your father's cooled off, talk to him. Show him that you've changed." Rei moved to placed her hand on his cheek now. "Only then will you become stronger. I believe in you, Damien. It may not seem like it now, but we all do. Even your father." Damien was silent for a few moments before nodding and leaping into his mother arms, sobbing into her chest. She wrapped her hands around him and pulled him closer. It was all up to him now.
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 18, 2016 9:02 pm

While Hunter could tell that his words for Damien cut the boy deep, he continued to walk away with Luna who had turned her head to see Damien sobbing into his mother's chest. The sight of her normally strong big brother crying was all that was needed to push her tears over the edge, and she gripped her father's arm tightly as her tears streamed down. Unwilling to let his daughter cry, Hunter took a knee so he was face to face with the girl and placed his hands on her shoulders before he pulled her close to him, "Shhhh, don't cry Lulu. Damien is a strong kid. I know what I said must have sounded mean spirited and cruel, but I only said it because I want him to succeed. If I didn't love him, I wouldn't be trying so hard to help him grow into a strong man capable of taking care of both you and your mother after I'm gone."

Luna understood that her father was trying his best to be comforting, but the thought of inevitably losing the father she loved so much was heartbreaking. She knew that he wasn't going to live for centuries like everyone else in the family. And part of her wished that Mama had the ability to turn him so they could be together forever. But he was a human, and they were a family of vampires. Compared to them, his life was like that of a mayfly that lived for only a day, "I know, Papa... " She sobbed, causing Hunter to hold her tighter, "You're doing things the only way you know how. And I'm sure Damien will learn to appreciate your sacrifices."

Now that was unexpected, "What do you mean, Lulu?"

The young vampiress wiped her tears and took a step back before he put on that same brave face she always did, "I see you when you come home sometimes. You're usually limping and you look like you're in so much pain. But despite that, you take some pills, wash yourself off and do your best to train us despite everything that you've been going through. My senses are stronger now, Papa. And after you come back from work, you always smell like blood."

Hunter was taken aback by her words and opened his mouth to explain, but Luna shook her head and continued, "You work so hard for all of us to make sure that we'll have no worries after you're gone. But I don't care about the future right now. All I care about is the time I still have with you, Papa. So please... Stop getting hurt. Every time you have a new cut, I can smell it... And it makes me want to cry..."

With that, the girl began to sob again before Hunter pulled her close to him again, allowing her face to rest in his chest, "Alright, Lulu... I promise you, from this day forth. I'll make every second I have left with all of you count... Now let's go. I have a present for you."
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 18, 2016 9:22 pm

After a few minutes longer, Damien slowly pulled away and wiped the last of his tears away. Seeing this, Rei placed her hands on his shoulders and tilted her head to the side slightly. "Are you okay?" she asked, gently squeezing. He nodded, looking up at his mother with a small smile.


"Good, because I see Lulu and your father coming back now." she spoke, nodding towards the pair. Damien seemed to stiffen then, before quickly standing up and dusting himself off. Rei let out a small chuckle as she stood as well, placing a hand on her hip. "Welcome back." she spoke, while Damien avoided Hunter's gaze. Luna noticed this and lowered her head as well, unsure on whether or not it was the right time to talk to her brother just yet. Instead, she addressed her mother.

"Papa wants to show me something. We'll be right back." she spoke, smiling a little at both Rei and Damien. To this, the pinkette nodded and watched as she and Hunter walked inside, nodding once as they passed. Now that she and her son were alone again, she turned to face him and placed a hand on his head ruffling his hair.

"Come on, let's head inside too." Rei said, gesturing for him to follow. To this he nodded. "Right."
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 18, 2016 10:03 pm

Hunter suppressed the laugh that wanted to escape when he saw Damien straighten himself out. Looked like the only person he wanted to be open with was his mother. Understandable, "Yeah, Lulu just needed to cool off a bit and we had a good talk. Since Damien isn't ready to look me in the eye yet, I guess he still has some thinking to do. But when he's ready, I'll be willing to listen." He smiled down toward his son and placed a hand on Luna's shoulder before they left toward the training shed, "We'll be back before bedtime, so don't worry about us!"

Once the father daughter duo reached the shed, Hunter pressed his hand against the door and pushed his way into it, exposing a cache of different kinds of weapons, both real and replica. The sight of so much steel and wood made Luna's head spin until her eyes rested on something familiar. A pair of steel claws similar to Death's Teeth, her father's signature weapon, "You're not ready to use them yet... But they'll be here when you are. This is my gift to you, Lulu. They're called Last Caress..."

Hunter retrieved the claws from their stand and placed them on Luna's wrists, allowing her to feel the weight, "After you finish your weapons training, these will be left in your care. Can you handle the responsibility?"

Luna nodded quickly and gave the claws a test swing. Despite this being the first time she held them, Last Caress felt surprisingly comfortable to wield. She had no skill with the weapons right now, but she knew that her Papa would do his best to ensure she would wield them with deadly efficiency. Once done testing the blade, she removed them from her wrists and placed the claws back on their stand, only to have an identical set pushed into her arms, except these ones were made of wood,

"Lulu, first thing tomorrow, I want you to be in the training area with the training claws on your wrists. The moment I show up, your first lesson will begin. No go find your mother and brother. I'm sure they'd like to say goodnight to you!"

With that, Luna planted a kiss on her father's cheek before she ran off, the wooden claws clutched tightly as she sprinted. She couldn't wait to show the others.

Once Hunter was alone, he looked to the sword in a stand above Last Caress and sighed, "Don't worry, Black Widow... I'm sure Damien will be here or you soon."
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 18, 2016 10:58 pm

Rei yawned as she stepped out of the bathroom and raised her arms into the air for a long stretch. She was quite exhausted to be honest, even though she hadn't trained Luna and Damien in using their powers tonight. Instead it ended up being emotionally draining, so she decided it best they just pick up tomorrow. Her son and daughter had some making up to do. Pushing those thoughts aside for the time being, she walked over to the bed where Hunter laid stopping for a moment to adjust her bra strap. She was wearing her favorite pair of lingerie tonight, a black lacy bra with matching underwear. Not only were they cute but comfortable, making sleeping so much easier. After all, Rei was going to need all the help she could get after tonight's events.

After adjusting, the pinkette laid down beside her husband and turned on her side placing a hand over his bare chest. He was just as muscular as ever. Though it was slightly impeded by a bandage wrapped around the left side of his chest and shoulder. The male had gotten yet another injury after today's job and again Rei was left to tend to it and scold him. But that was besides the point. "So? How did it go with Luna?" she asked, closing her eye as if she were about to go to sleep. Besides, the sun was about to rise so it was almost time for bed for herself and the twins. The young woman also knew about the weapons Hunter was keeping for the day they were ready to wield them. As such, she wondered how her daughter had reacted upon seeing them. Was she excited? Perhaps, especially since she hadn't quite master her vampire abilities yet. That was why she trained so hard in the physical department. If she couldn't use her powers, then she would still be able to use her two fists and weaponry.


Luna sat on the edge of her bed kicking her legs back and forth, while her brother lay in his own with his hands behind his head and staring up at the ceiling. An awkward silence had fallen between them after they had finished changing into their pj's for the day. His sister had been excited to show what Hunter had given to her to both he and their mother, and even after being scolded by his father for being jealous he was still happy for his sister. His father's words though harsh, had sparked a change in him and it was high time he started acting like the brother he was supposed to be. So being excited for Luna with her new weapons was a good start. That reminded him, he still needed to properly apologize. Damien sat up then, swinging his legs over the bed and keeping his head lowered as he spoke.

"Uh, Lulu..." he began, feeling a lump form inside his throat.

Luna looked up in surprise, before slightly tilting her head to the side out of curiosity. "... Yes?" she asked.

"I... I'm really sorry about earlier..." Damien said, finally getting up the courage to look at his sister again. "I was a jealous jerk and after what Papa said, I mean... he was right." he continued, standing up and walking over to Luna's bed to sit down beside her. "I promise things will be different now... Do you forgive me...?" he finished, placing a hand over her own.
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 18, 2016 11:35 pm

With the evening's events finally at a close, Hunter let out a long sigh as he was sprawled out on their bed, his eyes fixed on the ceiling while Rei took her shower. The moment he saw his wife walk by, he couldn't help but stare. After all, she still looked absolutely ravishing. It took every ounce of his being to keep from making his move then and there. But there was no doubt in his mind that she would want to give him a thorough tongue lashing for what he'd said earlier. She knew just how to put the fear of God into him. Hell, when she was pregnant with the twins, she managed to encase him in a block of ice from the neck down. Just the thought sent a chill down his spine.

Upon hearing the sound of Rei stepping from the bathroom, Hunter watched as she emerged, hands above her head. The man couldn't help but admire her porcelain skin and slender frame. The black lace she wore was slightly sheer, allowing only a teasing outline of what lay behind the fabric. Even if she was just wearing it to be comfortable, it was enough to make him lick his lips without thinking. Hunter made room for the love of his life when she cuddled up next to him and rested a hand on his chest. In response, Hunter wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close, allowing her head to rest in the crook of his neck. With her enhanced senses, she would have no trouble hearing his pulse, "Everything went well, actually." He said, "I have high hopes for the both of them. Especially since Damien has managed to understand why he wasn't improving. Now that everything has been laid bare, he can continue to grow. As for Luna, well... She's going do do just fine. We start weapons tomorrow."

Unable to keep himself together any longer, tilted Rei's head up so they were face to face before bringing his lips to hers with the same passion he had when they first consummated their love for eachother. Hopefully, she'd be in the same mood...


Luna offered a warm smile after hearing her brother's apology and gave a curt nod before she was overcome with emotion and threw her arms around her brother, "Of course I forgive you, Damien." She said, fighting the emotional tears that wanted to flow, "You're my brother. I can't stay mad at you." The girl looked to the clock in their room and gasped before she rummaged around under her bed for the wooden claws Papa had given her. Once they were in hand she held them out for her brother to see, "Look, they're just like Papa's! He wants to teach me how to use claws and he even had special metal ones made for me when I'm ready. I also saw something really odd in there. You should have seen how Papa looked at it when he said your name. I think he really wants to train you in weapons too, but only after you show him you've changed."
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 18, 2016 11:55 pm

"That's good. I think Damien got the-"

Rei was cut off when Hunter placed his lips over hers, eyes wide with surprise before she returned the favor. She leaned in the kiss, even moving her tongue around before gently pulling away with a devious look in her eye. She moved to lift her hand and placed a finger over his lips to silence him for just a moment. "As I was saying..." the pinkette said, the sly smile still gracing her lips. "I think Damien got the message, though I wish you had been slightly more gentle, dear." she continued, pulling her hand away with a slightly more serious expression replacing her smile. "He's still your son." The young woman leaned in and rested her head in the crook of his neck again like earlier, letting her gaze fall onto the ceiling.

"Though I suppose he needed that. Things will be better now, I know it."

Rei closed her eye thoughtfully then, silent for a few moments. But it was long before she broke the silence. "Now it's my turn to let off some steam." she spoke, suddenly sitting up and throwing her leg over Hunter's stomach so that she was straddling him. "It's been a while after all. So what do you say?" she asked, leaning back in so that she was just inches from her husband's face.


Damien was a little surprised by Luna's reaction at first, but soon he felt a sense of relief wash over him. He was glad that she'd forgiven him, he didn't know what he would do if she didn't. "I'm glad." he spoke, a huge smile plastered on his face. It was then that his sister stood up then and ran to find her wooden claws, holding them out for him to take another look at. "Wow, they really are..." the blonde said, staring in awe at their similarity. He looked up at Luna after her next words, eyes wide in shock once again. Not only did their father have real ones made for her, he had a weapon of his own? "Really?" he asked, looking back down at the wooden claws. The young boy was silent then, a look of determination filling his eyes. She was right, he had to show papa that he'd changed and he swore he would do just that.

"Luna..." Damien said, locking his gaze with his sister's. "I'll definitely show Papa what I'm made of. It's a promise!" Luna smiled her a brother and nodded.

"Got it!"
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 19, 2016 12:21 am

Hunter couldn't help the little smirk that showed on his face when Rei placed her finger on his lips to keep him quiet until she was done speaking, "I understand your concerns, but sometimes all they need is a little push. He's always had issues listening to me because he perceives me as weaker than you. He thinks that your word is the only word that matters, so if he had gotten his tongue lashing from anyone other than me, it wouldn't have worked. Sometimes I don't think that kid loves me at all!"

The pair laid together in silence for what felt like ages until Rei shot upward and threw her leg over his stomach and straddled him, her hands pressed on his chest and her womanhood hovering over his hardening cock. In response to his wife's little question, Hunter took his hand and firmly palmed Rei's ass before he massaged gently, running his fingers delicately along the surface, "I say..." He leaned in and pressed his lips to Rei's, exploring her mouth with his tongue, "I'm at your mercy."

In order to test the waters and see just how far he could go, Hunter made an attempt to use his weight against her to change positions, with him ending up on top. Would she willingly go along with him, or would she use that strength of hers to force him back into place? Either way, the thought made him ache with anticipation.
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 19, 2016 12:36 am

Rei bit her lip out of pleasure feeling Hunter's hand massaging her ass. Soon after he was kissing her again and this time exploring her mouth with his own tongue. When he pulled away her grin grew. She could feel him trying to push her over so that he could be on top but this time she refused. She moved her hands onto his shoulders and kept him from moving, stating her dominance. "Uh-uh-uuuh~" she cooed shifting a little higher up his body so she could a little more leverage. "I'm in charge now~" The pinkette leaned in to lick the side of his ear and stopped at the top biting it playfully. At the same time she moved one hand to reach into his underwear, grabbing a hold of his hardened cock. "Ooooh, so soon?" she asked, moving her finger along the shaft. "You're so sweet." Rei pulled her hand out and straightened up, licking the finger she'd just used to touch his private area, eyeing Hunter seductively.

The vampiress moved to kiss him again, even more passionately than before moving her tongue around and biting his lip a few times as well. She used her hands to grab a hold of his head, combing them through his hair before using one to grab a handful and the other moving down his back. His muscles were as prominent as ever, turning her on even more. He was still the man she'd fallen in love with and that would never change.

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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 19, 2016 2:04 pm

Just as he suspected, it seemed like Rei was the one running the show this time. Normally, he could find a way to shift things around so he was the one in control, but not tonight. The moment Hunter made his attempt to switch positions, Rei used her strength to her advantage and pinned him against the bed before she playfully chastised him, "Alright..." He replied, shivering when he felt the sensation of Rei's tongue against his earlobe. Part of him wanted to try and take her on again, but he already knew how that would end. So instead he just had to lay there and burn with anticipation. What was she going to do next? How was she going to use him now that she was holding the reins? It was all so new, but the thought of being hers was enticing.

Hunter tensed up when he felt the tingling sensation of Rei's hand sliding down his stomach and into his boxers before she firmly gripped his erect cock, eliciting a gasp of surprise and pleasure. The man shuddered and bit his lip as she ran her finger up and down the shaft, teasing him cruelly until pre-ejaculate began to form at the tip. She was calmly and methodically getting him worked up, trying to goad him into acting. But this was her show, and he would play his part like a good boy. No matter how much he ached for his wife.

There was an audible sigh of frustration when Rei released her warm tight hold on his member and seductively licked her finger. This bit for frustration was quelled when she locked lips with him again before she grabbed a handful of his hair and explored the rippling muscles on his back. Deciding to take advantage of the moment, Hunter took his left hand and snaked it up Rei's back, unhooking her bra while the right hand slid down into her lace panties. He wasn't doing to penetrate her with his fingers, but he wanted to let her feel the same denial he had felt earlier in an attempt to spur her on a little more. The man split his fingers down the middle, creating a 'v' shape between his ring and middle before he added pressure and began massaging her outer labia. In order to heighten the pleasure she'd feel, Hunter's thumb moved to stroke the hoof her clit in a circular motion, "I'll never get tired of exploring every inch of you, Rei. You're so fuckin' beautiful..."
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 19, 2016 7:45 pm

Rei let out a low moan when she felt Hunter massaging her own private area and she pulled away from the kiss, the grin still plastered on her face. "I could say the same to you." she spoke, just as her bra finally slid off her shoulders and onto the bed, leaving her breasts directly in the male's face. She slid back down her husband's body then, planting herself in between his legs. She lifted her hands and placed them on his boxers, slowly pulling them down and exposing his cock. The pinkette's blue hue fell it then, licking her lips as she admired it in it's entirety. Hunter didn't just have the muscles and looks, but the size to match. And hey, his personality wasn't so bad either. She soon found herself leaning in and placing her tongue on the shaft and licking it all the way to his belly button where she stopped to look up at her lover with same devious look in her eye. The vampiress moved her hands upwards and slid them down his torso, before stopping at his hips. She proceeded to lower her head again down to his cock, sticking out her tongue and touching his tip were she could already taste pre-ejaculate. Rei seemingly let out a low giggle before suddenly straightening up locking her gaze with her lover's.

"Let's play a game." she spoke, tightening her grip on Hunter's hips. "In order to win you can't cum until I say so. If you do that, I'll let you take control." Rei began to lean closer to his cock again, the smile growing. "But if you lose..." She licked the tip again.

"I get to do whatever I want to you. So what do you say...?"
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 20, 2016 1:56 am

Hunter, spurred by the moans of his wife began to increase the pressure and speed of his massage when she suddenly broke the kiss they were locked in before she slipped out of the bra he had unhooked and tossed it away. The man stared, lust in his eyes and opened his mouth invitingly as she let them dangle just above his face. Before he could reach one of them, Rei quickly slid down his body and stopped for a moment before she pulled his boxers away and licked her lips in anticipation. He could do nothing but watch in anticipation as she slowly lowered her head and placed her warm wet tongue against the underside of his cock, sending a shiver through his body. Rei knew just how to make him squirm, and he hated it! He wanted nothing more than to grab her by the back of her head and push himself between those luscious lips, but this was her show. She was in charge, and all Hunter could do was lay there and let her do as she pleased.

The entire time her tongue danced along his flesh, Rei never broke eye contact, leaving Hunter entranced by her gaze. Every exhale she made spread warmth on his flesh, intensifying the sensation of her tongue against him. At this point there was a bead of pre collecting at the tip of his member, showing just how aroused he was. Without missing a beat, the vampiress dragged her tongue up his glans until the reached the tip and lapped it up greedily, causing him to twitch and let out a moan. Shit. He was doing so well, but she finally had one of the reactions she wanted.

Upon hearing the proposal of Rei's little game, Hunter tilted his head quizzically, "What do you have in mind, Ma'am?" He said.

The moment her next few words fell on his ears, he grinned and opened his mouth to counter, but was silenced when he felt her tongue press against the head of his throbbing cock. God, how he ached for release. At this point, he'd do whatever she desired as long as he were able to cum. Even if that meant being her toy for longer than anticipated, "Fine..." He gasped, matching her devious gaze, "You're on!"
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 20, 2016 9:12 pm

Rei grinned, placing a finger to her lips and wiping the excess pre from the side before licking it again. "Excellent." she cooed, she leaned forward again, placing one hand on Hunter's chest and the other on his erect cock stroking it just as he had massaged her in her own private area. The pinkette slid her other hand up his chest, tracing along with her finger and leaving a red mark from her sharpened nail before stopping at his chin, teasingly poking at his chin. "Does it feel good?" she asked, her fangs beginning to protrude now. The vampiress always did this, just the same as the first time. While getting turned on, her true instincts always kicked in and she ached for her lover's blood. Though this time she was trying to keep in check in order to further Hunter's own lust for her. She was having fun with this game. Rei began to massage his cock a little harder now, but still soft enough to make it pleasurable. In turn she began to lick the side of his cheek again, letting her warm breath touch his skin.

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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 20, 2016 9:30 pm

Upon seeing Rei's mischievous grin, Hunter realized that he just made a mistake. He opened his mouth to protest but was silenced by the woman's next actions. Her words were like honey, and her touch felt better than anything he had experienced before. The one thing Hunter wanted, was the one thing she was going to deny him. It was driving him close to insane... But he loved every second. Hunter watched as Rei slid forward and placed a hand on his chest, extending one of her sharpened nails before she pressed down and scratched his flesh, leaving a burning trail. This pain, combined with the slow, deliberate movements of the hand that gripped his cock caused Hunter to wince and gasp. It was an exquisite mixture of pleasure and pain. It made him crave even more.

The man noticed the distinct glow in Rei's eye along with the extension of her fangs. She only did that when she was hungry, or horny. Judging from the way she teased his flesh, it was both, "Hng..." He flinched as she increased the speed and pressure of her strokes, causing the muscles all over his body to flex and tense up in response to the sensations. Sweat was beginning to roll down Hunter's body, making him glisten under the low light of their bedroom, "I-I ca- ah..." He stammered, beginning to pump his hips against her hand.

Rei was having far too much fun at his expense. And her victim was simply unable to respond. Every movement she made, every snide remark that slipped from between those plump lips was just fuel that fed the flames of Hunter's lust and desire. At this point, he didn't care if he won or lost. He just wanted release, "Please." He managed to wheeze between gasps of pleasure, "I- I'm going to-"
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 20, 2016 9:45 pm

"Ah- just a little longer~" Rei whispered, leaning into his other ear and biting that one now. She began to increase the pressure on Hunter's cock then, giggling when she felt his lower torso begin to move along with it. The young woman used her free hand to hold his chin in place as she moved to kiss him yet again, pulling on his lip and biting down causing a few drops of blood to roll down the sides. She proceeded to lick even those now, lapping up the sweet crimson like honey. "Do you want me?" she teased, suddenly stopping her friendly assault on her lover's cock. Rei shifted then, her movements fluid and graceful as she turned even pushing her breasts directly in Hunter's face at one point. Now her rear end was directly over his face, and her ****** touching his mouth. "Almost there..." The vampiress let out a giggle as she leaned down towards his d ick and placed her lips over it, teasing him again with her tongue as she moved it all around and gripping his thighs with her hands. It was bound to happen any minute now, she just knew it.
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 20, 2016 10:52 pm

Hunter's hips seemed to move on their own now as his lust became too much to control. He found himself lost in Rei's sweet touch, despite how cruelly she went about playing with him. She'd change up the pace on a whim, constantly keeping her victim guessing. The moment Hunter would find a rhythm, she'd slow down and release the pressure right before making another switch. It was the most pleasurable hell he had ever experienced, and it made him writhe in pure agony.

The moment Hunter felt Rei's lips against his, he pressed into her and couldn't suppress another moan that forced its way from his mouth. From there, he flinched a moment from the sharp prick of her fangs, but slowly melted back into her as she licked away the blood that dribbled from the corners. There was a brief pause where she completely released her hold on his cock, "Rei just look at me." He said, eyes almost pleading, "I want nothing more than to-"

Hunter was silenced when Rei shifted her position, his eyes widening and mouth opening, with the tongue extended as she lowered her sweet honeypot to his lips. The moment he felt that sweet nectar assault his senses, Hunter craned his neck stuck his tongue into her as far as it could reach. He wanted to taste every last bit of her and make her feel the same pleasure she put upon him. For a moment, he was too distracted to realize what she was doing, but as he felt her lips wrap around the head of his cock, Hunter's mind went blank from the wave of pleasure that pulsed throughout his body. Involuntarily, he began to pump his hips again as Rei's tongue swirled and head bobbed as she began to ravenously suck his cock. After that, the man reached up and gripped Rei by the hips, pulling her soaked honeypot into his lips as he returned the favor. He was so close to losing, but at this point, he didn't care.
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 20, 2016 11:24 pm

Rei let out a moan of her when she felt Hunter's tongue inside her and she seemed to be smiling through her eyes. She became more and more turned on as he thrusted upwards, causing her head to bob up and down along with it. The pinkette continued to swirl her tongue about, feeling her lover become more desperate. She had him now, it was only a matter of time. Though she too was about to lose it as well, but she managed to keep in somehow. Instead she began to suck on his cock, as much as he was pushing his tongue into her. She let out another moan as she felt him push further into her. Any minute now...
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 20, 2016 11:56 pm

Hunter could tell that Rei was beginning to get close, judging from how she began to grind herself against his face, allowing him to fully appreciate the way she tasted. It was the closest thing to heaven that a man like him was going to get. And he'd savor every second he spent under her. Suddenly, he felt her begin to bob her head along the length of his cock, her soft lips and talented tongue teasing every inch of his member. He couldn't hold it any longer. At this point, he was going to fail and Rei would be allowed to do whatever she wished with him. But honestly, he didn't care. He'd do anything she said as long as he could have his release.

As the pressure in his loins began to build, Hunter began to grunt and moan as his hips shook with increasing desperation. Reacting to his movements, Rei continued to work his cock until he reached the peak. With one final thrust, Hunter strained his hardest to hold it it, but it was in vain. All of his pent up lust and frustration erupted in his partner's mouth, causing him to convulse slightly from the pleasure. Looked like she had beaten him. And now he had to pay... The thought of what she had planned for him next was terrifying...
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeFri Oct 21, 2016 12:14 am

Rei's mouth was filled with Hunter's release and she let out a low moan. Soon after she felt herself cum in turn and let out yet another moan. She arched her back in pleasure as she pulled away from her lover's cock, adjusting herself a little so that she was sitting on his chest now. She slowly turned her head to face him, a smile on her face as she wiped away the excess and licked it off her finger similar to earlier. "I win~" she cooed, her smile growing. The pinkette slid off the male completely then, stepping off the bed and seemingly dusting herself off though there was nothing to dust off. She flashed one last look at the other, letting out a soft giggle at his relieved, yet terrified expression. Her own "honey" had ended up on the sides of his mouth and some on his chest from sliding down his toned torso. Adorable. "I'll be right back."

The vampiress sauntered off then, heading towards their closet where she reached for a box she'd hidden for a special occasion such as this. Opening it she pulled out two things she'd been curious about using, a tasseled whip and small wooden paddle. Rei licked her lips in anticipation, curious as to how her husband would react. She had a feeling she'd enjoy it herself. Taking the two in hand and hiding them behind her back, she pushed the box back into the closet before twirling around to face Hunter, locking her icy blue hue with his own. "Get up, my love." she spoke, walking back towards him. She proceeded to influence him, forcing him to stand from where he laid. After he had straightened up and facing away from the bed, Rei began to circle him keeping the tassel in one hand and setting the paddle down on the bed where he couldn't see it. "Are you ready?" she asked, lightly tracing the leather against his skin. "Because I am..."
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeFri Oct 21, 2016 12:44 am

The moment Hunter had come down from his hormone induced high, he just remained flat on his back and just basked in the moment. Everything that just occurred, despite his being the loser, was just amazing. The man breathed a contented sigh and sank into the mattress while Rei slowly slid off of him, leaving a small trail down his chin. Not wanting to waste a drop, Hunter licked his lips before wiping his face with his forearm and looked quizzically at his wife as she stepped from the bed and sauntered over to the closet... Wait... Something wasn't right. The man thought back to the start of their little power exchange and he could feel his heart beginning to pump rapidly when her words began to sink back into his now cleared mind. Rei won... And now she could do with him whatever she wanted. Shit.

Taking in the view, Hunter smiled and watched as he wife bent over, rummaging through her belongings until she found a box before she removed the contents and hid them from him with her stunning body. He wasn't gonna complain. After all, he loved watching his wife.

Doing as instructed, Hunter stood from his position and faced Rei, continuing to focus his gaze on her as she circled around him and placed one of the items out of view. He wanted to turn and see, but she'd probably resent that. Not wanting to feel her wrath, Hunter shivered but stood tall as he felt the cold leather against his skin. This was going to be fun, "You won... I'm at your command, Mistress." He said, a defiant smile forming on his face, "Do your worst."
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeFri Oct 21, 2016 12:54 am

Seeing that signature defiant smile of his, Rei's own grin grew. Oh she was going to enjoy this. "As you wish." she spoke, smacking the tassel in her hand. The light smack was enough to send a chill down her spine. The thought was so exciting. Her next movements were smooth, letting her hand fall down to her side before snapping the whip against Hunter's ass. Upon seeing him flinch, she placed a hand to her cheek as face became flushed. She loved her husband so... but unbeknownst to her it was quite entertaining seeing him squirm. On their terms of course, or rather, hers. "How does this feel?" she asked, slapping the leather against his back now. The vampiress moved to his side then, placing a hand on his shoulder and using the other to trace the tassel down his chest and stomach all the way to his tip. Rei's gaze fell on him again, still smiling as she waited for an answer.
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeFri Oct 21, 2016 1:47 am

Hunter winced when he heard the crack of Rei's whip against her own skin. After she finished toying with him, he'd need to give her a taste of her own medicine later on. If only he knew where she kept those damned things. How did she manage to keep something of that sort under his nose for so long? He watched as the vampiress circled around him, tracing the leather on his skin before she stopped and cracked it against his bare ass, causing him to jump. FUCK! That hurt. But after the pain subsided, he felt a warm sensation radiating from the impact zone. He could get used to this.

Before Hunter could react to her little jeer, he felt another sharp sting along his back as the leather struck, sending another shiver through his body as he sensation began to spread. She knew his pain tolerance, and used her heightened strength to her advantage. This made it impossible for him to ignore. In the brief moment of quiet, Hunter watched Rei as she slid over to his side, placing a hand on his shoulder while she traced the tassels along his torso before brushing it against his hardening cock. In response, Hunter turned his head to her and smiled, "You've got more than that in you, right?"

Of course what she had done before hurt, but he wasn't about to let her break him like this. After all, the man was much tougher than he looked, "Or is that the best you have to offer?"
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeFri Oct 21, 2016 10:44 pm

"Of course not."

Rei let out a laugh after hearing Hunter's words, pulling the tassel upwards again and dangling it in front of his face. "But don't complain about it later." she spoke, tapping it on the tip of his nose. The vampiress slid her hand down his chest then, tracing along with her finger as she circled him until she was standing in front of him. She flashed another grin at her husband, before pulling her finger away and snapping the whip against his nipple and then the other. She giggled again when he flinched, stepping back over to him and placing her hands on his shoulders lightly grinding her body against his as she leaned into his ear. "There's more where that came from." Rei whispered, gracefully pulling away once more. The pinkette twirled around as she stepped back behind him slapping his back and ass again with the whip as she spun. Following this she tossed the tassel onto the bed and grabbed the paddle now, slapping it against her hand like she had done with the whip. Perhaps this would work a little better.

Making her way back to her husband, she used her finger to force him to bend over leaving his rear end completely exposed. She proceeded to trace this finger back down his back, leaving yet another red mark down on his skin and drawing a few drops of blood. Rei licked them away from her finger, keeping her icy blue gaze on his, in her opinion, perfect ass. The grin returned to her face as she placed her free hand on his tailbone to keep him steady. "Ready?" she asked. Before he could answer though, she swung the paddle on his left ass cheek and the sound that the wood hitting his skin made her heart skip a beat. Pulling her hand away she admired the red mark it left, letting out yet another giggle. Rei was enjoy this way too much.
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 22, 2016 8:39 am

Despite the fact that Hunter was definitely feeling the sting of Rei's lash, he didn't want to give her the satisfaction of hearing him whimper. He never complained about anything, and he sure as hell wouldn't start on this night, "I've never been one to whine anyway." He said, watching the woman as she traced her finger along his body, circling him once again until they were face to face. The man opened his mouth to taunt his wife again, but was cut off by two quick strikes against each of his pecs, causing Hunter to wince and hiss through clenched teeth. He was trying his best to hide his pain, but Rei managed to see right through him. This was beginning to get intense. Who knew that the woman who was always so happy to be submissive could have such a dominant side to her? It was quite the change, but Hunter welcomed it. This just meant he'd have to fight her for his position as top dog later on. That was bound to be entertaining.

Hunter was ripped from his brief dip into fantasy when Rei leaned in close and whispered in his ear, sending chills down his spine. She was about to get serious now. Hopefully Hunter's body could handle it. After all, he'd hate to disappoint. The woman made her way to his back before she slowly and deliberately pushed him downwards with her index finger, the sharp nail digging into his skin. This prompted him to try and shy away from the sensation, bending at the waist to follow the woman's will until his ass was completely exposed. From there, Rei left another long, burning scratch in his back and placed one hand on the top of his rear end before asking if he was ready.

Opening his mouth to deliver another sarcastic quip, there was a loud smack as the wooden paddle slammed into his bare cheeks. Since he was unaware, he couldn't flex the muscles in his legs to dampen the pain. And with his mouth already open to speak, his words were forced to change into a yelp of surprise as the pain shot into him like lighting. That wasn't supposed to happen. Hunter gave Rei exactly the reaction she wanted. He could tell from the way she giggled and blushed with each and every blow. But despite the circumstances, the pain, and the humiliation... He was happy, and still very much aroused. No matter what Hunter asked of Rei, she'd do anything he said. And now it was his turn to completely give himself up to her. It was fitting, though. Hunter was the attack dog, and Rei was his Mistress with the leash. He wouldn't have it any other way.
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 22, 2016 8:10 pm

Rei grinned at Hunter's yelp, feeling her cheeks become hot. She never knew how enjoyable it was to be in control and now she understood why her husband loved it so much. They were on a level playing field now, with her having the choice to do what she wanted with him or letting him do as he wished to her. Either way both options were just as pleasurable. She smacked him again in his ass, but this time a little harder letting out a low moan. "Isn't this fun?" she asked, throwing the paddle onto the bed and slithering over to the male. The vampiress draped her body over him then, placing her hands on his shoulders and leaning over so that her face was beside his. Rei pushed her breasts closer to him so that they were touching his arm before licking the side of his neck. Her eyes began to glow red as her fangs began to protrude just as they did so many times before. Any moment now she would have her fill, but the pinkette wanted to have a little more fun until the time was just right.
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 23, 2016 3:10 am

Rei was enjoying her power over him in this moment far too much. Sure, Hunter usually enjoyed being the dominant partner in the bedroom but it seemed that his wife was beginning to really blossom as she became more comfortable holding his leash. Later on, he'd have to remind her that he's still capable of being the top dog when necessary. But that would come later. This was for her, after all, he lost their little bet. Even if it was obviously tilted in her favor. God, that was cruel. From his hunched over position, Hunter was beginning to feel weak in the knees from Rei's constant fierce strikes against his body. She had too much strength for her own good, and everything she did to him on this night would definitely make him extremely sore in the morning.

Once again, there was a loud crack as the paddle slammed into his bare ass again, causing Hunter to cry out in a mixture of pain and pleasure. Hopefully this would be the last one. After all, he still needed to train Luna with her new claws. He'd be extremely ineffective if he couldn't walk in the morning. The man felt his wife pressing her body against his back while her face slid up next to his and traced her tongue along his exposed neck. He knew what was coming next. After all, it was just about always how they ended each of these sessions. She wouldn't be able to calm down otherwise.

In one smooth motion, Hunter turned to Rei and embraced her, pulling her head into the crook of his neck as they fell toward the mattress. There was only one thing that could truly satisfy this woman's lust. And that was the blood of the man she loved more than anything, "Drink your fill, Mistress." Hunter purred, pressing Rei's nose against him until she could feel the pulse beating beneath the skin, "Every drop I have is yours to take."
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 23, 2016 3:34 am

Rei felt herself falling along with Hunter until they hit the bed with a very soft thud, it's springs creaking under their combined weight. Her face was even closer to his neck now and she could hear his pulse and the flow of blood as it traveled throughout his body. A chill went down her spine at her lover's words and she could no longer hold it back anymore. The vampiress finally gave in to her cravings and sunk her fangs deep into his skin, filling her mouth with the precious crimson. Rei seemed to be heeding the male's words, leaving a bit of a mess with blood running down the side of her lip and trickling down from his neck where she drank. The young woman couldn't help it though, his blood tasted as divine as ever and she wouldn't settle for anyone else's. Not now, not ever. She closed her eyes as she continued, not even realizing that her husband would soon be on the verge of passing out. Her lust for him was too much for her this time and it was long before she felt Hunter go limp. That was when she finally pulled away and managed to roll off him, her long hair falling in waves across the mattress. Rei slowly turned to him then as her eye reverted to their normal hue again, wrapping her arms around his unconscious form and pulling him close. Tonight was another night she would never forget.
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 23, 2016 6:44 pm

Hunter drew in a sharp breath when he felt Rei's fangs sink into his neck and held her tightly in a loving embrace as she began to drink his blood. Most times when a vampire drained an unwilling victim, there would be thrashing and screaming, but Hunter knew that he was completely safe with his wife. She loved him, and he felt the exact same way. Even though they shared so many wonderful moments and had two beautiful children, feeling her bury herself in his neck and indulge was the most intimate moment they could ever share. Sometimes she could go a little overboard, but it was never enough to make him feel like his life was in danger. Rei knew exactly how to take care of Hunter when he was at his most vulnerable, and allowing her to drink directly from him was the best way he knew how to show his undying love for his wife.

As she drank, Hunter could feel the warm blood trickling down his neck and seeping into their sheets. Rei must have truly been pent up. She was never this sloppy when it came to biting him. It just showed that, despite the years that had passed, their love for eachother was still as strong as ever. The man felt his eyelids growing heavy as he slowly began losing consciousness. But before he slipped over the edge, Hunter placed a hand on the woman's cheek and whispered, "I love you", going limp the moment those words left his lips. Despite his being unconscious, Hunter instinctively reached out for his lover as she retracted her fangs and embraced him once again, his head resting securely in her bosom. This was definitely an experience he'd remember until the day he died.


The next morning, Hunter was shaken awake by a loud banging on the door. In a daze, the man looked to a clock on their nightstand before realizing what time it was. This day marked the beginning of Luna's weapons training. Judging by the frantic tempo of her knocks, it just had to be her. Guess she just couldn't wait to start. This day, while Hunter would work with Luna, Rei would be working with Damien to hone his skills with ice before they swapped. It was a good system that allowed both parents to give their children undivided attention to help them grow as they aged.

The man groaned in pain as he rolled out of bed and began getting dressed. Each and every part of his body ached from the night before, especially his ass that had turned purple from Rei's sadistic beating. Today was not going to be very fun, "I hear you, Lulu! Papa's getting ready right now. Head out to the courtyard and start warming up. We'll start when I come down." As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a final, "Yes, Papa." Before the pitter patter of Luna's feet faded into the distance. Hopefully he'd be able to perform well in his extremely sore state.

Continuing his morning routine, Hunter stepped into the shower and brushed his teeth while the hot water soothed his aching skin and muscles before he washed off the excess dried blood from last night. Rei really did a number on him, and the sting of the bodywash he used against his numerous cuts was proof. But every moment of it was worth the pain he felt now. After all, he'd have his revenge soon enough.
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