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Cross Academy. A place where vampires and humans alike attend the same school seperated into two classes. The night class and the day class. The night class has a secret. A secret the day class must never find out.
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Join date : 2009-11-25
Age : 28

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 4 I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 12, 2017 12:06 am

Their lips connect again and Rei attempted to lean into it like before, but was cut off when Hunter pulled away and she heard footsteps as he circled her. Before long he was pulling her into an embrace and she could feel his hands sliding up her her torso, shivering a little from his cool touch against her skin. Her love stopped at her breasts and began to massage them, warranting a soft moan as she leaned back into him. The soft touch turned to a bit of rough one then, feeling him pinch her nipples before letting go just a quickly, yelping while he laughed. "Y-You're enjoying this too-" The pinkette was cut off again, as he began to massage them again, but it seemed to be a trick. Two clamps pinched at her skin and out of instinct she attempted to bring her hands up to her breasts only to realize they were still tied behind her back. Rei let out a grunt at being restrained but when the clamps began to vibrate it turned into a long moan arching her back like before. The sensation was like nothing she'd felt before.

While she was so focused on her breasts, she almost didn't feel Hunter sliding something else between her legs and up her open ****** until she was pushed forward. Simultaneously the object was pushed further upwards and she moaned yet again as she was yanked back into her husband's arms, until it was set in place. It too began to vibrate and she nearly lost it. "A-Aaaah...!" Rei's back arched even more, both vibrations giving her the utmost pleasure. She could feel herself beginning to cum, the slowly beginning to run down her inner thighs. Despite her moans, she heard more footsteps again and then the smell of blood. Hunter truly was taunting her, smelling the sweet crimson just inches from her nose and especially her mouth. Her fangs began to protrude as well, her senses overwhelming her. "Mmmm... guh-!" Rei moaned ever louder, trying to contain herself. She wanted both so badly. Her love's blood was divine, but with her other pleasure conflicting with it... now he was forcing her to choose? But she couldn't give in not yet. So instead, the vampiress continued to moan out of pleasure, falling forward and onto the floor while her husband watched.
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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Join date : 2011-11-25
Age : 31

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 4 I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 12, 2017 1:43 am

Hunter watched silently, completely entranced by the way his beloved writhed and moaned in complete ecstasy. The addition of his blood into the mix was just enough to put her right on the edge of climax. She was fighting the urge to break his restraints and indulge in his crimson offering, her fangs protruding as the decision between his blood and her release drove her to the point of collapse. It was a beautiful sight, one that Hunter knew he would never grow tired of.

For a moment, he considered toying with her even more, but it was only a matter of time before the ravenous vampiress' lust and hunger grew too much for her to handle.

The man slowly approached Rei as she lay prone, and removed her blindfold so he could look her in the eye as he bit deep into his lip, drawing enough blood to coat the inside of his mouth. Once satisfied, he tugged her leash upward and kneeled down in front of her once again, "I'm so proud of your resilience, love... Now it's time for your reward."

As soon as his sentence ended, Hunter pressed his lips to hers and allowed the blood in his mouth to pass through and give her a taste. There was no doubt in his mind that it would make her melt in his arms. But he wasn't done quite yet.

After breaking the kiss, Hunter positioned himself behind Rei's elevated ass and undid his pants, exposing the hard cock that would grant her release. From there, he removed the vibrator from her depths and pressed it against her clit before slamming his pelvis against her ass.

Once again, he gripped the woman's collar and pulled forcefully until she was upright with him as he continued to thrust himself deep within her, his free hand roaming her beautiful form. For the finishing touch, he released her leash and placed the bloody index finger in her mouth, pressing it against her tongue, "If you want more, you'll have to suck it out, love..."
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Posts : 203
Join date : 2009-11-25
Age : 28

We Meet Again  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 4 I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 12, 2017 2:03 am

Rei was glistening from the perspiration that covered her body, her body writhing out of pleasure as Hunter's little 'toys' did their job. More moans escaped her lips as she tried to keep herself from cumming, not wanting her husband to claim victory so easily. Thankfully however he finally decided to let her endulge much to her relief. The pinkette gasped after having the blindfold taken off and having seen the blood dripping from the side of his mouth she ravenously returned the kiss soon after being tugged upwards again. She leaned close to him swirling her tongue all around tasting his sweet, sweet blood. Blood that was hers and hers alone.

Hunter suddenly broke the kiss then and was twirling her around, undoing his pants in the process. Upon hearing the fabric hit the floor she moaned when he pulled the object out from with her, splashing some of the liquid onto his hand. Moments later she felt his cock in its place now, moaning louder and louder as her husband yanked Rei's collar yet again pushing deeper and deeper into her. She could feel his touch along her body again before he let go of the leash and placed his bloodied finger on her tongue. Now was her chance. Jumping on the offer so kindly bestowed to her, the vampiress gladly closed her lips around it and her fangs pierced the skin sucking the crimson once again. At the same time she finally reached her climax as the love her life thruster into her, a final long moan sounding as her own held in liquids were finally released.
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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Join date : 2011-11-25
Age : 31

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 4 I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 12, 2017 9:42 pm

Hunter could feel the sweat dripping from his brow as he continued to thrust deep into his wife, their bodies pressed together in a loving embrace. The tension built beforehand was so intense that he lost himself in the pleasures she held, completely ignoring the fact that her fangs had already pierced his finger, allowing small droplets of blood to seep into her warm, wet mouth. Not completely satisfied with the current situation, he quickly turned her on her back and leaned in until their forehead were pressed together. He wanted to stare directly into her eyes as he reached the peak. He refused to accept anything less.

The man noticed the way Rei's depths clenched and quivered as his hips continued to jackhammer back and forth. Her moans and screams only continued to spur his actions until he could barely contain himself, forcing him to bite his lip as he could feel his own orgasm becoming inevitable.

Right when the sensation became unbearable, Hunter buried his face in the crook of Rei's neck as the both of them came simultaneously, his cock firmly hilted within her. To ensure everything was truly finished, he gave two final thrusts before releasing a jagged, satisfied breath, "Feel free to break your restraints now, love." He said, withdrawing himself from within her as he rose to his knees.

In order to make things a little easier, hooked his arms under Rei's shoulders and lifted her up with him before undoing the clamps that still vibrated violently against her no doubt sensitive nipples. She was probably a little too weak to stand on her own for the moment, so he fell backward, landing so she was now on top of him, her nose pressed against his jugular just like always. No matter how exhausted Rei was, she'd always find the strength to drink her fill and regain her strength, "I say you've earned this reward."
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Join date : 2009-11-25
Age : 28

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 4 I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 17, 2017 8:02 pm

Rei felt utter bliss when Hunter released himself at the same time as her, moaning in pleasure while their foreheads were pressed together. She kept her gaze locked on him as well, before he finally pulled away resting his face by her neck as she let out the breath she'd been holding in. As if his words were on cue, she immediately heeded them using her vampiric strength the break the ropes that bound her and instinctively bringing them up to her breasts. She didn't say a word when her husband helped her sit upright, finally removing the clamps from her tender nipples. He had definitely put her through the ringer, but Rei enjoyed every last minute of it. As Hunter fell backwards she fell with him, her own face buried in his crook of his neck now. She nodded at his words, licking the warm skin before letting her fangs pierce it to drink her fill. A perfect way to end the night.


Pink hair fell in waves as Rei lay their sleeping beside her husband, still in the same outfit from the night before. If not for the blankets covering her more... private areas, she wouldn't blame Hunter for wanting to go another round, not that she would mind anyway. Though considering what they'd done, she was going to be a little sore for the next few days. That aside, she let out a sleepy moan as she turned over, pulling the blanket up over her eyes so that the sun couldn't reach her. Footsteps could be heard from outside their bedroom. Undoubtedly Damien and Luna getting ready for the day ahead. Just as energetic as ever.
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

Posts : 89
Join date : 2011-11-25
Age : 31

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 4 I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 12, 2017 12:35 am

Hunter shuddered as he felt the warm wet tongue of his ravenous wife dragging across his neck as she prepared to feed. His pulse hammered rapidly like a tribal drum, sending the vampiress into what seemed to be a trance, enticing her to indulge. The moment Rei received permission, she didn't waste a second, piercing his skin with her fangs. The pain was sharp and intense, but it was something he had grown quite used to. No matter how crazy they would get in the bedroom, Hunter always felt that allowing her to indulge in his lifeblood was the most intimate moment they could share. He would do anything for her, and the pain was worth every moment they could spend locked together in this loving embrace.

Once Rei had sated her thirst, Hunter noticed that her full weight was upon him. No doubt she was exhausted, and that icing on the cake would be more than enough to knock her out cold. Despite the fact she had drained him quite a bit, Hunter still had the strength to carry her over to their bed, placing her gently on the soft mattress. Now that she was taken care of, the man made sure to clean up everything they had used before he put them in their rightful places. There were so many more ideas that rushed through his head, but those would have to wait until their next tryst.

Satisfied with his work, Hunter took his place beside the love of his life and pulled her close to him. He couldn't sleep unless he was pressed against her. Besides their children, Rei was the one being able to keep him grounded. It took a special kind of woman to tame a beast such as him. And god, he loved her more than anyone he had before.


Hunter was stirred from his slumber by a ray of light that pierced through the holes in their shutters. Emulating his wife's behavior, he tucked his head under the covers and caught another eyeful of what she had worn the night prior. If he didn't have to train the little ones this morning, he wouldn't be able to keep his hands off of her. But judging by the shuffling outside their bedroom door, the kids were no doubt eager to begin weapons training. It'd be cruel to keep them waiting after he gave them his word.

Reluctantly, he tore his gaze from Rei's tempting form and planted a soft kiss on her lips before rolling out of the bed, "Go to the front yard and warm up for 30 minutes, kids. We'll start when I get down there."

The man listened intently as the shuffling increased as the twins rushed downstairs to begin their stretches and beginning techniques. Once they were out of earshot, he made his way to the shower and began to bathe, his sore muscles soothed by the hot water, "I know you don't want to get up now, love. But I think you want to see their first session. After all, you may have to take over when I'm out working!" Hunter called out, "In about half an hour, I'm going to teach them how to use those weapons of theirs. Don't worry though, they're starting out with wooden training gear. No enchanted steel until we're sure they can handle it."

Suddenly, the same devious grin flashed on his face as he poked his head from behind the curtain, "You look lovely, by the way."
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Posts : 203
Join date : 2009-11-25
Age : 28

We Meet Again  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 4 I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 18, 2019 12:13 am

Ten years later...

Rei lifted her delicate hands, gathering her long pink hair and pulling it back into a ponytail. After securing it with a black ribbon she straightened up to look at her reflection in the mirror. Her ice blue hue looked herself up and down. She wore all black, a corset with long black arm warmers that went a little past her elbow, with fitter pants and combat boots. Around her waist was a weapons holster, with some daggers and a standard medical kit. Usually she used her vampiric powers but it was always good to have a backup means of defense were something to go awry. After one last check, the young woman nodded to herself before walking out into the hallway. “Kids, Hunter my love, are you ready?” she called out adjusting her sleeve as she stood there.

“Almost, Mama!” Damien called out. In the meantime his twin sister Luna poked her head out from her bedroom before walking towards her mother. She wore mostly black as well, but with hints of pink in her outfit. It was a dress, however she made sure to wear shorts underneath and had her claws holstered on each of her hips. The lighter pinkette had her shorter hair partly in pigtails while the rest fell in waves. She slowed to a stop next to mother and the resemblance was almost uncanny. With Rei being a vampire she still looked like a young adult when in reality she was a little over 100 years old. As for her daughter, she was 22 in human years, but of course being half vampire she would also retain her young appearance. That aside, Luna folded her hands neatly in front of her her gaze falling on Rei. “Is papa still in the bedroom?” she asked. To this, Rei nodded.

“Yes. I’m not sure what’s taking him so long. Damien too.”
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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Join date : 2011-11-25
Age : 31

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 4 I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 27, 2020 8:23 pm

Hunter sat quietly in the darkness of his study, his legs crossed and back straight. His elbows were flexed at a ninety-degree angle, and his palms rested gently on the tops of his knees. His heart beat in rhythm with the gentle ticking of the metronome that sat directly before him. He could feel the hundreds of old scars pulse with warmth- a reminder of what happens when he loses focus on the task at hand.

Beads of sweat began to drip down his forehead, and seep into the many new lines and wrinkles that had formed over the last decade. At thirty-eight years old, Hunter had outlived any of those in his previous organization. "People like us don't get to die in our own beds" was the mantra. And, for the most part, it was true. Had he not severed his old ties and started a family, he would be dead.

Hunter's family was the only thing that kept what was left of his body from falling apart. They needed him to be strong, despite the pain that it caused him. He promised to stay with them until he was sure they didn't need him anymore. Unfortunately, he had failed to remember that his little vampire children would eventually grow into powerful reflections of their mother. They received all of their greatest traits from her. Her will. Her beauty. Her grace. Her strength. Whatever their father lacked, their mother had in spaded. She seemed to have a connection with the children that Hunter, despite his best efforts, could never hope to replicate. They loved him dearly, of course, but he could feel how they began to gravitate more toward their mother as their vampiric nature manifested itself.

He shook the intrusive thoughts from his mind and drew in a sharp breath through his nostrils as the last of the candles burned out, and the timed shades on his windows opened. A singular ray of moonlight illuminated the room just enough for the man to see the outline of a figure sitting cross from him.


One of these days, his father is going to get himself killed. And, despite Damien's best attempts to communicate this fact to his father, the withering human refused to heed reason. Damien shook his head, disgusted with his own thoughts. The man before him had dedicated his life to preparing both he and his sister for this moment: tonight would be their father's final hunt.

Luna will have to break that news to him, though. Damien wanted no part in telling his own father that it was time to retire. It may have been the male twin's idea, but he still respected his father's skill a little too much to go about bruising his ego for no reason... No, that wouldn't do... He just needed to come out and-

"I think this may be my last one kid..."

The male dahampir looked into his father's tired grey eyes and saw the pain hidden behind Hunter's weary smile. His enhanced sense of smell could detect the faintest scent of blood on the human's breath, yet his face failed to betray his surprise, "Now isn't the time for jokes, father... We need to-"

"I wouldn't joke about something like this. You, your sister, and your mother are all strong enough to carry on without me. Hell, I doubt that Rei ever needed my help in the first place!"

Damien hid a wince as his father laughed. While he was old enough to both know and accept that his father's body was beginning to fail him, the young man couldn't help but wish that he was not so adamant about remaining human, "You don't have to leave us, dad." He paused and bit on his inner cheek, "I mean... You can be like us, too. Mama knows how to keep you from losing yourself."

Damien waited for his father to respond, but Hunter remained silent. The conversation always seemed to end once this particular subject was broached. Hunter didn't blame him for his ignorance, either. After all, he was still a boy who wasn't truly ready to leave his father behind, "You don't have to be in pain, dad. You can be strong again. Hell, you'll be even stronger than you were in your prime! You won't need to take those pills, or stitch your own wounds together. We won't have to say goodbye"

"Listen, kid... I don't plan on saying 'goodbye' until I'm actually on my deathbed, alright?"

"But I thought that people like us didn't get to die in our beds"

"We don't. You're right. But let's not worry about that right now, okay? We need to go meet with your mom and sister and handle business."

With that, the father and son stepped from the study, to the bedroom, to the hallway where both Rei and Luna waited. Once past the threshold, Hunter stood straight and clenched his jaw. He knew the act wouldn't fool either of them, but they usually humored his nonsense, "So... Are we ready to move?"

Hopefully this wasn't the beginning of an intervention.
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 4 I_icon_minitime

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