Cross Academy
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Cross Academy. A place where vampires and humans alike attend the same school seperated into two classes. The night class and the day class. The night class has a secret. A secret the day class must never find out.
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 We Meet Again

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Join date : 2009-11-25
Age : 28

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PostSubject: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 09, 2016 1:35 am

The wind gently swept past, pushing a leaf across the ground with it. The speck of orange skipped along the stone walkway just as a pinkette took a step forward, stopping to take in the familiar scene before her. It had been years since she left this place. It held so many memories as well. She felt a range of emotions during her stay here and it seemed to be different everyday. Some days were uneventful, while others were hell on earth. Just thinking about it made her laugh, pushing her hair out of her face. Why had she come back here anyways? Nostalgia? To relive the good old days? She didn't know. Somehow she just sort of... ended up here. Over these long years she had traveled the world, seen so many things. But none of those things would quite compare to what she saw here. Letting out a long sigh, she finally began to make her way across the bridge and towards the once beautiful building.

Cross Academy had seen better days. It used to be well kept, but since there was no longer a need for the school it had long since been abandoned. Now it was just a shell of what it once was, with broken windows and the bricks that made up the school were beginning to erode. The woman had been so busy looking up at the sad scene that she failed to realize she had reached the courtyard. Slowing to a stop, she turned her head to find the dried up fountain. Even the once beautiful piece of architecture was nearly destroyed. She sighed again, walking towards it and taking a seat turning her head to stare at the empty pool below. This always used to be her favorite spot. She'd sneak out at night and come here, anything to get out of that stuffy room of hers. But those days were long gone. Now she didn't even have a place to really call home.

"I wonder..." she mused, still reminiscing about the past.
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 09, 2016 1:59 am

Despite the fact that Hunter had graduated from Cross Academy almost seven years ago, He always found himself wandering up and down the crumbling streets and admired the once proud and prestigious buildings. The young man never enjoyed the fact that he was forced to go to the classes. After all, he was there to fulfill a mission; kill the violent vampires. The Guns had long since disbanded, though. They were no longer needed, just like this place. a wry smile crept on Hunter's face as the fond memories of the friends he had made here came creeping into his brain. He never expected to make friends with the very things he was there to hunt down, especially after what their kind had done to him when he was so young. The scars of his past abuse throbbed on the surface of his skin in response to the unpleasant thought, but he paid it no mind. They weren't all base beasts. Just the ones he had to put down.

Hunter paused and drew a deep breath, allowing the cool night air to fill his lungs as he strolled along the all to familiar path to the main courtyard. After all, that's where he made his first friend when he was dropped off. God, had it really been that long since he last spoke to her? He regretted never being able to truly express how he felt, but that was in the past. She had moved on, and it was about time that he did the same. But, for some reason, he found himself thinking about her whenever he laid alone in his room at night. Maybe that's why he came here so often? On the off chance that she suddenly felt nostalgic.

It was a foolish though to have, and he was aware of that. But Hunter just couldn't help but wonder. So that's why, after those seven long years, he still walked around this place,

"Another night wasted, eh?" He sighed and ran a hand through his now dyed green hair, "She probably wouldn't recognize you after so long. After all, you look different, sound different."

Hunter paused to light a cigarette and took a long drag, "The only thing that's the same is the smell of my favorite brand." He said, exhaling a large cloud of sweet smelling white smoke, "I guess it's time I head back home."

The now twenty-three year old man cracked his neck and slipped his hands into his pockets before continuing his lazy stride until he reached the all too familiar fountain. But there was something different about it... Someone was there, seated right on the edge, staring into the pool. Nobody ever came here,

"Excuse me." He said, approaching the woman, "Are you alri-"

He stopped dead in his tracks, the cigarette he had lit falling right from his mouth in surprise, "Holy shit..."
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Age : 28

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 09, 2016 2:15 am

"Holy shit..."

She froze then, her body tense and ready to pounce. Whoever it was she would rip their throat out. No one ever came here, at least that what's she thought. But as she took a deep breath, she recognized the scent. The same scent from all those years ago. Her icy blue hues flitted over to the ground then, eyes widening when she saw the cigarette butt laying there. It couldn't be... She quickly stood up then, and when she saw who it was she swore her heart skipped a beat. His hair was completely different and he had even grown a little taller. Even his voice had changed, but not his scent. His scent was still the same as it was over seven years ago. "Hunter...?" the woman spoke, taking a step towards him. She stopped herself though, putting a hand to her chest. She could be wrong, mistaking this man for an old friend of whom she thought had long forgotten about her. But something deep down was telling her that it was really him.

The pinkette was silent, simply staring at the other contemplating on her next move. She could leave, act like they'd never even met. Or she could stay and find out if her hunch was correct. She chose to do the latter. "It's me... Rei..." she finally said, reaching out towards his own chest.

ooc - her name is rei now. curse my terrible memory and IDIOT HIGH SCHOOL SELF
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 09, 2016 2:49 am

Hunter could tell that he had startled the woman, judging by her reaction. But he wasn't put on edge. It was natural to be surprised and go on the defensive after being surprised out of the blue, especially somewhere so far from civilization. The young man waited patiently for her to calm herself a bit when he noticed something familiar about her... Good lord, she looked just the same as before, as if she hadn't aged a day since they last saw each other. Her piercing blue eyes, her long flowing hair, even her mannerisms... They were exactly as he remembered,


She spoke, reaching out to touch him as if she wasn't sure that he was real. It seemed that she was just as shocked.


The moment he felt her hand touch his chest, couldn't help himself and closed the distance between them and wrapped his arms around Rei, pulling her close to him, "I thought you forgot about me..." Hunter said, his voice filled with emotion, "I..." He paused, tears rolling down his cheeks, "I missed you so much..."
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Age : 28

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 09, 2016 3:01 am

Rei's eye widened for a moment when Hunter embraced her, but she soon closed it and hugged him in return. She had forgotten how safe she felt in his arms and it was such an amazing feeling to experience once again. "You know I could never forget you..." she said, feeling tears roll down her face. She was silent then, simply taking in the moment. He was warm and his familiar scent was comforting. She wouldn't mind if they just stayed like that forever. But knowing he was wanting to talk some more, she gently pulled away and smiled as she wiped the tears away from the male's face. "Don't cry." she spoke, taking his hand in her own and bringing it to her face gently brushing her cheek against it. "I've missed you too..."

Rei lead Hunter over to fountain then, sitting him down and taking a seat beside him all the while keeping a hold of his hand. "How have you been?" she asked, still smiling. "I hope you've been taking care of yourself. Are you eating enough? I always had to lecture you about that, so don't make me start doing that again." she added, letting out a small laugh.
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 09, 2016 4:56 am

The moment Hunter felt Rei return his embrace, he felt something that could only be described as electricity flowing through his body. It had been so long since he had last seen her, let alone hold her close to him. Hell, the last time they were this close the kissed. But now wasn't the time for that, no matter how much he wanted it. After a sweet moment holding each other, Rei gently broke away and looked up to him, her one beautifully blue eye focused on his tear stained face before wiping them away for him before she took his hand and placed it on her cheek, "I could say the same thing to you, Rei." Hunter said. God, he didn't want to stop saying her name, "But I'm just so happy to be with you again."

Hunter followed his companion back to the fountain and took his place next to her, leaving no more than an inch of room between him while he held her hand. The young man was almost in a trance when her hypnotic voice filled his ears once again, "I've been alright." He said, gesturing to the cuts on his knuckles, "Still doing what I do, you know?" She used to hate the fact that he fought all of the time... But unfortunately, it was all he knew to keep the money coming in, "And yeah, I remember." He laughed with her, remembering how she used to bust his chops for neglecting himself so much, "I took it to heart and now I'm about 4 inches taller. Just glad I grew up and not out. So don't worry about me. I never get myself in over my head like I used to.

That last bit wasn't entirely true. But what she didn't know wouldn't hurt her, "The Guns disbanded so now I take odd jobs. Some legit, others not so legit... But I gotta keep myself fed and housed." Hunter said, looking away for a moment. He wasn't proud of the fact that he still had to do 'unsavory' things for money. But old habits die hard, "What about you? From what I can see, the years have been kind... Just as radiant as when I first met you in this exact spot."
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 09, 2016 2:42 pm

Seeing Hunter gesturing towards the cuts on his hands, Rei lifted one and examined it. She frowned at their condition, a little worse for wear but at least he still had two hands so that was good she supposed. Lowering it again, she let her blue hue fall on the other again, listening as he explained that his old group the Guns had disbanded and now he was taking on odd jobs. Legitimacy being an issue was right, especially considering how tired he looked. The pinkette hadn't noticed earlier, being so caught up in the feeling of seeing him after so many years, that though he was eating and he'd grown he still was working himself too hard. Some things never changed did they? "I'm fine, I suppose..." she replied, her gaze lowering as she gently squeezed Hunter's worn hands. "I've been traveling a lot lately, seeing the world that I had been kept away from for so long... But Hunter..." Rei paused.

She was worried. She was well aware that Hunter could take care of himself, he had proved that several times in the past. But still. How long before everything caught up to him? What if one day he made a small mistake that got him killed? Rei couldn't live with herself if that happened. She didn't know what she would do. Being apart from him for so long made her realize something. She didn't want to lose him, not again. "Come with me. You don't have stay here, you don't have to struggle anymore..." Rei spoke, looking back up at him with a pleading look in her eye. "Please..."
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 09, 2016 4:46 pm

Hunter could tell that Rei was displeased with his ragged and shaggy state. Even in this darkness, he was sure that she'd be able to see what years of stress and hardship had done to his once vibrant face. He had grown almost pale in complexion, with deep bags formed under his steel grey eyes. Sure, he could still work and do his job effectively... But at the rate he was going, Hunter would get himself killed, without a doubt.

Rei must have realized that Hunter was reaching the end of his lucky streak due to how she studied his hands and face. It was only a matter of time before the stress and exhaustion caught up to him, "I'm glad that you've been able to see the world, Rei." He said with a smile, "You always talked about wanting to experience everything the earth has to offer... And considering your lifespan, you'll have plenty of time to continue doing so."

That's one thing he could never forget. Even if they left this place to create a life together, eventually he would die and she would continue on. He didn't want to wish anything like that upon her.

Hunter sat in silence for a moment, listening to her plea before he drew a deep breath, "You're right, I don't have to struggle." He said, "And leaving all of this behind would be easy.. But..." Hunter paused, "Even if I leave with you, I'm still just a human. Look at how much I've changed in just these past few years... I'd hate for you to be forced into watching me die an old man."
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 09, 2016 5:07 pm

Rei's eye widened after hearing Hunter's words. Did he really think her that shallow? No, she was nothing like that. Not anymore. "You're wrong." she spoke, squeezing his hand tighter and locking her gaze with his. "I don't care about that. I want to be with you for as long as possible." she continued, leaning forward and resting her forehead against his. "So please... come with me..."

"Ah, isn't this touching."

Rei froze then, quickly opening her eye and pulling away from Hunter. Her eye widened again but this time it was filled with a mix of both anger and terror. She knew that voice. But she had thought it long gone. She thought she and Hunter had taken care of him seven years ago. But it seemed she was horrible wrong. Rei's heart dropped when she saw the man step out from the shadows, still in all black clothing, save his longer jet-black hair. The same sword that had cut her when she was younger still mounted at his side. Just looking at it caused her scar to ache, and she brought a hand to it while her good eye narrowed. "You." the young woman hissed, standing up from where she sat and forming shards of ice in the palm of her hand. The pinkette hadn't been forced to use her powers in ages, but she still hadn't forgotten. Rusty yes, but she would manage.


Kira clapped slowly as he took a few steps towards the pair. Oh how long he had waited for this day to come. He couldn't wait to sink his blade into them and kill them like he should have a long time ago. He wanted blood. "I'm honored you remembered me." he spoke, stopping just a few feet away from them and unsheathing his sword, causing Rei to tense up even more. The sly grin on his face grew as he brought the blade to his face examining it and sliding the blunt end through his hand. "It's been seven years hasn't it...?" Kira asked, stopping halfway and locking his gaze with Rei and Hunter. "Seven years is such a long time..." he continued. "FAR TOO LONG!"

The elder vampire lunged at them then, aiming directly for their necks. Thankfully Rei reacted just in time and swung her arm upwards, forming a wall of ice between them and their attack. Kira's raw power was too much however and he easily sliced through it, shattering the ice. The woman's eye widened once again and her heart began to beat out of her chest. He was just inches from them now. Was this the end?

Last edited by Momo on Sun Oct 09, 2016 9:47 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 09, 2016 5:57 pm

Hunter smiled wryly in appreciation of Rei's reassuring words. It was a comfort to know that she wouldn't think any less of him for growing older. The young man leaned in to meet her and attempted to bring his lips toward hers when the gesture was cut off by an extremely unwelcome guest. Hunter's head snapped to the side and he quickly rose to his feet to meet the threat, his all too familiar cuffs burning in response to the sudden rush he was beginning to feel. It looked like there was going to be a fight.

The young man took a moment to scan the new arrival. Even after such a long period of time had passed, Hunter recognized him in an instant. Seven years ago he attempted to take both of their lives. And in Hunter's case, he almost lost it.

Their opponent was dressed in the same black clothing as before. The only thing that changed was the length of his black hair, "You're right..." Hunter responded, taking an aggressive stance, "I've been waiting to put you down!"

Hunter lunged forward to meet his opponent, but was cut off by a sudden wall of ice. No doubt that it was Rei attempting to block them off. But the vampire wouldn't be put off by something like that. He cleaved through the ice with ease and continued his assault, his blade trained on their necks. In response, there was a bright flash of light as the bands attached to Hunter's wrists broke their seal and became the feared Death's Teeth. A pair of knuckle claws that Hunter always carried. At first he wasn't able to control when they released, but he learned how to use them as if they were an extension of his own body since their last meeting.

In a whirlwind of motion, Hunter placed himself between Rei and Shiki, catching the vampire's sword between the claws on his left hand, "Rei, let me handle this! You're only vulnerable at close range, put some distance between us and support me while I take him head on!"

The vampire took advantage of Hunter's distracting himself with the woman's safety and planted the heel of his boot into Hunter's solar plexus, knocking the air out of his lungs. That was all he needed to free his blade and continue his flurry of slashes directed at the young man.

There was an almost feral grin on Shiki's face as he swung the sword time and time again in Hunter's direction. Even if he was just a human, he always had much more fight in him than others. For even after being struck, he matched every slash blow for blow, deflecting them with those damned claws.
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 09, 2016 10:00 pm


Rei nodded and jumped away, but as she followed Hunter's commands her eyes widened when Kira landed a blow to the male's chest. Her eye narrowed in anger and while in midair she swung her arm to the side forming ice crystals that began to head straight for their opponent while he was busy swinging down on the young man. He seemed to be ready though and she swore she saw him flash a smile as he suddenly disappeared into the thin air. Her icy blue hue frantically flitted back and forth in search of him as she landed back on the ground again, her body tense. "Where is he?!" Rei hissed, turning her head in all directions now. But as soon as she looked back at Hunter, her heart dropped yet again when he reappeared directly behind the human, unaware of the vampire's presence.


Kira's grin grew as he let out a menacing laugh and aimed to kick Hunter directly in the back of his head, intending to send him flying into a nearby tree. Following this, he would lunge at him again and grab him by the neck, holding him against the trunk with his sword to his neck. "Game over, kiddies."
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 09, 2016 11:07 pm

It seemed that Rei wasn't too happy when Hunter received a bit of damage in the initial flurry with Kira and reacted emotionally, but the other vampire had a solid read and took advantage of her anger, disappearing without a trace. Hunter had lost the Black Widow long ago, so he was dreadfully exposed without it's supernatural radar of sorts. He had no idea where his opponent went. And when fighting something much stronger and faster than you, having the element of surprise ripped away left you with nothing. If he didn't read this situation, he'd die.

Suddenly, Hunter heard Rei scream and reacted the only way he knew how. Hunter dropped forward and felt the wind of a kick meant for the back of his head pass right over him. Taking advantage of the recovery time needed after making such a maneuver, Hunter swept at Kira's exposed leg, catching him off guard and knocking him to his back. Without skipping a beat, Hunter straddled his opponent and attempted to drive his claws into Kira's chest, but the vampire proved resourceful and pinned his own blade, locking Hunter together with him. And since the vampire held much greater strength, Kira swung the blade in an arc, taking Hunter with it and slammed him onto the ground over his head.

With his prey dazed, Kira rolled backward and straddled Hunter in return. The vampire hunter thrashed and tried desperately to free his claws from the sword, but it was useless. From this position, Hunter could do nothing as Kira landed blow after heavy blow to his exposed face. There was a wet thudding sound as if someone were hitting a bag of meat with a baseball bat every time the Vampire's fist bounced Hunter's head off the concrete. If this continued, there'd be nothing left.
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 09, 2016 11:28 pm

Rei's eye widened horror when Kira began to strike Hunter mercilessly, seeing blood fly into the air and into the ground. Her heart was racing and the adrenaline pumping her next move was almost foolish. She ran straight for the elder vampire as he was about to land one last punch and lunged at him, shoving him off the male but just barely. Kira growled at the girl and just as she was getting onto her feet, he was even quicker. "I should've ripped your heart out instead of your eye, little girl." he spat, swinging his katana down on her. The pinkette almost had almost no time to react stepping back, swinging her arm upwards again and creating yet another wall of ice between herself and the attacker, but it too shattered. "You know that isn't going to work!" Kira slashed at her again and again she defended, causing her take yet another step back. This continued, Kira laughing maniacally and Rei still being pushed back until she tripped over a rock and began to fall towards the ground below.

"It's over."

Kira slashed down on her yet again, this time hitting his target. Everything seemed to be happening in slow motion. Rei's own blood stained the cobblestones as the eye patch fluttered downwards, revealing her now reopened scar. The raven-haired man watched in delight as she fell, hitting the ground with aloud thud. The poor woman immediately rolled over, clutching her wound as it bled profusely and dripped onto the ground. "Y-You bastard!" she exclaimed, whipping her head sideways and glaring at him. Tears had welled in her one good eye though. She was in so much pain. It was unlike anything she'd experienced before. "Why... WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE US ALONE?!" Rei screamed, the tears now streaming down her face.

"Simple... because it's fun."

The vampire turned on his heel then, walking back over to Hunter and stopped, his long shadow looming over him. "I've been waiting so long for this." he spoke, taking his blade and licking Rei's blood away. "Your little girlfriend will be joining you soon, vile human." Kira placed both hands on his katana then and thrusted downwards, aiming to stab him through his chest.
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 09, 2016 11:58 pm

Pain, searing pain was all that registered in Hunter's senses as he was pummeled. He wasn't aware of what was going on around him except for the agony that came with each and every heavy blow. Thud, thud, thud, thud. And then nothing. Was he dead? No, that wasn't it. After all, his face still hurt. Was he knocked unconscious? No, that almost made even less sense. It had to be that something else... No... Someone else caught Kira's attention. Hunter doubted that there was anyone else coming to help them, so that meant one thing. Rei was in trouble.

With a groan of agony, Hunter struggled to see through the blood that poured from the cuts on his face. His eyebrows, nose, mouth, everywhere the fist landed created a fresh wound. Hunter wouldn't be surprised if his face looked like hamburger meat. But that was his least concern. Rei needed him, and he was too weak to even stand on his feet. He was helpless. Just like back then, when his brother was killed. Hunter was powerless to help him then. And now he's powerless to help Rei. She tried in vain to defend herself with the walls of ice. He was toying with her now, rendering her useless so she could do nothing but watch as Kira had his way with her little human companion. But he had another thing coming.

"Your little girlfriend will be joining you soon, vile human."

There was a grunt as Kira drove his blade down towards Hunter's heart in an attempt to run him through, but such a move was telegraphed, and Hunter had the perfect counter. Suddenly, Hunter crossed his claws over his chest and caught the blade. Once trapped, he twisted his wrists in opposite directions, causing enough strain on the blade to make it shatter into several useless pieces. Hunter didn't wait for the vampire to even blink in surprise before he was on his feet again and going on the offensive. Hunter swung his claws like a man possessed, forcing the vampire to go on the defensive. And without a blade, he couldn't protect himself from the onslaught. Every time Kira tried to avoid one swing, he found himself in the path of another, his blood spilling from the defensive wounds on his arms,

"What happened, Kira?" Hunter taunted, raking his claws against one another, "What were waiting for, Kira?!" Hunter lunged forward, a sadistic grin on his face as he continued stabbing, slicing and carving the flesh off of his opponent's bones. The vampire had the upper hand at first, but he forgot one critical thing. The last person to make Hunter Kieff feel helpless, was resting peacefully six feet underground.
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 10, 2016 12:20 am

Rei was left to watch helplessly as Kira thrusted his katana down on Hunter with the intent to kill. However, something seemed to have flipped within the human and now he had the upper hand. He'd somehow destroyed the vampire's blade with his own and now Hunter was slicing him to pieces. She'd never seen him like that before. With so much blood lust in his eyes. She'd though only Kira was capable of such malice, but it seemed she was wrong. That wasn't Hunter. It couldn't be. "No..." Rei began, using one hand to reach out towards him.

All the while Kira was in trouble. He could do nothing but defend himself from the boy's blows with his arms and they were being ripped to shreds. Now his own blood stained the ground and was splattering through the air. He wasn't going to let it end like this, he couldn't. "YOU LITTLE BRAT!" he shouted, stopping Hunter's claws with bare hands. He could feel the blades cutting deep into his skin as Hunter continued to push downwards. At this rate he was going to lose a finger, if not all of them. But with the last of his strength, he thrusted his head forward and rammed right into Hunter's as a last ditch effort. He wouldn't die, not yet.

"HUNTER!" Rei screamed, hoping her voice would reach him. It was all she could do now.
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 10, 2016 12:39 am

Hunter grinned a wolfish grin as his claws dug deep into Kira's hands, temporarily stopping his assault. It would only take a flick of the wrist to slice through and render the vampire's hands useless, but Hunter was having too much fun now. He had this beast cornered. And Hunter planned on taking it nice and slow from here on out. The young man spread his arms wide and brought his face close to Kira's, pure malice radiating from his entire body. In Hunter's mind, this vampire was going to cross the river styx piece by bloody piece, "Remember what you said when Rei asked you why we wouldn't be left alone." He asked, staring into Kira's eyes, "Because it's fun."

He drove his head into the bridge of Kira's nose, breaking it, "Well now I'm going to have fu-" Kira returned the favor, eliciting a masochistic grin from its intended victim, "That was a mistake..."

Hunter flicked his wrists, freeing his blades from Kira's hands and mangling them in the process before he dropped down and severed the tendons in the vampire's legs, dropping him to his knees. From there, Hunter Kieff calmly and methodically poked and prodded, relishing in the screams of agony that erupted from his victim's throat, "I wonder how long it'll take a vamp like you to bleed out." Hunter mused for a moment, placing his claws in an 'x' against the vampire's throat, "I'll just have to learn that from the next one I kill. Goodbye."

The young man prepared to separate Kira's head from his neck but was stopped when Rei's scream reached his ears. Did she not want Hunter to kill him? After everything he's done? Kira noticed his hesitation and smiled as if taunting him. In response, Hunter slashed into the vampire several more times to remind him of where he stood,

"Why are you stopping me, Rei? I can end everything here and now. He's here, on his knees, a hair's breadth. Just let me push him over." Hunter turned to face her. This wasn't the smiling boy she remembered from seven years ago. This was the Gun he forgot how to be. A consummate professional. A merciless vampire hunter, "He's done so much to you. So much to us!" He pleaded, "Let me kill him now and put an end to all of this. He'll never bother you again. All you have to do is give me permission and I'll strike him down!" Hunter jabbed the claw in his right hand outward and pressed the sharp point against the vampire's throat, slowly increasing the pressure, "For everything he's ever made you suffer... I'll make sure he feels one hundred times the pain."
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 10, 2016 1:00 am

Rei stared in terror, listening to Hunter's words. The look in his eyes, it was as if he were a different person. He was going to kill Kira and when he did, then what? Wouldn't that make him just as bad as the vampire? Even after everything he'd done it still didn't feel... right. Revenge wasn't the answer, there had to be another way. There had to. "Please, stop..." Rei began, slowing getting to her feet. Her legs were shaking from the blood loss, but she pushed on. The pinkette stumbled towards the pair, Kira on his knees covered in his own blood. He appeared to be on the verge of death already.

Finally Rei reached Hunter, almost tripping and falling onto him but she stopped herself. She swayed a few times but forced herself to straighten up. Still clenching her bloodied eye with one hand, she reached out with the other towards her closest friend placing her hand over his cheek like she had done before. "Don't do this..." she continued, forcing a sad smile as the tears rolled down her face. "You're better than that... You can't fall into the darkness like him... Please..."

Kira couldn't help but laugh at the scene, coughing up blood as he did so. He flashed a toothy grin at them, blood running down his lips and face. "What are you waiting for? You said you were going to kill me, no?" he asked, laughing still. "Or are you too much of a coward?!"

"Please, Hunter..." Rei pleaded. Which path would he choose?

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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 10, 2016 1:31 am

Hunter's resolve wavered as Rei pleaded with him to stop, to leave Kira be. Part of him wanted to leave the murderer and take Rei in his arms, but that wasn't going to happen. If they left him here, his healing factor would kick in and he'd make a full recovery. He'd never stop hunting her, hunting them. They'd always be in danger... Hunter knew what he had to do. And he'd do it, even if that meant driving away one person he wanted to stay with forever, "I'm sorry, Rei. But I can't let him go." He said, tears streaming down his cheeks, "You may not agree with me now... But once the shock wears off, I'm sure you'll come to understand why."

In response to Kira's taunts, Hunter drove his foot into the vampire's chest and knocked him onto his back before straddling him once again, "Oh, I plan on delivering, bastard." Hunter drove the claws into Kira's chest over, and over, and over again, sending weak screams of agony and horror echoing through the empty streets of Cross Academy until they dulled into the wet gurgling sounds of the vile soup that used to be his heart and lungs. The vampire died with his eyes open... A fitting demise.

Once Hunter was sure that the monster was dead, he stood and turned to face Rei, his normal expression returning now that the threat had been dealt with, and the claws returned to their unsealed form. Hunter was now slick with blood. Some his, but most of it belonged to his latest victim, "Rei..." He said weakly, "I did this for us..."
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 10, 2016 1:45 am

Rei's pleas had gone in vein, and her entire body went numb when the tear stricken Hunter pulled away. She watched helplessly as he kicked Kira to the ground and stabbed him several times, his body lurching a few times before becoming still. He was dead. Hunter turned to face her then, covered in a mix of his own and the vampire's blood. So much blood was shed tonight. The pinkette sat there silently for what seemed like ages, her own tears having dried up. Her gaze was now expressionless when she finally spoke. "No..." she began, lowering her head causing her bangs to cast a shadow over her eyes. The woman slowly stood up, clenching her fist. "This shouldn't... this wasn't supposed to happen..." Rei's voice was filled with pain as she shook her head back and forth. "You're..." She looked up at him then, pulling her bloodied hand away and revealing the reopened wound, the eyelid closed shut long ago. Her other eye seemed to be looking straight into his soul. "You're not Hunter... I... I don't know who you are, but..." She began backing away. "Don't ever come near me again."

And with those final, cold words, Rei turned around and ran away leaving Hunter all alone.
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 10, 2016 2:10 am

Hunter could do nothing but watch helplessly as Rei stared silently at him for what felt like forever. The look in her eye was nothing like it had been before. There was no light, no spark, no love. It was as if she didn't recognize him, "Rei, plea-" He was cut off when she spoke and took a step away from him. She truly didn't recognize him anymore. He wasn't the same kid who had a solid moral compass. Hunter was now nothing but a worthless monster to her. And now she wanted nothing to do with him.

The young man took a step forward, his hand reaching out for the woman he loved, but she turned her back to him and said those crushing words,

Don't ever come near me again.

With that, she vanished into the darkness... Leaving Hunter Kieff the same way his little brother left this world. Alone, covered in blood, with nobody to care about him. Suddenly there was another flash of light as the Death's Teeth re-materialized in his hands and he straddled the vampire's corpse, stabbing and slashing as Hunter screamed into the darkness,

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT" He shouted, more fresh blood splattering all over, "I waited seven years for her! I was ready to abandon everything for her! And now she's gone again!" He continued slashing and screaming until his voice went hoarse and there was nothing left for him to vent his frustrations. And upon realizing the mutilated corpse that he sat upon, Hunter rose to his feet and stumbled over towards the fountain where they first met and looked over the side to see his own face. It was beaten, cut and bruised. But how he looked was nothing compared to how he felt,

"So this is how she'll remember me, huh?" Hunter asked his reflection, "It's fitting..." He paused, the tears beginning to flow once more, except now Rei wasn't there to dry them, "After all, nobody can love a monster."

With that, Hunter Kieff collapsed to his knees and wept bitterly, his tears mixing with his open wounds, falling like crimson rain onto the cobblestone.
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 10, 2016 6:36 pm

Two long months had passed since that fateful night. Rei had since tried her best to forget about Hunter... he wasn't the same one she'd first met seven years ago. Even after she pleaded him not to kill Kira, her words fell on deaf ears. Deep down though, she felt guilty. She knew her cold words must have left him heartbroken and she could only hope he was able to cope. She cared about him, she did. The woman just couldn't bare the thought that he would go to such lengths in order for them to be together. It scared her. If he killed for her sake, then what else would he do? Kira was a evil, some would even say that he deserved to die after all that he did to both she and Hunter. That was what she used to want and she even swore that she would kill the vampire herself. But now she was confused. She had thought the vampire's death would solve everything, wash away their problems. Instead it seemed to make things worse. Now the rift between she and Hunter had grown larger and she didn't know if things would be the same ever again.


Rei lowered her head as a gust of wind swept past, pushing her bangs out of her face and revealing the bandages that had replaced her eye patch. Her other eye filled with sadness. She was sitting by the lakeside that surrounded Cross Academy and just by looking up she could see it's empty buildings. She couldn't look at them anymore. What once brought back joyful memories only brought pain. She just hoped that Hunter was safe.
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 10, 2016 6:57 pm

In the months that passed since Hunter became nothing but a monster to the woman he loved, he did nothing but throw himself into job after job without end, hoping that this next one would be the one that finally took his life. The very woman he would do anything for, the only one he could hope to care about wanted nothing to do with him anymore. And once that hope was crushed on that cold, dark day, all that remained was a sad, broken man.

The weeks of self neglect and a suicidal intent made him look like a shadow of the strong, confident self he used to be. Hunter no longer walked with his head held high, he no longer smiled when spoken to. If anything he looked like a dead man walking, pale and sickly from malnutrition and overexertion. He looked like he was a hair's breadth from death. And with each mission he took, the young man prayed for his end... But it never came. Job after job, kill after bloody kill, a reputation began to follow him. A pale sickly man that turned into whirlwind of steel and rage if you put enough money in his hand... Death's Pale Shadow is what they called him. It was fitting. For everywhere he showed up, he left a mountain of bodies in his wake.

"Is this my punishment?"

Hunter asked the cold air, "Is this what I deserve?"

The pale, broken man continued on the path towards Cross Academy. He wasn't here for pleasure this time... Someone caught wind of someone prowling around the waters by the school's ruins. It was an easy job that paid well. In an out. Look around for something and secure the area. If someone was there, he'd chase them off. If they didn't leave, he'd kill them. At this point he didn't even make an attempt to talk to his marks. He'd just show his face, unseal his claws, and kill.

After what felt like an eternity, Hunter finally reached his destination, the Death's Teeth already prepared for a fight. He scanned the area for a moment and noticed the unwelcome figure sitting by themselves. If he were well fed and watered, he'd be able to easily tell who she was, but he was on autopilot. With each step he took, Hunter drew closer and closer to his mark. In order to warn the trespasser and give them an opportunity to flee, he began raking his claws against eachother.

In the less savory circles, this was called, "The Shadow's Call." A sound that was both respected and feared.
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 10, 2016 7:06 pm


The sound of metal rubbing against each other could be heard, and Rei immediately tensed whipping her head around to see a tall, gaunt figure heading towards her. Her eye widened in horror when she recognized who it was. Hunter. He was a shell of what he used to look like even only after two months time. She could tell who it was, despite his thin figure. "Hunter?!" the pinkette exclaimed, standing up from where she sat. The woman took a step backwards as he neared her, unknowingly landing one foot in the water. It was the least of her problems though. From the expression in his eyes, it didn't even seem to register who was about to slice into pieces. He had thrown his well being out the window and now Rei was sure he would die from starvation if one of his missions didn't kill him first. "What the fuck have you done to yourself?!" she demanded, clenching her fists in frustration. Her words seemed to go unheard though and she prepared herself for the worse. But perhaps...

"Don't you recognize me? It's me, Rei!"
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 10, 2016 7:14 pm

Hunter flinched and hesitated once he heard the woman scream his name. She recognized him. And whoever she was, Hunter wasn't about to kill somebody that knew him by name. That meant, at one point, they meant something to him. The young man froze where he stood and stared blankly at Rei as she demanded an explanation, but they fell on deaf ears. Did she forget what she had said to him? Probably not... After all, the woman made how she felt about him abundantly clear. She wanted nothing to do with him,

"I recognize you now." Hunter said, his voice hoarse and weak, "It looked like my employer was mistaken. You aren't a threat."

He turned his back to Rei and began retracing his steps back to civilization, "I won't come near you ever again."
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 10, 2016 7:24 pm

Rei's eye widened in shock when Hunter's repeated her same words from two months ago. Soon after he was turning on his heel and heading back into town. She could sense almost no emotion from him as he spoke and walked, and her heart began to break. What had she done? "Wait!" Rei ran towards him then, grabbing him by his hand and only then did she feel just how thin he was. She could feel his wrist bone. Things were much worse than she thought. "Don't go..." she said, her bangs casting a shadow over her eyes as she lowered her head. A tear rolled down her face as they stood there, time seemingly having stopped. The young woman never should've said those words. Look what happened to him? It was obvious to Rei now. Hunter had completely lost a sense of purpose in life and it was her fault. She'd broken him, her only friend. "I'm so sorry..." she whispered, more tears streaming down her face. "I didn't mean it... I didn't mean what I said..."
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 10, 2016 7:55 pm

Hunter froze in place when he felt Rei's hand lock around his own, it seemed that she had no intent to let him go this time. For a split second, Hunter considered tearing his hand away and leaving her as she left him, but that would solve nothing. He'd just continue marching to his own death. The young man stared blankly in the same direction as Rei made her desperate plea, begging him to stay, and apologizing over and over for what she said. And then, for the first time in what felt like forever, Hunter turned to face her and smiled weakly before his legs buckled, sending him to his knees, "Don't cry." He wheezed, reaching up weakly towards her downcast face, "I know you didn't."

Before he could reach up to touch her, Hunter finally lost consciousness and fell forward, Rei's body the only thing keeping him propped up.
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 10, 2016 8:10 pm

Rei gasped when Hunter fell, catching him just in time before he slipped past her torso and onto the ground. "Hunter, Hunter!" she cried, trying to wake him. But it was in vain, he was unconscious. Desperate, she threw his arm around her shoulder and stood up, stumbling once but continuing on to take him back into town. "Stay with me, you're gonna be okay. I promise!" the young woman exclaimed, more and more tears rolling down her face. It was all her fault. She shouldn't have said that to Hunter. Now he was in this awful state, malnourished and on the verge of death. She was stupid, selfish even. And she swore to make it up to him. Rei would never leave his side, ever again.


The pinkette paced back and forth, biting her thumb nervously as she awaited the doctor's news. Somehow she'd managed to drag Hunter's body all the way into town and to the local doctor. She'd visited the old man several times before, especially when she was younger. He even used to work at Cross Academy and had knowledge on how to care for both humans and vampires alike. There was no one else she trusted more. It was then that she heard a door open and the doctor emerged, adjusting his glasses as Rei ran over to him. "Well? Is he alright??" she asked, trying to peer past him and into the room. The old man coughed, casting her an annoyed glance as a signal for her to calm down. Heeding this, she nodded and folded her hands in front of her, waiting patiently for his answer.

"Ahem, he's malnourished and weak from it." Rei swallowed. "He needs lots of rest and plenty of food and water to get some meat back on him. Other than that he should be fine." She was relieved. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have other patients to tend to. And with that, he walked passed her and into another room. Rei watched as he went, an amused smile on her face. Still the same grumpy old doctor. At least that hadn't changed. Pushing these thoughts aside however, basically leaped into Hunter's room, catching herself and quietly closing the door behind her. Looking straight ahead, she saw the male sleeping peacefully in the bed, his chest slowly moving up and down. Upon seeing this, the soft smile returned to her face as she walked over to the bed and sat on the stool that was waiting for her. She stared at Hunter then, admiring his features. Though much thinner, his looks still caught her eye. Even as sick as he was, he was still handsome as before. Rei couldn't help but reach out and place a hand on his cheek, caressing it softly.

"Things will be different now... I promise."
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Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 10, 2016 8:35 pm

Hunter's eyes slowly peeled open as he was stirred from his peaceful slumber, his vision was blurry and his body ached, but at least he wasn't dead. That would be the worst case scenario. Dying right after making amends with Rei. God, he couldn't imagine what that would do to someone as sweet as that girl. She'd probably beat herself up every day of her long life. It was a painful thought, and Hunter was glad he survived. For her sake. The young man could feel a hand stroking his cheek and he reached weakly to grab hold of it. He'd never forget the feeling of her flesh against his. It had to be Rei.

Hunter turned his head to face the vampiress and offered a smile, her words causing his heart to beat hard in his chest. For some reason, being near her made him feel alive, rejuvenated. If he didn't have her to live for, he'd probably be dead right now, "I'm sorry." He said, "For everything I've done." He paused to take a deep breath and made an attempt to sit up, but he was far too weak. He wouldn't be moving on his own for quite some time, "I shouldn't have murdered Kira... I shouldn't have given up on myself." He turned his head back and stared at the ceiling, "I must look like hell right now... You don't need to see me like this. It's pathetic!"
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 10, 2016 8:48 pm

Rei perked up when Hunter awoke, her smile growing when he reached out towards her hand. When he tried to sit up though, she stopped him shaking her head. "Uh-uh. You need rest." she spoke, helping him lay back down. She listened carefully to his next words and lowered her head, a saddened smile forming on her lips instead now. "No... I'm sorry..." the pinkette said, moving her hand off Hunter's cheek and onto his own hands. She gently squeezed. "I shouldn't have said those things. It was awful of me to do so..." she continued, slowly looking back up at him. "I swear to you I won't ever do that again." she finished, leaning forward and placing a kiss on his forehead. Gently pulling away, she let out a chuckle at his last comments.

"Don't say that. You're still handsome in my eyes... er, eye." Rei said, scratching the side of her cheek with her free hand. "Now." The young woman stood up then, placing her hands on her hips. "What would you like to eat? I'm sure we can scrounge something up here in town. The local market should still be open..."
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Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 10, 2016 9:23 pm

Hunter closed his eyes and felt a warmth radiating through his entire body in waves, all of it stemming from where Rei's lips were pressed against his forehead, "Aww..." He whined jokingly, "Only on the forehead?" a small chuckle erupted from his throat and he shifted uncomfortably in his bed. Staying stationary was going to take some getting used to, "I know I need to rest for a while, but I get stir crazy sometimes." He said, looking to Rei, "You, of all people, should know that!"

The young man through back to when they were both students at Cross, "Remember how I used to climb along the side of the girl's dorm until I reached your window? I know I was uninvited most the time, but you always let me in." Hunter laughed, "I half expected you to hurl ice at me until I fell. But that never happened. You were always able to put up with my nonsense." He paused, "Every time I got into a fight with someone in the night class, you'd chastise me more than any teacher ever could. And I got twice the ass chewing for fighting a day class student, 'You already know you're stronger than all of them, so why do it?' And my answer always used to fluster you, 'Because I like it when you're here to patch me up.' God, I was such a hotheaded idiot!"

Hunter watched Rei as she stood and placed her hands on her hips before questioning him about what he wanted to eat. Just the though of food made his stomach growl in anticipation. Had it really been that long since he fed himself, "I'm not too picky... And I'm faaaaaar too weak to feed myself right now. How about something that won't make too much of a mess while I try to eat it."
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 10, 2016 10:34 pm

"You got that right."

Rei smirked then, letting one hand fall down to her side while she kept the other on her hip. Hunter was such an idiot when they were younger. Almost childish. Always picking fights with night and day class students alike. She especially couldn't believe whenever he took on vampires like herself. She knew he was strong, but a lot of the time he his ass handed to him. Kaname and the other's were no joke after all. Those guys even scared her sometimes. At the mention of patching him up however, she blushed, her icy blue hue flitting off to the side. She never wanted to admit it, but though she hated seeing him hurt she sort enjoyed patching him up too. Seeing those muscles always made her swoon. God he was hot. But when she saw his scars, her heart ached. Rei hoped he would never have to go through the terrible ordeal that caused them again.

That aside, Rei nodded and put a finger to her chin again as she looked up at the ceiling in thought. "Hm... how about some soup?" she asked, looking back down at Hunter. "One of the families I stayed with while traveling taught me how to make this special soup that's a great remedy for sickness. I can make that." She nodded to herself. "It's decided." the pinkette finished, softly smacking her fist down into the palm of her hand. "I'll be right back."


Rei hummed a soft tune as she walked back to the doctor's home, a paper bag filled with all sorts of vegetables, meat, and spices for the soup. She was excited to be cooking for Hunter. She hadn't cooked for him or anyone for that matter in a long time and now that she was able to she felt happy. Happy that she would finally be giving back to someone after so much kindness from everyone else. So much in fact that she let out a small giggle, burying her chin into the scarf she was wearing. The young woman was going to enjoy it.

It wasn't long before she walked back into the doctor's, stepping through the doorway and calling out to the older man saying that she had returned. She heard a grunt from upstairs where his Hunter and his other patients were and she smiled. "I'll be using your kitchen old man, hope that's alright!" she called, heading straight for the kitchen. There she set the bag down on the counter before washing her hands and tying on an old apron she found in the closet. It was quite dusty, for it's owner, the doctor's wife, had passed away soon after he retired from his job at the academy. During her visits in the infirmary, he often told stories about her to pass the time and she knew she must've been an amazing woman. Rei only wished she could've met her. The very least she could do now was treat the apron and kitchen with the utmost care. After having tied it around her waist, the vampire got to work.



Rei was ecstatic about how the soup turned out, placing the wooden spoon back into the pot to give it one last stir and switched off the stove. Hunter was going to love it. Taking two bowls out from the cupboard, she ladled some soup into them and after filling two glasses with water she placed everything on a tray and headed upstairs. She used her elbow to open the door to Hunter's room and her foot to close it, proceeding towards the male's bed with tray in hands. "Dinner is served." she spoke, smiling as she set the tray down onto the nightstand beside Hunter's bed. "Come on, I'll help you sit up." Rei gently took him by his underarms and slowly sat him up, letting him rest his back and head against the pillows she had propped up. Following this, she took the tray and set in his lap and took one of the bowls and glasses for herself. "Bon appetit."
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 10, 2016 11:30 pm

Hunter remembered those days fondly. He'd skip class to go work, show up and get chewed out by the administration and show up to his next classes all frustrated. Some day student would make a smart remark and Hunter would always overreact which always led to a fight. It was mostly Hunter that threw the first punch, but sometimes they hit him first. He always liked it when that would happen. After all, it meant that he could cut loose and crush a skull or two. Now when it came to the night class students, that would be a different story. Despite the fact that he was a seasoned hunter due to his time with the Guns, his impulsiveness back then always got him in over his head. He was lucky that most of the vamps knew how to pull their punches and just did enough damage to show him where he stood on the totem pole. He was no Kaien Cross. He lacked the genetics. Hunter Kieff was just some punk kid with a big mouth. And there was always a bigger fish to put him in his place. Hell, even Rei herself had to smack him around once or twice when he got particularly heated. She was gentle most of the time and aware of her strength. But when she got flustered, it didn't take too long for Hunter to back down and heed her instructions. But that's how it usually was with attack dogs. There was always someone stronger holding the leash. In a one-on-one, Hunter couldn't hold a candle to Rei.

The young man did his best to send Rei off with a polite wave, but his body didn't want to listen. It's what he deserved, neglecting himself for so long, "Soup sounds just fine. I probably couldn't handle something hearty anyway. Starting light is a smart choice." He said, "Don't rush yourself, I'm a patient man now."

That was another horrible aspect of his younger personality. Hunter always wanted to charge in head first and ask questions later. But, like always, Rei would be there to tug on his leash. If it were anyone else, he wouldn't allow it. But he usually seemed to behave around her. It's like she kept him calm.


Hunter waited patiently while Rei shopped for supplies and perked up when she finally made her return. He couldn't see exactly what was going on, but he definitely heard her. He'd offer assistance, but in his state he'd barely be able to use the restroom on his own. Now wouldn't that be a spectacle? He shook the embarrassing thoughts from his mind and tried to sit up again, straining every muscle in his body. Sadly, it wasn't going to happen. He was truly helpless on his own. Hopefully nobody knew where he was or else he'd have an unwelcome visitor. That would be unfortunate.

The young man perked up when Rei returned to his bedside and did his best to hold some of his own weight while she propped him up, the pillows she placed beforehand made a nice cushion. After all, bedsores would be no fun, "It smells delicious." Hunter said, reaching weakly for the spoon Rei had left.

His brow furrowed as he attempted to grip the spoon and anyone watching would be able to tell that he was getting frustrated. But he wasn't about to ask for help. That's one thing that remained constant. Hunter Kieff was as stubborn as a man could be. He'd embarrass himself day after day, but he'd never want to burden anyone else with his problems. Especially feeding himself. He wasn't an infant anymore.

After a brief fit of curses, Hunter finally managed to place the spoon to his lips and take a sip of what Rei prepared for him. It was absolutely delicious. And after a couple more spoonfuls, Hunter could feel his strength beginning to return. He felt his fingers beginning to tingle as the dexterity returned, and shortly after that he was able to grab the bowl and lift his to his lips, drinking greedily like the starved man he was.

Once the bowl was drained, he lowered it back into his lap and wiped his mouth before looking to Rei, the color returning to his cheeks, "Keep this up and I'l be sexy again in no time!"
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 10, 2016 11:56 pm

Rei was about to take the spoon and feed Hunter herself when she saw how frustrated he was in just trying to pick the spoon up. But she was soon relieved when he achieved doing the task and began to slowly ate the soup. Smiling, she took a sip from her own bowl and put a hand to her cheek as it's flavor made her taste buds sing. "So good~" she cooed, having half the mind to just shove the rest down her throat. Funnily enough Hunter did that first and she watched in awe as he devoured the rest of his food. Soon he was picking up the bowl and drinking the last of the broth and after he had finished the color had returned to his face. She laughed at his comment. "Noted." she spoke, letting out a giggle. She proceeded to finish her own soup and after drinking the rest of her water she paced her empty dishes over Hunter's and moved the tray back to the night stand. "Ah... that was good." the pinkette spoke, letting out a sigh of content.

The young woman's gaze fell on Hunter then, a smile on her face. "How about dessert?" she asked, slightly tilted her head to the side questioningly. Of course, she wasn't exactly thinking of the normal dessert. After everything that happened within the short time of reuniting, Rei had done a lot of thinking. She had thought back to when they first kiss and the feelings she experienced. She was shocked in the beginning, almost beating Hunter to a bloody pulp but she eventually came to accept that fact that she actually enjoyed it. And well... looking at the male now, he'd grown. She had originally thought he changed for the worse, especially after having killed Kira the night they met again two months ago. But now, she realized she was wrong. Hunter Kieff had matured from his past self. He had made if not, the most difficult decision of his life for the woman he cared about so much. Though killing wasn't always the answer, it seemed that this had been the only way to ensure their safety. Deep down, Rei knew Kira wouldn't stop until they were dead, she just was having a hard time accepting it especially back then. Things were different now. If not for Hunter, they'd both be dead. Just two more corpses lost at the hands of that monster. All that made her realize something she failed to seven years ago.

"Hunter..." Rei leaned in close to the male, just inches away from his face. "I love you." And with that, she kissed him.
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 11, 2016 12:45 am

The idea of desert definitely perked Hunter's ears and he turned to face Rei excitedly but paused for a moment to just gaze at her. She seemed lost in thought, the same as he was before she made it back to make sure he was fed. She always wanted what was best for him, even if he tried his best to seem independent. They spent too many nights together as she forced him to hit the books. Every time he missed class, she kept him awake to make up for the lost time. He resented the treatments at first, but that helped him build a solid work ethic. Without her, he would have been kicked out of school long before he was supposed to graduate... Now that he thought about it, he never thanked her for that. Then again, she could live without it. After all, she knew how he was. Stubborn as a mule.

Hunter was snapped out of the past when Rei said his name again and began closing the distance between them. The last time they were this close, he'd kissed her. Oh man, she was not very happy about that. Took every ounce of willpower to keep her from turning him black, blue and red all over. He needed to apologize for that too. God, he was such an-

I love you.


Before he could finish his sentence, Hunter Kieff felt Rei's lips pressing against his own, sending a wave of warmth through his body. They were just as soft as he remembered, and he felt himself drifting into her. Every ache, every pain in his body seemed to wash away as the only thing he could focus on was her. That was why he worked so hard, that was why he risked losing her forever. She was the only reason Hunter had for living anymore... And now, after so many years of feeling unrequited, he finally felt the one thing he had wanted after so long... Rei.

With a surge of newfound strength, Hunter closed his eyes and pressed forward, returning the kiss she had planted on his lips and placed his hands on Rei's cheeks. As much as he wanted this moment to last forever, he knew it would have to end sometime, if only so he could say this,

"And I've always loved you."
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 11, 2016 1:13 am

Rei smiled when Hunter pulled away to say he loved her back. She always had a feeling about that. It was no wonder he had worked himself into the ground after she said those things to him that night. It all made sense now. "Really?" she asked teasingly. Even his touch was warm. "Prove it." The pinkette leaned back in for another kiss, this time moving her tongue around in his mouth and biting his own playfully. She pulled away again and licked her lips, her fangs beginning to protrude. God those eyes. She could stare into them forever. "Think you have your strength back?" she questioned, her smile growing. The young woman couldn't resist the male right now. So much in fact she was ready to give into her urges. But the doctor's orders still rang in the back of her mind. 'He needs plenty of rest.' She didn't care though. She wanted Hunter so badly right now. It wouldn't hurt to disobey the doctor's orders this once right?

"Say yes already." Rei spoke, grabbing Hunter by the shirt and pushing him back down on the bed. She stood up then, and brought her leg over his body so that she was sitting on top of him before leaning in towards his face again. "Hm?"
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Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 11, 2016 1:49 am

Well wasn't this a surprise? For a moment, Hunter didn't realize what she meant at first, but he quickly snapped out of his daze when he felt Rei's tongue swirl in his mouth. So that's where this was going, huh? The young man pressed forcefully against her, returning his passionate kiss before he spoke, "For you? I have all the strength I'll need."

Hunter rose up for a moment to take control, but he was pushed forcefully back down against the bed, his body bouncing off the springs. Yep, there it was. She was ravenous. And whenever she got like this, Hunter knew he had a fight on his hands. But he didn't mind. After all, fighting was what he did best. The man waited patiently while the cheeky vampiress straddled him, pressing herself against his already hardening cock. She leaned in, taunting him for a moment. He wasn't about to let this go unpunished. The moment Rei's face was inches from his own, Hunter lunged forward and planted his lips against hers as his right hand gripped a handful of her luscious pink hair, "How's this for a reply?" He said, pulling forcefully against it to draw her face upwards towards the ceiling, leaving her neck exposed. From there, Hunter took his free hand and wrapped it around her waist and used the leverage to whirl her around, switching positions. Once on top of Rei, Hunter dove downward and started down at her collarbone, tracing a line with his tongue all the way up until he reached the crook of her neck before he bit down forcefully.

It wasn't anywhere near hard enough to draw blood, but he was sure it would let her know who was driving this bus, "From this moment forth." He growled, leaning in close until his lips were almost touching her ear, "You're going to be my good little girl." Hunter paused to nibble her neck again, "And you're going to do exactly as I say tonight."

With that, Hunter grabbed the vampiress' shirt and tore it from her body before removing her bra and admired every inch of her beautiful body, "Now tell me" He said, groping her breasts as he worked his way back down her neck until he paused directly over the left one, allowing his hot breath to wash over and make it harden in anticipation, "How bad do you want to feel me fuck you?"

The moment those words left his lips, Hunter took her tit into his mouth, sucking and swirling his tongue while his right hand pinched and pulled at the other, not wanting to leave it neglected. While his mouth and right hand were at work, he used the left to slide down Rei's belly and into her trousers until he reached the honeypot between her legs, "From what I can feel." He said, rubbing in circles until his fingers were covered in her sweet nectar, "You're completely soaked."
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 11, 2016 2:21 pm

Rei let out a low moan when Hunter suddenly grabbed her by the hair and forcefully kissed her. Normally one would be taken about by such aggression, but the woman actually enjoyed it. Just as quickly the male was yanking her head back and forcing her to look upwards before throwing her around so that now she was up against the bed. “Mmmm…” A chill went up her spine when she felt his tongue against her skin and suddenly teeth biting down on it. Another moan. Getting feisty now huh? His next words cause another moan to escape her lips as he took a few more nips at her neck. Hunter had complete control over her now and she was enjoying it. She loved a man that took charge, especially one that could tame her. After all, Rei wasn’t the easiest to get under control.

Suddenly the pinkette’s clothing was being torn away and then her bra, leaving her completely exposed to the other to do what he wished. She grinned, locking her gaze with his saying nothing but conveying to him to do his worst. That was his answer. She wanted him badly. “Come on.” She hissed, leaning forward to lick his nose all the way to his forehead when he paused her breast. Hunter knew her answer before she even spoke and was already biting on her tit and pinching the other, causing her to yelp out in pleasure. Still she felt his hand moving down her stomach and into her pants, blushing at his words. “Oops.” Rei said, licking her lips. “You caught me.” The woman let out another moan as he swirled his finger around, only turning her on more. Her cheeks became even more flushed and she continued to moan from his touch. The pain became pleasure and she didn’t want it to end.

“Punish me.” She gasped, grabbing him by the bottom of his shirt and ripping it off over his head now. She was still a vampire after all and had the strength to prove it. She raised both hands and grabbed him by his shoulders, her nails having suddenly sharpened and running them down his back leaving streaks of red, some spots beginning to bleed. Rei pulled her hands away then, licking away the drops of red and staring at Hunter again seductively. “Don’t make me wait.”

ooc - was able to post this before work. get ready for tonight hehe.
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 11, 2016 7:51 pm

Hunter couldn't stop the devious smile that spread across his face as Rei reacted so strongly to his touch. He didn't expect her to be so receptive to his dominant style considering how she seemed to be the type that needed to be on top of everything. Then again, everyone likes to let go for the right person. That right person just so happened to be himself. He paused for a moment when the vampiress grabbed him by the shirt and made the motion to raise his arms to make it easier, but she didn't need it. With that inhuman strength, she tore it to tatters and tossed what was left aside, leaving his torso exposed.

Despite the condition he was in just a few moments ago, his muscles were still more developed than most. They were slightly atrophied due to the lack of nutrition, but the sudden surge of blood to them caused by his earlier maneuver made them seem pronounced. He was no longer the boy he used to be, afraid of what she'd think of his numerous cuts and scars. He was more confident, composed and definitely willing to flaunt what he still had.

The moment Rei dug her sharpened nails into his back, Hunter hissed through his clenched teeth as she dragged them downwards, creating a light burning sensation. It wasn't unpleasant. If anything, it made him more eager to give her the punishment she so desired, "Fine, if that's the way you want it."

Hunter slid back and grabbed the edge of Rei's pants, making sure the tips of his fingers caught her panties too before the slid the both of them right off of her slender frame until she was completely exposed before him, "Beautiful."

From there, Hunter undid his own fly and did away with his own clothes before he wedged himself between her legs, pressing his cock against her soaked ***** lips. For a few brief moments, pressed his shaft against her inner lips, grinding his length against her until he was coated with her juices. He continued to tease her like this until she was on the verge of madness. But right before she could open her mouth to beg, pressed the tip against her opening and slammed his pelvis against hers.
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 11, 2016 8:48 pm

Rei's eye widened and sparkled upon seeing Hunter in his entirety. His muscles chiseled and his cock right there for her to gape at. The woman was about to grab it herself when he ripped her pants off, saying, "Beautiful.". He thrusted into her and taunted her more, moving it around and causing her to moan. "Ngh..." She put a hand to her forehead as her cheeks became even more flushed. What the hell was he waiting for? As if on cue though, she felt Hunter finally inside her and let out the loudest moan of the night. "Oh fuck... yes!" the pinkette cried, feeling her pelvis move up towards the male's as he thrusted. She could feel herself cum as she moved her hands back onto Hunter's shoulders. "Please more..." she whined, pulling his face closer to her. She planted her lips on his own then, moving her tongue around like before. Anything to keep the fun moving.
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 11, 2016 9:21 pm

Spurred by Rei's orgasmic cries, Hunter increased the speed and force of each of his strokes, intending to reach as far as he could into her tight depths. When prompted, he returned her passionate kiss before breaking away for a moment and pressed his forehead against hers, staring into her crystal blue eye that seemed to flutter with each thrust.

The way she moaned and squeaked as Hunter fucked her only drove him further into the throes of passion. Without breaking stride, Hunter hooked his arms under Rei's and lifted her into the air before bracing the woman against a wall. From there, he leaned in close and brought his lips to her neck once again, kissing upward until he reached her ear and growled, "I love the way you scream when my cock pushes into your tight *****, Rei... Who knew you could be so dirty?"
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 11, 2016 9:39 pm

Rei smiled at Hunter as he pressed his forehead against her's, before he suddenly scooped her up and slammed her against the wall. She let out a laugh and another moan when she felt his lips against her neck and then his hot breath on her ear. "Learn something new everyday don't we?" she answered, letting at yet another moan as she felt his cock moving inside of her. Wanting even more she leaned forward and place her tongue on his chin, tracing it all the way up and onto his forehead. She pulled away for a moment before leaning back in towards his ear and biting down on it, combing her hands through his hair and gripping it tightly. The woman wouldn't let go until he made her.
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Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 11, 2016 11:15 pm

Hunter's hands roamed Rei's exposed body as he fucked her, exploring every inch of her slender frame. The moment she leaned in towards him, he pushed further into her and continued to build up the speed until it reached a crescendo and gasped when he felt her gripping and tugging against his hair. It was then that another idea popped into his head.

On one particularly strong pull, Hunter's head was yanked backward, exposing his neck to her. He had noticed earlier that the more aroused Rei became, the more feral and wild she acted. Why not let her indulge. Hunter snaked his hand up behind her head and pressed her face into his jugular so she could feel his pulse. If she tried to bite before he commanded, he'd just have to show her who was in charge again, "I have something for you, Rei." He said, falling backward so she was now on top of him, hunched over like a predator who just pounced on her prey, "The next time you're about to cum, I want you to drink from me."

That was the most intimate thing he could offer her in this moment. She gave him her body, and he wanted to give her his blood, "You have my permission."
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 11, 2016 11:40 pm

More loud moans escaped Rei's lips as she felt Hunter thrusting further and further inside her. Soon she felt his hand sneaking up behind her head and then she was being pressed into his neck. She could hear the loud thumping of his pulse and the blood rushing through it. She could feel her teeth ache as her fangs formed again, licking the smooth skin. Soon after however, Hunter was falling backwards and she ended up on top of him, her breast just inches from his face. Hearing his offer she perked up, her icy blue hue locked with his own gaze. The pinkette smirked then as her eye began to glow red and she leaned into his neck again. She whispered in his ear. "As you wish."

Rei opened her mouth and let his fangs pierce Hunter's skin, feeling a rush of sweet crimson fill her mouth. Her cheeks became flushed as she moved her hands and placed them on his shoulders, tightly squeezing them. His blood was like nothing she'd tasted before. She closed her eye then, continuing to drink and brushing her tits against Hunter's chest. A few more moments had passed until she finally had her fill. Pulling away, Rei wiped the blood from the side of her lip and looked back down at her love, smiling passionately. "That was... amazing..." she spoke, falling to Hunter's side so that she was laying beside him. She let out a moan as his cock pulled away from inside her, but was satisfied. The young woman placed a hand on his cheek and caressed it, leaning her forehead against his own. "Thank you..." Rei said, planting a sweet kiss on the tip of his nose. What a night it was.
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 12, 2016 12:27 am

The moment Hunter felt Rei's womanhood clamping down on his cock, he knew what was coming next and braced himself. The vampiress' eye flashed red, and in an instant, she descended upon him, sinking her aching fangs into his neck. Once the initial shock wore off, a feeling of ecstasy that he had never felt before washed over his body in waves. And with one final push, Hunter reached his peak, exploding deep within the woman he loved more than anything in the world.

From there, he held Rei tightly against him as she drank her fill, wanting her to enjoy every mouthful she took before she almost reluctantly pulled away and fell on her side, causing Hunter's cock to withdraw from her inviting warmth. For a moment, Hunter found himself unable to say a thing as the feeling he had began to fade, and he was able to regain his senses, "And there will be even more amazing times to come." He said, looking to Rei as she caressed his cheek, "Just wait until I'm fully recovered. Then I'll give you all I got."

The young man placed one final kiss on her soft lips before his eyelids grew heavy, and he was cast into a deep, well deserved sleep.
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 12, 2016 8:00 pm

Rei smiled at Hunter's words and watched as his eyes slowly closed and he soon fell asleep. She continued to caress his cheek for a few moments before she felt her own eyes beginning to flutter shut. Eventually she succumbed to her exhaustion and drifted into sleep as well. Tonight was one she would remember for a very long time.


The sun's rays drifted into the room and into Rei's eye, causing her to grimace and tightly shut her eye in an attempt to keep it away. Unable to escape it, she suddenly rolled off into the shade closer to the bed before opening her eye, still half asleep. Across from her Hunter still laid there, sound asleep his chest slowly rising. To this she smiled, admiring how adorable he looked. Though he was a grown man and sexy in many aspects to her, he still had those moments where he looked like a child. It was so cute. She slowly sat up and stared at him for a few moments longer before standing up and grabbing the blanket from the bed. With it in hand, she gently draped it over his sleeping form before moving to close the curtains some more. She was still a vampire after all, and the sun wasn't exactly her friend. One wrong move and she would be reduced to ash. After closing the curtains so that it's rays could no longer get in, Rei headed over to where she had left her suitcase when she arrived. Digging through it, she decided on a simple black dress and after slipping it on she headed downstairs to make Hunter breakfast.

As she entered the room, she could already smell both coffee and pancakes and was greeted by the doctor of whom was sipping from a mug by the dining room table. Rei smiled at him and nodded. "Good morning, doc." she spoke, walking over to the stove were a few extra pancakes were waiting to be devoured. Receiving a grunt from the elderly man, Rei let out a chuckle. "Mind if I take some for myself and Hunter?" she asked, turning her head to look at him. Another grunt and he proceeded to eat his own pancakes and read through the newspaper. Letting out another laugh, the pinkette opened the cupboard and grabbed two plates, placing a pancake for herself on one and two for Hunter on the other. She then walked over to the fridge and found some orange juice, pouring it into two glasses. She finished by drizzling some syrup over the pancakes and with the food in hand she went to leave. "Thanks doc." she spoke as she disappeared around the corner.

Heading back up the stairs and into Hunter's room, Rei closed the door shut with her foot and turned around, heading towards the bed and peered over it to see if the male was awake. "Hunter, I got us breakfast."
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 12, 2016 9:43 pm

Hunter stirred a bit in his slumber when Rei rolled away from the sun, the sudden motion shaking him up a bit. But the young man was notorious for sleeping like a rock. If he wasn't in danger, he wasn't waking up. However, he did begin to reach out for Rei once she put distance between the two of them and he subconsciously missed her warmth against him. He was still a bit like a child in that aspect, groping for a teddy he lost in his sleep. It must have been an entertaining sight for anyone observing, "Mmm... Come back." He groaned, still not completely sure what was going on. Looked like he didn't enjoy being separated from her, even if he was still sleeping.

The young man remained tossing and turning in the absence of his love until he caught a whiff of what she had returned with. The moment his nose detected the scent of fresh, sweet food, he shot up out of his slumber and whipped his head back and forth to shake off the rest of his fatigue until he was wide awake. It made him look like a dog who just stepped out of the rain, shaking off the excess, "It smells delicious." He said with a smile and swung his legs over the side over the bed before wincing in pain, "Good lord, woman... What did you do to me?"

Hunter vividly recalled last night's events. She really put him through the wringer, "I'm sore in places I didn't even know I had."

From there, he planted his feet on the ground and attempted to stand on his own, wobbling a moment before he regained his balance, "You gotta be more careful with me." Hunter joked, offering a hand to help Rei with the food, "I can't heal fast like you."
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 12, 2016 9:56 pm

Rei laughed at Hunter's words as she handed his plate and glass over to him, winding her hand through his arm to help him keep his balance. "Noted." she spoke, smiling as she lead him back over to the bed. After helping him sit down, she took a seat herself and laid her head against his shoulder for a moment before eating. "Last night was amazing though." she said, closing her eye thoughtfully. "It was the most fun I've had in a while too." she added, letting out a small laugh. Gently pulling away, the young woman picked up the fork and cut into the pancake. "But anyway... I don't know about you but I'm starving." The pinkette took a big bite of food then and slowly chewed, savoring it's taste. They were nice and fluffy, just the way she like them. It seemed the doctor wasn't so bad of a cook himself.

"So..." Rei asked, about halfway done with her food when she turned her head to look at Hunter again. "What would you like to do today?"
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 12, 2016 11:08 pm

By the time Rei managed to get halfway through her own meal, Hunter was ravenously cramming the last bite into his already stuffed cheeks and paused for a moment when she looked in his direction. Why did he always have to make an ass of himself? Then again, he still had an excuse to act like a neanderthal. After all, he just came back from death's door. It's natural to be hungry, right? Before he could answer her question, Hunter placed the glass of oj to his lips and took a large swig, sending everything down his throat before he spoke, "Well since you'll roast like a turkey, we can't do anything today." He replied, slowly returning to the smart jackass he used to be, "But tonight, I'm up for anything. Even a second round."

That last part was a joke, of course. He couldn't survive another night of that. She'd end up killing him.
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 12, 2016 11:44 pm

"Shut up."

Rei nudged Hunter in the arm playfully, smiling in amusement as she saw how quickly he devoured his food. She proceeded to finish her own food and after finishing up the last of her orange juice, she took her dishes and the male's, setting them on top of the ones from last night. She would be sure to take them back downstairs later. Didn't want any bugs crawling around. Placing her hands over her knees, Rei began to kick her legs back and forth similar to that of a child. "Though I suppose you're right... I just wish I could at least go out for a walk with you..." the pinkette spoke, her head lowered as she stared at the floor below. She became a bit disheartened then, the differences between them becoming a reality. It wasn't fair that Hunter was forced to stay up with her during the night when he really should be sleeping. It was at these times she wished she were human. What was it like being able to walk outside during the day without having to worry about being burned by the very thing that help the love of her life stay alive? She could only wish that she could experience it's warmth beside him. "Hunter..." Rei began, keeping her legs still. "What is it like... the sun I mean...?"
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Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 13, 2016 4:47 am

That same wide smile Hunter always had returned to his face when Rei responded to his gentle ribbing and faked pain when she nudged him, "You need to watch yourself, you'll break me one of these days." The young man moved to help with his own plate, but it seemed like Rei wasn't going to have any of it. Before he could lay a finger on anything, everything was already tidied up and ready to be carted off to the kitchen. He watched her, a look of concern showing on his face as Rei cast her eyes to the ground. Was she hurt by what he said? God, Hunter was an idiot. He needed to be just a little more sensitive about how he spoke, "Rei, don't worry about that."

He placed a hand on her cheek and slid it down to cup her chin before tilting it up towards him, "And being in the sun is similar to how I feel whenever I had you with me when we were kids, Hunter paused as he leaned in closer, "That bright light that seemed to radiate from everywhere around you."

Once again, Hunter broke his sentence to plant his lips against hers, "And the warmth I feel whenever I'm near you is the best way I can describe the sun. I couldn't care any less about the light outside. Because the only light I need is the one right in front of me."
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