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Cross Academy. A place where vampires and humans alike attend the same school seperated into two classes. The night class and the day class. The night class has a secret. A secret the day class must never find out.
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 We Meet Again

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Age : 28

We Meet Again  - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 23, 2016 7:33 pm

Rei let out a tired moan as she heard the loud sound of someone knocking on their door. "Just five more minutes..." she mumbled, pulling a nearby pillow over her head. Her naked form shifted as she curled into the fetal position, clutching the pillow tightly. Last night had been fun, but also exhausting. All she wanted to do was sleep, grumbling some when she felt Hunter getting up out of bed. She assumed that it was Luna knocking on the door, undoubtedly excited to start her training with her father. The young girl was started weapons today after all, so she didn't blame her. That left Damien with her until it was his turn to switch off with his sister and train with Hunter, and Luna with her. Her heightened senses could hear him too shuffling down the hall and down the stairs to the backyard. Usually he was the one pounding on the door in the morning, but it seemed her husband's words from yesterday still rang in his mind. Already he was beginning to show growth.

The vampiress rolled over then, shoving her face into the pillow. It was time to get up now. Slowly sitting up, she let out a long yawn as she raised both arms into air to stretch her aching muscles. Though she was sure Hunter was even more sore. Rei couldn't help but let out a small laugh, putting a hand to her mouth to keep quiet. He was probably wanting revenge now. Pushing her pink hair out of her eyes, she finally stood up and headed into the bathroom where her lover was already showering. "Morning, love." she spoke, yawning again before brushing her teeth and brushing the knots out of her long hair. Once that was done she slipped out just before Hunter emerged from the shower. She walked back over to the bed and grabbed the two toys she'd used last night, putting them back into the box and that back in it's proper hiding place. She didn't want the kids an especially not Hunter to find them. Afterwards she slipped into a fresh change of clothes, choosing a loosely fitted white top and black jeggings. Figuring it would be best to put her hair up today, she walked back into the bathroom, almost bumping into Hunter as he stepped out at the same time. Rei looked up at him lovingly, caressing his cheek for a moment and placing a soft kiss upon his lips. "Have fun out there, today." she said, as she gently pulled away and winked at him. After one last smile, she headed back into the bathroom and opened one of the drawers, pulling out a hair tie and placing it in her teeth while she began to braid her wavy locks. She finished by tying it up with the hair tie and made her way outside to meet up with Damien.

Outside in the courtyard Rei came to find Damien watching as Luna took a few practice swings with the wooden claws given to her by Hunter. He seemed to mentally taking notes as he watched his sister and to this she smiled. Slowing to a stop behind him, she placed a hand on his shoulder causing him to turn his head to look at her. "Morning, Mama." he said, standing from where he sat. "I'm ready whenever you are." he finished, a determined look in his eye. Seeing this Rei smiled and nodded. Today's session was sure to go well.
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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Age : 31

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 23, 2016 9:45 pm

Hunter peeked through the shower curtain to spot Rei and grunted in reply to her greeting, considering his mouth was still occupied with a toothbrush. As he continued to wash his body, Hunter watched his wife as she prepared herself for another day of training the children. Why'd she look so tired, huh? She wasn't the one that just got flogged for an entire night. The thought sent a shiver up his spine but he quickly discarded it, choosing to focus on training. After he'd finished cleaning up, Hunter shaved the stubble from his face and stepped from the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist and eyed Rei suspiciously as she distanced herself from the closet. He shifted his eyes to the bed for a second to see that the toys from last night were already hidden... That sneaky little woman! Looked like he wasn't going to be using those items on her any time soon. Guess that meant he needed to take a little trip to the city in order to get what he needed. But that would come later on.

Hunter smiled warmly when Rei approached him and returned her soft kiss, "I plan on it, babe." He said, firmly palming her rear end as she went back to the bathroom and continued her preparations. While she was otherwise occupied, Hunter dawned his usual training attire; a form fitting red spandex top with a pair of black training pants. After that was done, he put his long blonde hair in a ponytail and slipped on his shows before descending the stairs to where the children were waiting. Just as he had told Luna the day before, she waited patiently in the courtyard, her wooden claws already attached at the wrists while she took a couple practice swings. They were sloppy and telegraphed, but that's why they were going to start training.

"Luna!" Hunter called, causing his daughter to stop where she stood and take her starting stance, "Not so fast. If you were to come at me now with those things on, I'd have you on your back before you knew it! You need to learn the basics first. Treat these claws as an extension of your own body. They increase your reach, increase the amount of damage you do, and increase the amount of weight behind your strikes. Because of this, they can be both a gift and a curse to those that wield them. First off, you need to take your normal stance and practice with jabs. Now, face the dummy and start jabbing. Don't stop until you reach one thousand. Five hundred strikes per arm. Move!"
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 23, 2016 10:45 pm

Luna stood tall and stiff as she listened to her father's words, nodding once he finished. Twirling around on her heel, the young girl ran over to the training dummy screeching to a halt once she reached it. She paused for a moment, her hands down at her sides as a drop of sweat roll down her face. An extension of herself... That was it! Nodding, she swallowed the lump in her throat and got into her normal fighting stance before jabbing away at the dummy with her left claw first. Her first strike missed, nearly causing her to topple over from the force she put into it but she still managed to catch herself. Straightening up now, Luna went in for the second jab this time a little better, before continuing on with the first set. Moments seemed like hours and on just the 50th jab her arm was beginning to cramp. But she knew she couldn't give up, not when she had just begun. So instead she pushed on, drops of sweat flying into the air and she struck her target.


Rei and Damien had walked over to the opposite end of the courtyard, where several bulls-eye targets were set up in various spots. Some high, some low, some planted on the ground and others nailed into tree stumps. Slowing to a stop, the pinkette placed a hand on her hip as she turned to face her son a confident smile gracing her lips. "Today we'll be working on your speed and accuracy. You have plenty of power and they're quite sizable formations of ice, but all that is useless if you can't even hit your mark." she spoke, raising one finger in the air and closing her eyes thoughtfully. "Now, try to concentrate your energy into the palm of your hand like so." Lowering her hand, Rei held it out towards Damien forming a small ice crystal. "Once you have that, shape it." The ice crystal soon changed into the shape of a needle. "Then aim and fire." Rei swung out her hand then hurling the ice needle towards the furthest target, easily hitting it without even batting an eye.

"Your turn."
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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Age : 31

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 24, 2016 5:56 am

Hunter took his place next to Luna while she jabbed at the dummy, taking mental notes about the speed, force and accuracy of her strikes. Every time there was something off the mark, he'd shake his head and make an attempt to correct her, "Keep yourself squared to the target, don't forget to keep some kind of defense up as you strike. If you leave an opening against someone trying to kill you, they'll take it! And when you realize that you messed up, it's too late." He shouted, "Don't slow down, I don't care if your arms are starting to hurt. We just started and we won't be done after this, so you better put out now or pay me back later." He paused for a moment and folded his arms across his chest, "I know it seems like I'm being tough on you, but you'll see that everything I'm making you do serves a purpose. Once everything here is said and done, I'll explain myself. Until then, your only job is to do what I say when I say it. Is that understood, Luna?"

To highlight how serious he was about ensuring that his daughter was properly trained, Hunter refused to call Luna by her nickname. That always meant that he was playing around with her. But the moment Hunter began using her true name, it was like a switch was flipped. For now, she'd be Luna. Once the day had ended, he'd do the same as always. Congratulate her on another good day of training and say the words she couldn't wait to hear, 'Go wash up, Lulu.'


Damien followed close behind his mother, barely offering a sideways glance to his father as he passed. That old fart liked to talk big, but Damien doubted that he was able to back up most of the things he said. Just because he was right about Damien needing to change didn't mean that he wasn't just an old, slow, human. Damien Kieff was a vampire. And even though his father could overpower him right now, there'd be a time where his age caught up with him. Then Damien would finally have his time to show the old man who really stood on top. The thought of kicking that guy's ass brought a smile to the child's face until his mother stopped and turned to face him before making an explanation about what was going to occur for today's training. Damien already knew how to make balls of ice, that was easy. And throwing them couldn't be much harder than throwing an actual ball at something. Judging from how easily his mother had done it, he should have no problems getting it on his first try.

The young vampire's brow furrowed as he concentrated on forming a ball of ice like his mother had instructed. From there, he attempted to compress the ball into a thin needle. The crystal shimmered and shook violently until it shattered, causing the boy to whip his hand back and hiss from the stinging sensation in his palm. What was he doing wrong? The boy paused and considered complaining, but Hunter's words crept into the back of his head. No, he wasn't going to make any excuses. So instead of opening his mouth, Damien regained his focus and tried again using the same process as before. But there wasn't any success. The crystal shook less violently this time, but it still shattered. It wasn't what the boy wanted to happen, but at least he was making progress. That was all that mattered.

Damien continued to try and form the ice on his own but even though it just shattered, he was getting closer and closer until he formed a needle. It was jagged, crude and looked like the work of an amateur, but he finally made it happen. From there, Damien looked to the closest target and flicked his wrist in that direction, his satisfied smile turning to a frown as the structure shattered in mid air before it reached his target. Unwilling to give up, Damien turned to his mother and said, "Something's been bothering me a lot, Mama." He said, looking to Hunter's end of the courtyard before he faced his mother again, "Why is he in charge of our physical skills? You're stronger than him, a lot stronger than him. If you wanted to, I bet you could beat him into the ground. Do you allow it because it makes him feel like he's actually worth something to us?"

It was a rather rude question to ask, but Damien was genuinely curious. His father was just a human. And humans were the natural prey of vampires from what they had learned in their studies... If that was the case, then did she just keep him around as a source of food? The whole thing was just confusing, "But that'll change when me and Lulu grow up. We'll be as strong as you. And then I'll show him who's really the big man in the family."
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 24, 2016 8:10 pm


Luna nodded and continued to strike the training dummy, raising her other arm and keeping it in front of her chest. She tried to keep Hunter's advice in mind, adjusting her posture now and again so that she had no openings. More and more sweat began to roll down her face and she could feel her cheeks getting hot as well. But what really was bothering her the most was her arm. She was finally halfway through with the first set when the pain really took hold. The young girl was forced to shut one eye from the pain, but she continued to persevere. It wouldn't be long now before she could switch the other arm. Gasping for air, her jabs began to become sloppy and she was missing the dummy's head completely. Luna shook her head back and forth, fighting off her exhaustion. Her papa's words still rang fresh in her mind. She had to do this, she had to. And so with almost the last of her strength she finally finished the first set.

She let out an internal sigh of relief, letting her left fall back down to the side. It felt heavy, but she wasn't finished yet. Again, she forced that arm up and held it across her chest just as she did with her right, before beginning to second round. More gasps escaped her lips as she jabbed, starting off a little better than before. As this set progressed however, she was beginning to feel her rhythm a little more and the punches became more and more fluid. She could do this, she knew she could. A few more minutes passed and finally she had finished Hunter's first task. All 1000 punches were complete. Again Luna let out a sigh, though this time out loud. She finally succumbed to her exhaustion and fell to her knees hunching forward as she gasped for breath. Her arms were on fire, but she knew it would be well worth it in the end.

"How... how was that... papa...?"


Rei watched carefully at Damien's attempts, shaking her head when his each and every one ended in failure. "Concentrate more, Damien. Focus everything into the palm of your hand. Even the slightest distraction will cause the ice to shatter." she spoke. She was about to give more advice after his latest attempt when her son spoke up again, asking about her father. His words were quite... cruel. Though she supposed he was genuinely curious by the way he look at Hunter from across the courtyard. It was then she let out a long sigh, locking her gaze with the young boy's. "He's actually stronger than me, believe it or not." the pinkette began, looking up at her husband for a moment before looking back down at Damien. "I may have physical but he has the smarts. He trained long an hard to get to where he is today." she continued, crossing her arms and closing her eye thoughtfully. "He's able to turn vampire's strength against them and use it to his advantage. That's how he saved me so many times in the past." she said, cracking a soft smile. "Though I suppose you wouldn't know that since we haven't told you much about it." She opened her eye then, the small smile still gracing her lips. "But you're right. You will become strong, but only with hard work. Only then can you stand on a level playing field with your father."
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 25, 2016 1:22 am

Hunter couldn't hide the proud grin that spread across his face as his daughter continued to jab at the dummy with all of her energy. Despite the fact that she had grown tired and sore, he could tell that his Luna wasn't about to give up. She was always willing to put in the work, despite the pain and suffering she went through in order to make even a small increase. She was just like her father in that aspect, and that was why she tended to be the focus of Hunter's attention. Even after the training had ended, Hunter caught her through the window, training on her own. She was continually striving to become someone strong and fast enough to protect herself and everyone she cared about. Hunter also saw her desire to be someone he could rely on to keep him safe when he grew too old and broken to continue fighting on his own. Those years wouldn't come for quite some time, but she trained like it could happen tomorrow. Honestly though, she wasn't wrong. Her beloved father could very well be killed before it was his time. But the chances of that were very slim. After all, the man made a promise to both Rei and Luna.

The moment Luna finished her first task, Hunter approached his daughter and placed his left hand on her head, that same proud grin beaming down towards her, "Good job, Luna. You continued to try even when your arms screamed in protest. And you hard work will pay off, I guarantee it. As for you next task." Hunter faced the same direction as his daughter and took his place in front of the second dummy, "I want you to watch me." The man crossed his arms and swung them down to his sides, summoning the Death's Teeth, "Alright, begin!"

The first strike was an overhead downward slash with his left hand, followed by a backhand slash with the same claw the moment his first hit connected. From there, Hunter followed through with his right in a clawed upward slash. In a smooth, methodical flow, Hunter Kieff continued to circle around his stationary target as he cut and carved into it with an almost artistic ease. It would be easy to mistake his movements for a form of dance. But to a trained eye, they'd be able to see how precise and deadly each of his strikes were. It wasn't the work of the brute he used to be at Cross. Instead, it was the work of Death's Pale Shadow. A name both feared and revered .

After a short 20 seconds, Hunter had managed to reduce his target to rags and splintered wood. But instead of admiring his work, Hunter turned to his daughter and smiled, "That was called the Shadow's Dance." He said, "I created those movements, and I've used them against many opponents. The way it works is by never wasting any form of momentum or movement. The second one strike ends, another begins right after. While you do this, you need to make sure your feet are constantly circling your target, forcing them to move with you to protect themselves rather instead of the other way around. Using this dance, I take advantage of their own movements and instead trick them into thinking that I'm in pursuit. Instead, I'm leading them to exactly where I want them to go. This is going to be the first of many dances I teach you. Think you can handle that?"


Damien's eyes widened in disbelief when his mother revealed that Hunter was stronger than her, "No way! I've seen your powers and everything. There's no way that old fart could get around something like that. I bet you could beat him easily if you put him in a block of ice." Damien wasn't aware of Hunter's true fighting abilities because he's never seen them. But hearing his mother say that his father was so strong actually excited the boy, "Is that why you fell in love with him, Mama?" He asked, "Was it because he saved and protected you?"

Before his mother could answer, Damien turned to the targets and allowed her words to ring clear in his mind. Focus everything on his hand, no distractions. After a deep breath, Damien began to channel his energy until a crystal of clear ice formed, floating over his palm. Damien then focused on the shape of his new creation, forming a small needle just like the one his mother had made. It was still a little jagged, but this one was definitely higher quality from before. Once that part was completed, the boy focused on his target before he flicked his wrist in that direction. Like a guided missile, the shard of ice sailed through the air and buried itself into the target closest to him. It was just outside the scoring zone, but he took a large stride, "I DID IT!" He shouted, pumping his fist exactly how his father used to do when he was younger, "I know it wasn't exactly where I wanted it, but I'm getting close." The boy slowly began forming another crystal in his palm as he spoke, "I'm going to prove myself to Papa. And work hard to earn the same proud look that Lulu gets from him."

There it was. His motivation. Despite how callous and rude he was to his old man. The one thing that Damien wanted to work for the most was the approval of his father, "But don't tell him I said that. I want him to think that I'm gunning for him. After all, that's my way of making sure he doesn't go out and get himself killed." Damien hurled the new needle, once again hitting his target, "Because he's not allowed to die until after I kick his ass!"
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 25, 2016 3:41 am

Luna felt like her heart was about to explode out of her chest from her father's praise. She was so filled with joy that she couldn't get words out and instead nodded in response. She was glad that her hard work was finally paying off and she had something to show for it. Though the young girl knew it wasn't over yet and her gaze followed Hunter as he stepped up beside her taking his own fighting stance. The bracelets on his wrists suddenly became claws similar to her own and she stared in awe at them. Even as he began his demonstration her eyes stayed glued on him. His movements were fluid and smooth, almost as if he were dancing with the training dummy. Just seconds had passed and the dummy was nothing but wood and fabric strewn about the ground. Her blue hues fell on the scraps, picking a piece of fabric up that had fell in front of her. Luna stared at it as her father spoke and only when he finished did she look up to see his bright smile. After a few moments of silence she finally managed to speak.

"O-Of course!" the pinkette spoke, quickly standing up from where she sat while keeping a hold of the fabric. Luna leaned in closer to her father standing on her tippy toes out of excitement. "Just tell me what to do and I'll do my best!"


Rei stiffened for a moment before tearing her gaze away from Damien, her cheeks flushed from embarrassment. "W-Well, I mean..." she began, trying to find the words to answer her son's questions. He couldn't have said it better. That really was why the vampiress fell in love with him in the first place. She found him so annoying in the beginning, but after going through so much and growing together at the academy... She'd realized she loved him. Thankfully she didn't have to answer him, for her attention was turned onto the fact that he'd finally managed to hit one of the targets. Rei smiled then, clapping some at her son's excitement. He really was like his father. The young woman turned her head to look at him again, listening to his next words. Her eye became wide in surprise, almost forgetting that he'd hit a target for the second time. The words he spoke proved he really was changing and Rei couldn't be any happier. "Right." she chuckled, unable to help herself and placing a hand on his head to ruffle his blonde hair.

Pulling her hand away, Rei placed it and her other back onto her hips. Now it was time for their next lesson for the day. "Now that you've got that down, I want you try forming multiple needles." she said, holding out one hand and forming an ice crystal. Soon this small crystal became several needles before she swung her arm out hurling the needles and several targets, hitting each one directly in the center. "You'll have to concentrate even more, otherwise they'll shatter like your first one." she finished, letting her icy blue hue fall back on her son. "Ready?"
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 25, 2016 10:26 pm

Hunter gave his daughter a curt nod before taking another stance, his weight distributed evenly and hands raised. From there, he traced a circle in the dirt with his foot before stepping outside. Just like he demonstrated earlier, Hunter gracefully began taking steps around the circle just like he was before, "Pay attention to how I move my feet and keep my dominant hand extended. As long as you have one hand on your opponent, you can continue to stick to them while moving around in a circle. It doesn't matter where they go or what they do. Just stay close, step around, and force them to follow you." That being said, Hunter stepped away from the circle and motioned for Luna to take her place on the outside. From there, he picked up a long wooden staff and began jabbing it at her legs, "Move around the circle, and don't let your feet leave the rim. Anticipate my strikes and lead me to where you want me to go."


Damien tilted his head quizzically when his mother reacted so oddly to his question. She seemed a bit embarrassed. It wasn't too surprising. After all, his parents still acted like newlyweds even though they had been married for over twelve years. Their affection made him want to gag sometimes, but he was happy that the two of them were still in love. He had a feeling that nothing would change between them until his father's inevitable passing. The thought of losing that old fart caused his shoulders to drop slightly, but Damien recovered quickly when he felt his mother's hand ruffling his hair. The sudden stimulus snapped him out of his own head and he grinned upward at Rei before playfully swatting her hand away, "I know I'm right!"

The young vampire watched patiently while his mother prepared his second task. He was to create multiple needles and strike several targets at once. He opened his mouth to complain yet again, but his father's harsh words forced the boy to hold his tongue. Luna never complained about the hell Hunter put her through. So he'd never whine about having to do anything ever again. Nodding, the boy began focusing on his hand just like before until the all to familiar crystal formed. It came to him easily. From there, the crystal split into three identical shards of ice and he flicked his wrist in the direction of the targets. Instead of them spreading to different targets like he wanted to happen, they all struck dead center in the target nearest to him in rapid succession, causing his eyes to widen in surprise, "Did I... Just do that?"
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 25, 2016 10:52 pm

Luna watched carefully as her father moved around the circle similar to earlier. She kept an eye on his feet for a few moments before moving to his hands and arms. Every move was articulate and each had a purpose. Once he finished his demonstration she nodded and stepped inside the circle getting into her fight stance. It was then that Hunter began to jab at her legs with the wooden staff and she jumped a few times almost falling until she finally got her footing. Planting both feet on the ground she easily dodge his next attack and began to move about the circle just as he did. She kept one claw pointed at him using the other as defense as she dodge another, noticing how he took a step towards him. Keeping this in mind she continued to dodge his jabs until he unknowingly had ended up just inches from her. With his last attack, she leapt over the staff and launched a jab of her own the tips of her wooden claws just a few hairs away from his chest. "How was that?" Luna asked, a smile gracing her lips.


Rei let out an impressed whistle as Damien hit one target directly in the middle, admiring his handiwork before turning her head to look at him. "Excellent, you're a fast learner." she spoke, placing her hands on her hips again and flashing a toothy grin at her son. "I think that will do for the day. Now go and get your sister Lulu so you two can switch off. You did well today Damien."

"Thanks, Mama!"


A few weeks had passed and the twins had been steadily improving in their training. Damien had almost mastered his ice abilities and even his physical were finally starting to improve as well. Luna was close to being able to use the real set of claws and was finally getting a handle over her telekinesis. And so, figuring they deserved a little award, Rei and Hunter agreed to let the pair have the day off to do as they pleased. Just not to get in trouble. However, strong-headed and adventurous as the boy was, Damien had somehow managed to drag Luna along into town to do some window shopping. At that very moment the young girl was eyeing a beautiful pair of shoes in one of the shops windows.

"Wow..." she spoke, leaning in to take a closer a look. She adjusted the umbrella in her hand as Damien let a yawn adjusting his own so that the last of the setting sun's rays didn't burn him. It was nearly nightfall and all the stores had closed. So they couldn't buy anything, but it didn't hurt to look. "Come on Lulu, I wanna check out that weapon's shop over there." the blonde groaned, kicking a nearby rock. Luna seemed to straighten up then twirling around to face her brother and nodded. "Right, sorry."

Damien flashed a grin at his sister, ruffling her hair before running off across the street while she followed. Though as they ran, Luna failed to notice another man walking in her path and she ran into him with a loud thud. Falling to the ground she lost a hold of the umbrella as it fluttered down along with her and she out a yelp as soon as her rear end hit the concrete. That definitely hurt, but that was the least of her worries. Quickly grabbing a hold of the umbrella again she stood up and ran over to the man to see if he was okay. "I'm so sorry sir!" she exclaimed, peering over his muscular form. "Are you alright?"

The man let out a low growl, whipping his head around to glare at her causing Luna to jump back a little just Damien ran up to her side. "Is everything okay?" he asked, turning his head to look at his sister. Before she could answer though the man suddenly grabbed a hold of them both, shoving them against a nearby wall. His eyes flashed a blood red as his fangs protruded through his lips. "Ah so you must be the little brats..." he hissed, leaning in between the pair's next. "I've been dying to meet you..."
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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Age : 31

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 26, 2016 12:00 am

The moment the twins felt their backs against the brick building, the training they received from their father kicked in like second nature. Without thinking, Luna and Damien slammed their elbows into their assailant's arms, forcing him to release his grip. Once safely on the ground, Luna stepped into his personal space and began unleashing a savage flurry of blows while Damien prepared a barrage of ice needles from afar. In order to protect herself from the onslaught, the young vampiress circled around her attacker and held him in place while the needles buried themselves in his skin. From there, Damien clenched his fist, causing his needles to explode into shrapnel beneath the vampire's skin, causing him to scream in agony.

Not wanting to waste a second, Luna continued her assault, circling around her target just like before and attacked every opening she could find with her brother providing support from a safe distance. But with his attention focused so hard on one place, Damien didn't realize someone else was there...
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 26, 2016 12:22 am

The vampire hissed when he felt the needles pierce his skin and he threw his arm around in an attempt to hit Luna as she jabbed him. Meanwhile, Damien narrowed his eyes at their enemy forming another ice crystal in his hand but not to form needles. Once he had poured enough energy into it he smashed in into the ground causing ice to form and slither it's way towards the vampire. He aimed to freeze him from head to toe. But as he kept focus on his attack he failed to hear footsteps coming from behind and the next thing he knew the world was spinning. He felt a sharp pain as he was struck in the back of the head and sent flying through the air, hitting the ground and rolling several times before he came to an abrupt halt. Slowly getting up on one knee he felt a sticky warm liquid running down the back of his neck, his body swaying as he tried to keep himself upright. Looking up at his assailant with one eye tightly shut from the pain, Damien grimaced at the sight of another vampire walking towards him with a grin on his face.

"Damien!" Luna shouted. The pinkette ducked then, slamming one hand on the ground for support and sweeping the vampire she was fighting by his legs causing him to fall to the ground. One quick look with her blue gaze and he was knocked unconscious through her telekinetic abilities. She lunged at their second attacker aiming to kick him in the head. He was ready though and grabbed her by the leg spinning her through the air and throwing her towards Damien. Able to catch herself midair she performed a front flip and landed in front of her brother, taking her fighting stance. There was a fire in her eyes as she stared down the other, his grin growing as he drew closer to them.

"Lulu, no..." Damien managed to mutter, nearly falling over again. Luna braced herself as the vampire attacked, raising his hand and sending a wave of sharp spires made from darkness straight for them. She attempted to use her abilities again to form a shield but to no avail. Instead as a last ditch effort, she shoved Damien to the side just as they sliced through her skin. She yelped out of pain, her own blood flying into the air as she fell onto her knees towards her brother. Whipping her head around she clenched the cut on her arm as blood trickled down her arm, locking her gaze with the vampire. Luna's heart was racing at this point. With both of them wounded and Damien on the verge of passing out, she was terrified. Were they going to die?

'No, not like this...'
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 26, 2016 1:00 am

The moment Luna questioned the chances of their survival, there was an all too familiar metallic shriek as Death's Pale Shadow called out to his next two victims. The monsters attacking his children suddenly stopped dead in their tracks, their sadistic grins twisting into pure fear. They hadn't expected him to show so soon, judging by how they looked to one another for guidance. As Hunter's steps grew louder, echoing through the empty streets, the call of his claws were deafening, making it hard to tell which direction he was coming from, "You've just made your last fucking mistake."

Hunter Kieff appeared as a blur between his opponents and screamed in a hellish rage as he rabidly swung his arms, carving the flesh from his victim's bones. Hunter was a whirlwind of steel and blood that tore into each vampire until both of them were bought to their knees, writhing in pure agony. But Hunter wasn't done quite yet, "I'm going to make an example out of both of you..." He said, bringing his elbows to his sides before he drove his claws into their chests, the blades hooking just under their collarbones. Then, with a strength that neither of his children had seen before, he lifted both vampires into the air, hanging them like slabs of meat in a butcher's shop, "I want you to look at the children you just laid your putrid fucking hands on." Hunter spat, his eyes cold and voice sharp. He was no longer the calm, loving father his children knew. This version was the Hunter Kieff that everyone who dared to cross him saw before being ferried across the river Styx, "Look at their faces and remember them well. I put out a warning that these two children were absolutely un-fucking-touchable. But you just had to test me, huh?"

With a grunt, Hunter hurled both of the vampires until they landed in a broken heap before he walked calmly in their direction. They screamed, they begged, pleaded and apologized, but their words fell on deaf ears, "I'm going to give you both one new cut for every drop of blood that leaked from my children. I see more than enough. So I'll just start now. From there, Hunter raised his claws, and began to carve, "Scream as loud as you can! I want every disgusting beast in this city to know what happens when you FUCK WITH MY FAMILY!"
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 26, 2016 1:18 am

Both Luna and Damien stared with wide eyes as their father approached. One moment they were both relieved that he had arrived, but this soon turned to horror as he cut into their enemies with ease. They could both tell that he had completely changed in that moment. From a loving father they knew so well to a cold-hearted killer. And he wanted blood. Luna fell backwards then, keeping the tight grasp on her arm as she scooted back towards her brother. Damien had regained his bearings just enough to notice her body brushing up against his own and he managed to place both hands on her shoulders squeezing them and pulling her close. They were both shaking like leaves, but especially his sister. She was terrified. The young girl had never seen their papa act like this before. She couldn't watch anymore. Tearing her gaze away, Luna buried her head in Damien's chest as he tightened his embrace. He was scared too, but deep down he knew... Papa was doing that all of it, for them. He risked his life everyday going off on those missions for them. Now he understood just how powerful he was.

Moments seemed like hours before Hunter had finished. The vampire's screams had long stopped and their blood now painted the streets red. Even the air tasted of blood. Damien kept embracing Luna as he stared at his father's back, standing completely still. It seemed to be over now or least, he hoped it was.
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 26, 2016 1:34 am

After what felt like an eternity, Hunter stood from his crouched position and stared coldly at the gore that was strewn across the street like confetti. There were no longer any screams, or thrashing. Just cold, eerie silence. For a moment, the man just stood there, his arms at his sides as the fresh blood dripped from his claws and onto the concrete. He stayed like this, his back facing his children as the claws he clutched were resealed, changing to their resting state as bracelets. God, how could he face his children now? They saw the side of him he wished to keep hidden until the day he died. He wanted them both to think that he was just the same bumbling dad he always was. But the scene that just played out was enough to shatter their perceptions of him. Slowly, the man turned to face Luna and Damien before he began walking towards them. They were shaking in pure fear. No doubt the shock of seeing their father torture and kill two of their own kind was horrific.

Hunter stopped only one foot away from his children before he removed his blood stained jacket, tossing it to the side. His inner layers were unstained, leaving him clean except for what stray flecks of blood coated his hands and splashed his exposed face and neck. In an attempt to let them know they were safe, Hunter spread his arms and offered the same smile he always gave when he returned from work. But with the fresh blood splattered on his face and mixed into his normally blonde hair, he wouldn't be surprised if the pair wanted to keep their distance, "Dami, Lulu... It's papa..." He said, trying to assure them that he was safe to be around, "I won't come any closer if you don't want me to, but please..." Hunter's voice strained, "Don't ever run off like that aga-"

The man was cut off when the family was surrounded on all sides by a group of ten, all of which intent on keeping Hunter from taking his family somewhere safe. It was like a switch flipped in his mind upon realizing that danger was still about. And he wasn't going to let anyone lay a finger on his children ever again. With the same calm rage as before, Hunter Kieff stood from his kneel and looked around, the claws re-materializing in his hands before he scraped them against eachother, causing each member of the opposing group to flinch, "I'm going to give you one fuckin' chance." He growled, scanning his enemies, "You leave now and leave my family be..." He cracked his neck, "Or I mince each and very one of you right here, just like your little pals in the alleyway. What'll it be?"
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 26, 2016 1:46 am

Luna could hear their papa's words, but she still couldn't bring herself to speak. Instead she buried her head further into Damien's chest, warranting a soft look from her brother. He looked back up at Hunter then, simply nodding in response. He was about to speak up when he felt several more presences surrounding them and their father was standing up again, ready to pounce. The young boy looked all around, and even Luna pulled away to look up as well. They were in trouble. Helping his sister stand, Damien steadied himself while his sister did the same. "Papa?" Damien asked, a frightened look in his eye.

A chuckle sounded from one of the vampires, as a raven-haired one with crimson colored eyes stepped forward. A malicious grin crossed his face as he spoke, "Now, now. That can be arranged but on one condition." He raised a finger in the air then, before straightening his arm out and pointing at Hunter. "You come with us without any trouble, we let the kiddos go." Both Damien and Luna's gaze fell onto the back of their father's head. He wouldn't...

"So... what do you say?"
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 26, 2016 8:27 pm

Hunter paused when the leader of their little group stepped forward and made his offer. A sinister grin spread across his face, exposing the fangs usually hidden under his lips. The moment Hunter locked eyes with him, he tensed up and felt his heart beginning to beat out of his chest. The vampire hunter could easily make quick work of each and every one of them, but there was no doubt in his mind that there would be more to come. They were probably hiding in the shadows, waiting for the man to lash out. They'd have a hard time killing him, but someone else could harm his children while he was occupied with fighting. If that were to happen, he'd never be able face Rei ever again, and he'd lose everything. Whatever plans they held for Hunter in the event that he did surrender wasn't what the man feared. His greatest fear would be losing his family and knowing that only he was to blame.

A brief moment passed as Hunter struggled to find a way out, a way to stay out of their hands and keep his children safe, but none came. He only had one option, and that option would most likely lead to his children's safety. Even if that meant they'd never see their father again. Hunter drew a deep breath before he clenched his fists and re-sealed the Death's Teeth to show his submission, "Okay..." He said, "I don't care what happens to me, just let my kids go. I won't put up a fight."

That being said, Hunter turned to embrace his children and whispered, "You need to run as fast as you can. Don't stop until you get home." He paused and squeezed them tightly, tears rolling down his cheeks, "I know I never said it enough, but I love the both of you. Take care of your mother for me."

Hunter placed a kiss each of his children's foreheads before he stood and walked to the leader, "So... What happens next?"
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 26, 2016 8:49 pm

Both Damien and Luna's hearts dropped when their father gave in, eyes wide when he turned to embrace them. "Papa no..." Damien spoke, leaning towards him as he stood to face the vampires again. Luna was at a loss for words, tears well up in her cheeks. He was leaving them? It couldn't be. "Please don't go..." the girl whispered.

"Excellent." the vampire said, grinning as the human walked towards him. He placed a hand on the other's shoulder locking his gaze with his. "Oh you'll see. Follow us." he finished turning on his heel and walking off. Two of the other vampires stepped up on each of Hunter's sides, one of them shoving him forward. "Go." The rest soon followed, leaving the twins there to look on helplessly. What were they supposed to do? What could they do?

"Luna, we have to go." Damien finally said, helping his sister stand. She looked up at her brother then, a look of protest in her blue hues. "No, we can't leave papa!" she retorted, attempting to run after him. Unfortunately she was stopped by the pain coming from her own wounds, as well as Damien keeping her from going any further. "It won't be forever. Mama will know what to do, now come on." he said, pulling her along. The pinkette was hesitant turning her head to look at where Hunter and the other vampires had disappeared to one last time, before following her brother back into town.


Rei yawned as she put the last of the medicine away into the cupboard, closing it shut and turning around to face the doctor of whom was sitting in his chair in the living room. She had dropped by to bring him some medicine for his patients. He was becoming much older now and he had reached the point where he could no longer go into town to gather supplies. So instead, Rei volunteered to do this for him, after all it was the least she could do. He had helped she and Hunter so much, so it was only natural that she return the favor. "Alright, that should be last of it. Anything else you need, doc?" she asked, walking towards the counter and resting her elbows on it. The elderly man let out a low grunt. "That will do for now. Thanks, kid." he spoke, letting out a puff of smoke from the pipe he was smoking. The vampiress smiled, straightening up and heading off to leave. "Alright, I'll see you later."

But as Rei neared the front door, she could hear loud foot steps followed by her children bursting through the doorway. They reeked of blood. Screeching to a halt, Damien took a hold of her hand while Luna fell to her knees, clenching her arm. "What in the world?!" Rei exclaimed, kneeling down to both their levels and examining their conditions. Damien appeared to have a head wound, while Luna had cuts on both her arm and the side of her stomach. Whoever did this to them would pay dearly... That was when she realized that Hunter wasn't with them. There was no way he would've let go whoever did this to their kids, so where did he go? "And where is your father?!" she asked, a frantic look in her eye.

"They took him, mama!" Damien cried, squeezing his mother's hand. "They took him away and now he's in trouble. What do we do?" he continued, fists tightly clenched and trying to hold back tears. Rei looked to him then, before pulling both he and Luna in an embrace. "I'll find him, don't worry." she replied, standing up from where she sat. She turned her head to find the doctor hobbling towards them, a confused expression on his face.

"What's going on here?" he asked, noticing the children's wounds.

"Doctor, please take care of them for the time being. My husband is in trouble." she pleaded, before twirling around to face Damien and Luna again. She placed a hand on each of their shoulders then. "Stay here and he'll take care of your wounds. I'll find your father, I swear it." Rei quickly kissed each of their cheeks, before standing up and running out the door. She would find Hunter and whoever did this to Damien and Luna, even if she had to turn the entire town upside down.
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 26, 2016 9:52 pm

It broke his heart hearing his children cry for him as Hunter left with his captors. If he knew anything about bands like them, they wouldn't let him go quick. If anything, they'd tear into him slowly and spill as much blood as they could before dealing the finishing blow. Whatever Hunter was walking into, it wasn't going to be fun. Despite the hopelessness of his situation, Hunter smiled defiantly as he was lead to a warehouse. Definitely their base of operations. Once within its walls, Hunter was set upon by the group of vampires. He motioned to extend his claws, but was stopped by a vicious blow to the chin, knocking him unconscious.

When Hunter woke, he was stripped down to the bare essentials. His wrists bound in chains, forcing his arms to be spread wide open as he sat slumped in the middle of the room. The man swirled his tongue in his mouth as he regained consciousness, a fierce ringing in his ear. Whoever clocked him wasn't playing. He was lucky to still have his jaw intact. The man looked around in an attempt to survey the room when he spotted the same group of vampires sanding in a circle with him in the center. Each one had a triumphant grin on their face, knowing that they had finally captured the one they've been pursuing for so long,

"I've missed you, Hunter..." A female voice purred into his ear from behind. He recognized the voice. It still made his blood run cold whenever he thought of her... Suddenly, he felt sharp nails digging into his shoulderblade. No doubt it was the woman behind him causing such searing pain, "I searched up and down for you ever since the Guns ripped you from my embrace."

No, no that couldn't be. The memories of his past began flooding into his mind. He remembered pain, and fear. He remembered being bound just like this and bled like cattle for years. She couldn't be that same woman... Suddenly, Hunter jumped to his feet and lashed out with a feral kick that caught her directly in the ribs, causing the vampiress to stumble. Hunter was fully aware that he wouldn't escape, considering how the group descended upon him, beating and clawing at any exposed flesh until he was unable to stand, sinking to his knees,

"Bad boy, bad boy..." She clicked her tongue and circled around until she stood in front of him, "But I'm glad you've finally realized where you belong." Hunter let out a grunt when she kicked him in his stomach and made an attempt to pull away when she cupped his chin, forcing him to look her in the eyes, "On your knees, ready to serve me like you used to."

Hunter Kieff opened his mouth to protest, but was silenced when the red-hared vampiress placed her lips against his ravenously. She savored the taste of his blood that seeped from the cuts within Hunter's mouth before she pulled away and smiled, "I'm glad you're finally home..."

Still in shock from what just happened, Hunter couldn't say a word. Finally everything was clear. The guns, her hair, the way she treated him like a lover... It was Melissa. In protest, Hunter swirled his tongue around in his mouth again before spitting directly in her face, "Fuck you... I'm going to tear you apa-" Once again, Hunter was silenced with a fierce slap from Melissa, making his ears ring again. But instead of recoiling in fear, Hunter looked up to the woman and smiled, his teeth stained with fresh blood, "I'm going to end your life."

Melissa feigned disappointment at his words and sighed as she snapped her fingers, signalling for three of her vamps to come to her side before she spoke, "Looks like he doesn't realize the gravity of his situation. I want you to break him down until he's the same blubbering child I used to cherish so much. Once he's ready, I'm sure he'll be more receptive. But if he dies, I'll be very displeased."

That being said, she snapped again and her flunkies began savagely beating him, his grunts of pain echoing through the empty space, "That all you pussies got?" Hunter taunted weakly, "You used to hit me so much harder..."
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 26, 2016 10:21 pm

Melissa frowned at Hunter's protest, watching as his blood spattered into the air and on the ground. He had definitely changed over the years, much more defiant than before. It used to be so easy, but it seemed she would have to work much harder for it. A grin tugged at the corners of her lips as she watched her pawns beat him senseless. Challenge accepted.

The vampires gladly obeyed their mistress, enjoying pummeling the human into the ground. One punched him directly in his jaw, and as Hunter's head snapped back another followed with a swift kick to the stomach. As he lurched forward, the third vampire roughly grabbed him from behind forcing him to stand locking his arms so that he couldn't move. The other two stepped up again, malicious grins on their face. Another punch to his face and then his nose, sounding a sickening crack as blood gushed from his nostrils. Hunter's face was almost unrecognizable after it was rained down on again with several more punches. The vampires let out awful sounding cackles as they continued their onslaught. They landed punches on his stomach and ribs, hearing the crunching of his ribs and crushing his insides. As a finishing touch they punched him in his chin again, watching as his head snapped back before falling forward limply. The one holding him through Hunter's body towards Melissa, watching his crippled form slid towards her and leaving a trail of blood. She stared at him then, seeing him still struggling to stand. She wanted him to writhe even more.

Snapping her fingers yet again, two more vampires stepped forward each with a lead pipe in their hand. But before she let them have their shot at Hunter, Melissa knelt down to his level and placed her finger under his chin forcing him to look up at her. "I want you to beg for my forgiveness." she spoke, forcing a kiss upon his bloodied lips again. Soon after she pulled away and stepped back, letting her lackey's have their turn. They flashed the same malicious grin as the others before lifting the pipes and swinging down on his both his legs relishing in the satisfying crack and ear piercing scream that escaped Hunter's lips.

After he had quieted down some, the vampires threw the pipes to the side and took a hold of Hunter, dragging him across the floor again and leaving yet another trail of blood. They shoved him up against a wall so that he was sitting up, Melissa stepping up in between them and kneeling down to the male's level once again. The woman leaned in towards his neck, licking away the blood and stopping at his ear. Her eyes flashed red at the sound of his pulse and her fangs began to protrude from her lips. "Let's do what we did in the old days. What do you say...?" she asked, tracing her sharpened nail down his chest and leaving a cut. "I want to here those same sweet words again..."
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 26, 2016 11:17 pm

Hunter could do nothing but sit there as blow after horrific blow landed on his exposed body. His captors enjoyed every second they got to have with him, and he was completely helpless. It was just like back then. He was weak, defenseless and at the mercy of a force much greater than he. The more he resisted, the more they hurt him. His natural defiance was his greatest enemy, costing him more than he ever thought it could. All he had to do was give in, and the pain would stop. But the thing that kept him sitting upright after every strike was the thought of his family. He couldn't give up. He REFUSED to give up. They were counting on his coming home, and he would never give in to what Melissa wanted. Even if it'd cost him his life.

A piercing scream shot from Hunter's mouth as he felt his ribs shatter, spraying blood from his mouth and nostrils. He went limp for a moment then, losing consciousness as they dragged him over to their mistress, holding him steady as he groaned in agony. How much longer were they going to do this? It was un-necessary. But he'd suffer anything to make sure his family stayed safe. Melissa handed pipes to the vampires at her side and pressed her lips against his again, savoring the taste of the blood that leaked from each and every cut they left on him. She wanted the man to beg for forgiveness, to plead for them to make the pain stop. But again, he refused, spitting in her face for a second time. Apparently she took offense to that, because the moment the globule of blood left his mouth, they grinned and swung at his legs, snapping them both in one strike.

Again, Hunter screamed louder than he ever had before as they dragged him over to a wall before pressing his back against it. Once there he rolled onto his stomach and began trying to crawl away, leaving a trail of fresh blood. Unfortunately, they grabbed him again and forced him to stay in place. He wasn't going anywhere. With no other options, Hunter just stared at the ground as Melissa dragged her tongue across his neck and dug another finger into his chest. He didn't even try to resist despite the pain. He was broken, bleeding and alone. Just like before...

"Please... If it means the pain will end..." He began to beg, "Turn me."

They succeeded. Hunter Kieff was finally broken.
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 26, 2016 11:52 pm

Rei was frantic, running down the empty streets following the scent of blood. It was a mix of several people, but she didn't care about that. What really frightened her was that Hunter's scent was mixed along with it. She couldn't bare the thought of him being hurt, or worse, dead. She quickened her pace then screeching to halt by an alley were the smell was the strongest. Deep in the dark corners were remains of what used to be vampires, though she was only able to tell from broken pill bottle filled with blood tablets. She grimaced at the sight, noticing that the wounds could only have been made by a blade. Hunter had definitely been here. Whipping her head around, the pinkette took in another whiff of the air as she ran down the street again, but her heart dropped when she realized his scent was becoming even stronger. Eventually she reached an abandoned warehouse, dimly lit in the night. Slowing to a stop she knew that was where her husband was. He had to be.


Melissa's grin had grown wider than ever before. Finally she would have her way. "Oh how I've longed for you to say that..." she spoke, the words rolling off her tongue like silk. The vampiress moved her head down to the crook of his neck, taking in his sweet scent. At last she could pierce his porcelain skin and make him her's. She opened her mouth slowly and began to move closer to bite him when an unknown voice cut through the air.

"Over my dead body, bitch."

All ten of the vampires whipped their heads around just as Melissa pulled away from Hunter's neck to find Rei standing in the doorway, a look of pure rage in her eye. Melissa frowned, snapping her fingers for her lackeys to attack. "Kill her." she spoke, turning around to resume drinking her fill. They all lunged at the pinkette at once then, but she was ready. With a single flick of her wrist, several shards of ice protruded from the ground piercing through them all. Their own blood flew into the air, running down the ice and trickling down onto the floor below. Rei continued to raise her arm upwards, causing the ice to grow in height and further skewering their way through the bodies. Soon they went limp, dead within seconds. With them out of the way, Rei walked towards Melissa forcing her to stand from where she knelt before she too walked towards the woman. "Oh, so little girl has some skill." she spoke, as the two reached each other just inches from each other's face. "You do realize Hunter was originally mine. I'm just taking back what rightfully belongs to me."

"Fuck you." Rei spat in the woman's face then, grabbing a hold of her shirt and shoving her backwards. "No one hurts my family. No one." She raised a hand to backhand the other in the face, but was stopped when Melissa grabbed a hold of her hand.

"Big mistake." she hissed, squeezing Rei's wrist. The vampiress was quick to react though, raising her knee and thrusting it into the other's stomach in a hard kick. As Melissa lurched forward, Rei used the momentum to shove her into a nearby crate grabbing her by the neck at holding her there.

"Hunter belongs to no one." Rei growled, tightening her grip on Melissa. She raised a hand forming ice all around it until it was in the shape of long blade. "Die."

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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 27, 2016 12:05 am

Melissa couldn't help but giggle when Rei spoke those rather cliche words, "That's where you're wrong, girl." She said, with a flick of the wrist. Suddenly, Hunter began to writhe and scream as she drew a whip made from the man's blood ans wrapped it around Rei's ice sword, "Your Husband has agreed to be my little pet..." Melissa kicked away from Rei, and dashed to Hunter's side, stroking his cheek affectionately as the man attempted to shy away from her touch, "But if you plan on killing me, you better do it fast. Because I'll just keep using his blood as my ammunition until he's almost dry. Then I'll be the only one that can save him." The vampiress flicked her wrist again, sending a flurry of needles made of Hunter's blood in Rei's direction.

The pain of having his lifeblood used for ammunition was too much to bear, and he passed out, eliciting a frown from Melissa, "Guess he's still the weak little thing I thought he was. But don't worry." She tilted Hunter's chin up with her finger and began leaning in to kiss him right in front of his wife, her gaze fixed on Rei the entire time, "I'll treat him better than you ever could. After all, I've always loved this little bag of blood."
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 27, 2016 12:16 am

Rei's eye widened when Melissa used Hunter's own blood, creating a whip and wrapping it around her blade. She was forced to pull her arm away before being kicked by the woman, causing her to stumble a little ways. After regaining her bearings, her rage began to build even more as she listened to her words, clenching her fists in anger as the sea of needles rained down on her. She swung her arm upwards, creating a shield of ice and blocking the attack. Swinging her arm out to the side, Rei shattered the ice and locked her icy blue gaze Melissa' again, filled with the intent to kill. "You call that love?!" she screamed, slowly beginning to raise both arms. The ground began to shake then as a wave of ice came up from behind the pinkette gathering all around her. "I'll show you love, you bitch."

Ice suddenly shot up between Melissa and Hunter then, forcing the woman to fall backwards to keep her arm from being chopped off. Once she had fallen, Rei sent yet another wave ice towards her in an attempt to freeze her completely. She wouldn't let that vile woman lay another finger on her husband. Ever.

"I'm going to make you wish you'd never touched him."
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeFri Oct 28, 2016 1:44 am

Melissa couldn't avoid the razor sharp barrier of ice that her opponent had raised, and there was a shriek of agony that could be heard as the woman's hand had been separated from her body. In a frenzy, she focused her energy into the bleeding stub and forced the blood to coagulate. She wasn't going to let a slight such as this go unpunished. Unaware of the ice beginning to flow beneath her, Melissa clenched her remaining fist and began to draw yet more blood from Hunter's open wounds, prompting a pained groan from the unconscious man. He wasn't going to survive being used as a bank for much longer. But since the vampiress was far too focused on her reservoir, she was unable to avoid the next wave and was encased in a block of solid ice, a twisted expression of pure malice on her face. The woman's eyes shifted wildly as she struggled to escape, but it was to no avail. She was cold, unable to breathe and her heart beat rapidly in her chest.

Running out of options, the vampiress decided that there was only one thing left to do. She was physically separated from her main source, so Melissa had to use her own blood for this next trick. Re-opening the wound caused warm blood to seep into the block of ice, tunneling into the cracks and imperfections that surrounded it. Once there, the liquid began rapidly vibrating, chipping away at her frozen prison. Hopefully Rei would be far too focused on saving her husband to notice.
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeFri Oct 28, 2016 2:01 am

Seeing that Melissa had been encased in ice, Rei rushed to her husband's unconscious form. As she knelt down to his level her heart dropped as she noticed the damage inflicted upon him. His body was covered in cuts and bruises and his face almost unrecognizable. Even his legs were badly bruised, undoubtedly having been broken. The young woman's gaze flitted over to Melissa in disgust and anger, ready to kill her then and there but she had to get Hunter out of there. Turning her attention back to the male, she gently slung his arm over her shoulder and slowly helped him up. She winced when she saw his facial expression contort into one of pain. Rei couldn't stand to see him like this. "Don't worry, I'm going to get you out of here." she whispered, turning her head towards the exit as they walked. Slowly but surely the made their way out, the pinkette being careful not to jostle Hunter too much. But as they reached the way out, Rei stopped turning her head to make sure that the job wasn't left unfinished. Using her free arm, more ice shards shot out from the ground, fortifying Melissa's prison further. For one last measure Rei forced the ice to move closer to the woman's defenseless body, the ice forming into sharp points to pierce into her skin. She wanted her to suffer just as she made Hunter, a fitting end to her pitiful existence.

"See you in hell."
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeFri Oct 28, 2016 3:11 am

Despite the fact that she was slowly chipping away at her enclosure, escape was going to be impossible. The woman thrashed and struggled, flexing and screaming silently as she watched Rei turn her attention to Hunter. Melissa was beyond furious. He belonged to her for years, and after all this time searching, she finally had him. Only for some unknown bitch to show and whisk him away. The Guns were a problem, they were dealt with. But this bitch had the upper hand, and there was no hope of the tides changing in Melissa's favor. She was going to change Hunter, make him stronger than he had ever been. She was going to make him live an eternity with her, just as he begged her to all those years ago. All of that planning, all of that work she had put in... Was for nothing.

Melissa watched as the pair left her frozen and considered trying to escape again, but Rei turned to face her one last time and swung her arm. Not even a second after, she felt a horrific pain shooting into her body as the spikes pierced her skin, skewering her alive. She was going to die like this. Alone, bleeding and frozen solid.


Hunter slowly stirred to consciousness as Rei slowly walked with him, and screamed in agony as her steps agitated his shattered legs. It felt like his entire body was on fire, the open air mixing with his numerous open wounds. The man struggled through clenched teeth to stay strong, but he couldn't hold back anymore. He was torn apart, beaten, tortured and broken. Even if his body recovered, only time would tell if Hunter Kieff would ever return to his usual self. No matter how his wife held him or tried to alleviate the excruciating pain, it would never dull. It would never stop hurting.

He made an attempt to speak, to apologize for letting this happen to him, but the only thing he could do was sob like a child. That was the most pain he had ever suffered in his entire life. They carved into his flesh, lapped up his lifeblood and treated him like a chained circus attraction. Despite being a feared vampire hunter and former Gun, Hunter Kieff was still just a man. And nothing made that more clear than the events that had just transpired. And as Rei tried her best to lead him to safety, he couldn't do anything but scream and cry. No matter how delicate her touch was, she would always be putting pressure on an exposed wound, broken bone or bruised black and blue flesh. He was completely torn into pieces.
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeFri Oct 28, 2016 3:33 am

Rei held back her tears as she helped Hunter through the night. His screams broke her heart and she could only imagine the pain and suffering he had gone through and was still experiencing now. She hated this, all of it. If only she had gotten there faster. If only things were different. But it was too late now. The damage had been done. The couple had eventually reached the doctor's home at last, the young woman pushing the door open and stepping inside, greeted by their shocked children. Both Damien and Luna stared wide eyed at the scene. The young girl broke down then falling to her knees as tears streamed down her face, while her brother stood there frozen. He didn't know how to react. Rei would comfort them later, her husband was the top priority now.

"Doctor, please help..." she cried, the tears she had been holding back finally streaming down her face. She couldn't take it anymore. She couldn't bare to see him in pain anymore. The doctor stepped then, followed by his nurse the pair rushing towards Hunter. "No use in taking him upstairs. It will only cause him more pain. Come, let's bringing him into my room." the doctor spoke, ushering for Rei and the nurse to follow him. Damien stepped to the side as the group rushed passed, Luna still on her knees sobbing. They felt completely helpless.

After laying Hunter down on the bed as gently as possible, Rei was told to wait outside while they tended to his wounds. As the door was shut behind her, she leaned against the wall and slid downwards until she was sitting. The vampiress lost it then, burying her face in her hands. She could hear her love's pained cries only causing her to sob even more. She felt so defeated. She'd killed Melissa yes, but all that meant nothing if her husband was hurt. Nothing she said or did would take away the pain inflicted on him. Only time would mend what had been broken.

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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeFri Oct 28, 2016 4:35 am

Hunter's pained screams echoed through the good doctor's home as they began to work on him. He had lost too much blood far too quickly, and it was only a matter of time before he went into shock. The old man's team focused every last bit of attention on their patient, quickly and efficiently cleaning his wounds to kill any bacteria before they began pumping him full of fluids. Each member handled a different section of his body. Two were focused on resetting his legs. They weren't broken as they previously thought, but that didn't mean he was in the clear. The methods his torturers used were extremely crude, and instead of shattering the bone, it was simply dislocated at the knees. He'd walk again, but his rehabilitation wouldn't be easy. The other three were set on stitching together each and every cut that Hunter had, holding him down as he writhed and screamed. A part of them felt horrid for causing him more pain, but everything was for their patient's benefit. The pain he felt now was nothing compared to what would happen if he were to get infected. In his condition, an infection would mean death. They used cold compresses on Hunter's face to reduce the swelling until he was recognizable again, and then they continued to pump him full of fluids. Luckily, Hunter Kieff was extremely resilient. If it were anyone else, they'd probably write him off as a lost cause. But the doctor insisted on Rei's behalf. He'd taken care of her for quite some time, and she'd never forgive him if he gave up so easily on the man she loved so much.

After several long hours of surgery, Hunter was completely stabilized. They continued to check on his wounds to ensure the stitching and braces on his legs held as they applied fresh gauze. If anything could be said, that man had the luck of the devil. If not for that, he probably wouldn't be breathing.

There was a slow creak that cut through the silence as the doctor and his team exited the room, sweating and completely exhausted. It wasn't an easy job, but keeping Hunter alive was well worth the energy they had expended in saving his life. The old man placed a hand on Rei's shoulder and squeezed tightly, "Hunter is going to live." He said, offering a small comfort, "But in his condition, I don't think he's ever going to hunt again. Whoever worked him over made sure of that. They tore into him without mercy. Your husband will survive... But his career is as good as over."

With that he let out a deep sigh and shook his head sadly, "He's sleeping right now, but you're allowed to pay him a visit. Just make sure you and the kids stay quiet. The poor man has been through so much..."

Once finished with his speech, he hobbled off to his resting area and drew in a deep sigh. He wondered how this moment would effect the family. Only time would tell.

Upon hearing the news, Luna and Damien sprinted to their mother and wrapped their arms around her, quietly sobbing. They blamed themselves. Damien was the first to speak while Luna had her face buried in Rei's shoulder, unable to find the words, "Mama." He choked, "What happened to Papa is all my fault." The boy paused to wipe the tears from his face, "I convinced Lulu to sneak out and see the town with me because I didn't want to go alone. I said horrible things about Papa, too. I always called him an old fart. I always took him for granted... And now not even Grandpa knows if he'll ever get better..."

Damien's mind flashed back to the horror he felt when Hunter gave in to the request of the vampire and willingly left, "He suffered through all of this to keep the both of us safe. He let them do whatever they wanted as long as they let us come home. I hate myself for ever doubting that he was strong enough to take care of all of us. I hate myself for treating him so horribly... I hate myself for being the reason that Papa can never work again!"
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeFri Oct 28, 2016 4:50 pm

Upon hearing the door creak open, Rei stood up from where she sat when she felt the doctor's hand on her shoulder. As she listened to his words her heart dropped and her eye widened in shock. He would never hunt again? It couldn't be. That was livelihood and if he couldn't do that then... Her heart broke for her husband all over again, fresh tears streaming down her face as she lowered her head. She said nothing as the elderly man left, leaving her alone. But it wasn't long before Damien and Luna ran up to her, feeling their embrace. The young woman lifted her hands to place her hands over their backs, stroking them comfortingly. Though as her son broke down and confessed everything, even going as far to blame himself she could no longer stay silent. "No, it's no one's fault, Damien." she spoke, closing her eye shut as she spoke. She had to be strong for them. All of them. The group fell to their knees then, Rei tightening her embrace around Damien and Luna. "It's no one's fault..."

The family simply cried for a few moments, letting out their pent of emotions. They could do nothing but wait now, only hope that Hunter would awaken soon. After a little while longer, Rei managed to pull herself together enough to wipe the tears away and looked down at her children with a pained smile. "Come, let's go to your father." Damien and Luna looked up at her still tear stricken, but nodded. Helping them up, Rei walked to the door but hesitated stopping once she placed her hand on the doorknob. She knew she would have to prepare herself. Hunter may have been stabilized but he was still in a very fragile state. She just hoped she would be able to keep it together in front of the twins. It was then she turned the knob and pushed the door open allowing Damien and Luna to step instead before closing it again. The pinkette was slow to look over at her husband and when she saw him her emotions got the best of her for the third time tonight. He was covered in both bandages and had braces to stabilize his legs, also hooked up to an IV and heart rate monitor, a mask over his mouth to help him breath. The damage done was worse than she had ever imagined. She stumbled towards his sleeping form her knees buckling as she crumpled onto the ground. She gently placed a hand over his own, breaking out into tears once again. Seeing this, Damien and Luna ran to their mother to comfort her, though even they eventually succumbed to their own emotions. "I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry..." Rei cried.
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 30, 2016 5:14 am

Hunter rested silently when his family entered the room, completely unaware of what the good doctor had said upon his exit. But if he were awake to hear, the man would no doubt leap to defy every word. Hunter Kieff wasn't a quitter. It was against that defiant personality he had held for almost his entire life. After all, if he were to simply give up, Hunter would be dead long before then. There was a subtle rise and fall to the man's chest as he slept peacefully, the medications numbing his body of any pain. Despite everything that had happened previously, there was still a strong beat in his heart. He was going to pull through this. He was going to recover, and he would continue to protect his family no matter what. The torturers may have broken his body, but they would never break his spirit. As long as Hunter had a family to fight for, he would continue to stand tall and use them as his fire. They were his strength, they were the reason he did everything, no matter how difficult. His family was the reason that Hunter still breathed, no matter how crushed they were by his physical condition.

The moment Rei's hand rested over his own, Hunter awoke from his slumber and gripped it firmly. There was a strength to his grip, as if to say that he would continue to be strong for the ones he loved no matter what. His eyes began to flutter as the sounds of his wife's pained sobs filled the room until they fully opened, waking him. His head weakly turned to face all three of them and that same grin began to spread across his face while his free hand reached to wipe the tears from Rei's face, soaking into his bandages, "You have..." He breathed, "Nothing to apologize for... None of you do." Hunter's eyes shifted to both Damien and Luna, his heart breaking at the sight of their turmoil. There was no doubt in his mind that they blamed themselves for his sorry state, "No matter what happens to me, I'll go through hell and back if it means protecting all of you." Hunter managed to say, the strength coming back to his voice, "I always have. And I always will... Until the day I die."
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 31, 2016 9:46 pm

All three looked up as Hunter spoke, eyes wide that he'd finally awoken. Upon hearing his words, tears began to well up in Rei's eye again as she leaned over placed a soft kiss on her husband's cheek. He literally had the heart of a lion. "Hunter... thank you so much..." she spoke, a smile tugging at her lips as she attempted to wipe the tears away with her free hand. Damien and Luna looked on at their papa, the young girl sobbing tears of joy this time while her brother put on a goofy grin on his face. Their father was truly amazing.


Rei scooted the turner beneath the pancake she was cooking, wiggling it a few times before flipping it revealing that had become nice and golden brown on one side. She had three more sitting a plate next to the stove, as well as orange slices and a glass of milk. All of it was for Hunter. Two weeks had passed since the entire ordeal with Melissa and things had gone back somewhat to normal. As normal as it could get with a wheelchair bound husband/father that is. Training had to be put on hold until his recovery, but that really was that last thing on the young woman's mind. The only thing that mattered right now was getting Hunter back to his normal self. Something that had proved to be difficult. As stubborn as he was, it hurt Rei to see him struggle to do daily tasks and she could only imagine how much a burden he felt like to them. But he wasn't at all, though despite her words in telling him just that they seemed to be falling on deaf ears. She was becoming worried about him, wondering if he would be able to get out of this funk of his. Deep down however, she knew he would. He always did.

She sighed and before long the final pancake had finished cooking and after placing it on top of the pile, Rei grabbed the tray and heading upstairs to their room. She slowly pushed the door open peering in to find her husband sitting beside the window staring outside. "Breakfast is ready." the vampiress spoke, stepping inside and closing the door with her foot. Walking over to him she placed the tray in his lap and took a seat on the beside. "I made your favorite." she added, a small smile on her face.
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 01, 2016 1:14 am

In the weeks that passed since Hunter's release from the hospital, he tried his best to allow life to continue as usual. It was a bit strange at first, considering that Damien and Luna had a hard time facing him but eventually they managed to find the courage to look their father in the eye. It took many hours of convincing and forgiving for them to realize that he didn't blame anyone for what happened. He was just doing what any good father would and did everything in his power to ensure the safety of his children. He was still wrapped in bandages that needed to be changed and covered in cuts that required sterilization, but every member of the family did their part when it came to taking care of him. First, they'd draw a bath and let their father soak to soften the cloth before he slowly and methodically removed each bandage. Then, Rei would shoo the children off while she applied alcohol to his wounds and helped him bathe himself. It was extremely embarrassing but Hunter quickly learned his lesson after attempting to bathe himself. He missed a spot and that almost led to an infection. He was lucky that the enhanced senses of his wife caught on quickly. Boy, did she let him have it for that one. Ever since then, she personally tended to her husband. Something that Hunter truly appreciated.

Hunter watched quietly through the window while his children sparred by themselves, Luna with her wooden claws and Damien with his wooden sword. Hunter had decided that since he could no longer train them, they needed to train themselves. Luna was far more advanced than her brother in physical combat, so she helped him her. It was the opposite when it came to their abilities, so Damien took the helm of teacher after they finished their daily sparring sessions. The children couldn't tell that Hunter continued to watch and listen to them, so they spoke openly about why they worked so hard in his absence. Since it was likely that their father wouldn't be on his feet for quite some time, they needed to practice as much as possible to ensure that they could protect him if anything were to happen again. They cursed themselves for being scared and weak, relying on their father to save them when things got hairy. But after coming so close to losing him forever, they realized that he couldn't always be there for them. Especially in his current state. If they were to leave home again, Hunter wouldn't be coming to the rescue. They needed to become vicious fighters worthy of the Kieff name. Fighters that inspired fear and awe in those who dared to make an attempt on their lives.

A couple of times, Hunter spotted the pair imitating his motions when he first came to their rescue, recounting every detail of how he deftly danced through his opponents' attacks and cut them to pieces. He was horrified to hear it at first, but seeing those proud smiles and seeing first hand of how awesome he was in their eyes, it brought that same grin to his face.

Hunter's head perked up when he heard Rei enter the room and he turned in his chair to face her, only to have a tray placed in his lap. He opened his mouth to explain that he was capable of feeding himself, but cut himself off when he smelled what his wife had cooked. It was his favorite breakfast meal, cooked to his exact tastes. Part of him wanted to pout and act like a jerk, but he wasn't going to torment his poor wife today. Instead, he just smiled and attempted to eat on his own. With his hands shaking, Hunter weakly gripped the fork and stabbed at a slice of ham before he brought it up towards his mouth. The doctors had to repair the torn muscles and tendons in his arms, so they were still quite weak. It was evident from the amount of frustration that appeared on Hunter's face as he tried to eat. But no matter how hard he tried, the man still wasn't able to do it quite yet. Despite that, he continued to try until his arm gave out, dropping the fork down onto the ground, "God dammit!" He cursed, his eyes fixed on the ground, "Don't get up, I'll take care of it." Hunter quickly placed the try onto the small stand by his window and reached desperately for the fork, but it was just out of his reach. He strained and reached, but it was to no avail. His body was still stiff and it would cause his stitches to open if he moved too suddenly, "I go from a bed to a chair and I still can't do a damn thing on my own."
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 01, 2016 1:44 am

Rei frowned at her husband's struggle, helping him to sit up while he angrily stared at the fork laying on the ground. "It's only been two weeks. Healing takes time, you know." she spoke, bending over to pick up the fork and placing it back on the plate. "I know it's hard now, but it'll get better. You'll see." The pinkette moved to take the tray and placed it in her own lap, cutting up the ham into a few pieces before stabbing one and holding it towards Hunter's mouth. She imagined it must've been quite awkward for him to have his wife feeding him, but she couldn't let him starve. And besides, if he pushed himself too hard all his and she and the children's own hard work would go to waste and no one wanted that, especially Hunter. She could sense that he wanted to get better as soon as possible, and that had been apparent just a few moments ago.

After a few more moments, the ham had been finished and Rei moved on to cutting the pancakes into pieces and let him eat that next. "I mean... just take my eye for example. It took a while for me to recover and even get used to living without it. But look at me now." she said, as the pancakes had been halfway eaten. "So try not to worry, my love." The vampiress lifted a hand and caressed Hunter's cheek, the soft smile returning to her face. "You're the bravest and strongest man I know, and I know a small obstacle like this won't stop you. It hasn't in the past, has it?"
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 01, 2016 3:14 am

Like always, Rei was there to take care of Hunter when he was unable to take care of himself. He listened patiently while his wife reassured him, forcing he wheelchair bound man to realize that he was being too impatient. Anyone else in his position would probably still be bedridden. But there he was, moving himself around almost without issue. Sure, Hunter was still unable to do many things on his own, but he still had time to keep healing. Then again, the more time he spent in that wheelchair, the less time he would have to spend with his children. Hunter was still just getting older while Rei looked as if she hadn't aged a day. Time was a constant reminder of his mortality, and eventually the family he loved so much would have to bury him.

Hunter shook his head vigorously to rid himself of those thoughts before he opened his mouth and allowed Rei to feed him. God, it was humiliating. He considered being stubborn and refusing to eat, but that would probably prompt Rei to force his mouth open and cram whatever she could down his throat. The thought of going through that horriffic ordeal sent a cold shiver down his spine, "You're right." Hunter paused to take another bite before continuing, "I just need to be patient and let my body heal itself up... The problem is, I'm just too stir crazy. I can't stand being useless!"

Once again, Hunter listened patiently while his love explained her situation to him. She had a point, after all. Going around with just one eye couldn't have been easy, and she still worked through it. Rei was a strong woman, and part of him thought that he didn't deserve someone like her. After all, he grew up a thug that did unsavory things for unsavory people in pursuit of that elusive dollar. She was far too kind and gentle do be muddying herself with the likes of him. He considered voicing his concern, but paused when she caressed his cheek and spoke again, filling his ears with the kindest words he had heard, "No... No it hasn't. I'll get through this and before you know it I'll be back on my feet again. I'll need to break myself off for a while to get back into fighting shape, but once that happens I can go back to training the kids and hunting. It's all I know how to do!"

Hunter was still unaware of what the doctor had told Rei while he was still in the hospital, that his hunting days were over. Even if he had heard the news, he wouldn't believe it. If anything, he'd do everything he could to prove that old man wrong and continue to provide for his family. There was no doubt that he had earned enough to live comfortably for a while while he recovered, but that money wouldn't last forever. And if Hunter couldn't hunt, he wasn't very much good to anyone else. With his reputation, he couldn't exactly waltz into a store and ask for a job application.
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 02, 2016 10:36 pm

Rei's smile soon faded upon hearing Hunter mention his work. She'd nearly forgotten about the doctor's words and was wishing she had. The young woman's gaze shifted from her husband to the side, a saddened expression on her face. "Yeah..." she spoke, feeling her heart drop. The pinkette was unsure of what to do now. She knew she had to tell the truth to him eventually, but she couldn't stand to see him break any further. Hunting was his life and though he risked his life every single day doing it she knew that it was what he loved to do. It was for the good of his family and all those innocent and he wouldn't have it any other way. Deep down however she knew. She had to tell him, as much as it pained her. And so after a long silence, Rei looked back up Hunter then, a sad smile forming as she moved her hand down to place it over his own, gently squeezing it.

"Love, there's something I need to tell you..." Rei began, looking down at the wedding rings her husband has worked so hard to get. This house, their food, everything. It was all because of what he did, and now... She was unsure if he'd ever be able to do it again. "The doctor said... he said you won't be able to hunt again..." the vampiress continued, feeling the tears well up in her eye. She could only imagine how Hunter was feeling. Even just speaking those words broke her heart. "But... I know that can't be true. You're stronger than that, I... I know you are..." Rei was sobbing now, as she looked back up at her lifelong partner. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..."
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 03, 2016 1:59 am

Hunter took notice of the sudden drop in his wife's voice and oriented himself towards her, watching as she seemed to be trying to find the right words in her head. Maybe it was a bad time to talk about working again, considering his current condition. She was no doubt worried about his safety, and he couldn't blame her. In his most recent escapade he'd be dead or worse if she didn't manage to save his skin. What was left of it, anyway. Suddenly, his mind flashed back to when he was torn to pieces, screaming as his tormentors carved into his flesh with those sadistic fanged grins. It took a moment for him to snap back into reality, but when he did, Rei had turned so the both of them were face to face before she placed her hand over his own, their wedding rings clicking as they bumped against each other.

The man listened intently when she spoke, her eyes fixed on the rings Hunter had risked life and limb to afford and bit hard into his lip while she explained what the doctor had said. The pain was intense, but that didn't matter at all. Despite everything that had happened in the past, despite how resilient he was, the doctor was never wrong about anything. And this time he said that Hunter would never hunt again. Once those haunting words left Rei's lips, Hunter's eyes widened in shock and disbelief. That couldn't be true. He refused to believe it. Hunting was the only thing he knew. There was no other option, and he had no other way to provide for his family. If he couldn't hunt, he was left with no purpose. A slew of what ifs and maybes swirled through his mind until Rei's next words quieted his thoughts. Even though the news was tearing her apart inside, she was just as unwilling to believe them as her husband. She knew how he'd react and her voice broke at the end of her sentence, devolving into sobs and apologies.

Without hesitation, Hunter locked eyes with Rei and set the brakes on his wheelchair to keep it from moving from under him. Once set, the man used every ounce of strength he had and slowly stood from the cushioned seat despite the fact that he shouldn't be walking again for at least another two weeks. His muscles screamed in protest, and his knees threatened to give way, but even that wouldn't deter him. He couldn't stand seeing the woman he loved in such a state, and he'd do anything to dry the tears that rolled down her cheeks. Even if that meant dealing with the intense pain. Once on his feet, Hunter leaned forward and wrapped his arms around his wife, pulling her head into his chest, "Just like I said in the hospital, you and the children have nothing to apologize for." Hunter said, holding the woman in his arms, "I don't care what that old man said before. He doesn't know what I'm capable of. Even if I'm just a man, I'll continue to do everything in my power to take care of this family. No matter the cost. I love you, I love the kids, and that love will never waver. The same can be said for my will to keep fighting. As long as I have all of you, I'll never let anything stop me."

Hunter paused and pressed his lips against Rei's forehead, "If it meant keeping all of you safe, I'd let them cut me into pieces all over again. I have no regrets."
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 04, 2016 3:47 pm

Rei stared wide-eyed with her still tear stricken face as Hunter stood from his wheelchair. Despite having two broken legs he was still standing, just proving how strong her husband really was. Her eye was still wide as he embraced her in a hug, before tightly shutting her eye nuzzling deeper into his chest. She nodded at his words, wrapping her arms around his waist in return. "And we love you..." was all the young woman managed to mutter, soon after he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. She was silent then, quietly sobbing until she was calm enough to speak again. Gently pulling away, Rei looked up at Hunter with a soft smile, placing a hand on his cheek lovingly once again. "Alright mister, time to sit you back down. Don't want all that hard working going to waste." she joked, standing up and helping the male to his wheelchair again. After sitting him down, the pinkette twirled around on the bed again, plopping down and letting out a long sigh. These past few weeks had been emotional roller coaster and she hated for her family to see her like this. She needed to be strong too, for all of them. A goofy grin formed on her face as she let her gaze fall on the love of her life again.

"Sorry about that love."
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 10, 2016 6:31 pm

A warm smile spread across Hunter's face when Rei had managed to calm herself down. Even with the searing pain that his standing up brought, he would pay it no mind if it meant bringing a smile to the face of his beautiful wife. She must have taken note of his obvious discomfort considering the fact that he trembled like a leaf. Even with that grin on his face, the man's body simply couldn't hide the amount of strain such an action would put on him. The vamps that intended to kill him really did a number. But that didn't matter one bit. As long as Hunter Kieff had a family to protect, he'd bounce back from any injury and continue to provide. Nothing would ever change that.

While Hunter had half a mind to pitch a fit about being put in his chair again, he simply didn't have the energy to protest and allowed Rei to help him back down into his seat. While he could still move about the house in his wheelchair, he'd much rather be up on his feet and doing what he did best. Unfortunately, that wasn't going to happen for a while, "Yes, ma'am. I'll stay in the chair like a good boy. The Doc wouldn't particularly appreciate having to patch me up again so soon. God, I'm fortunate to have you. And don't apologize for a thing. You've nothing to be sorry for."


Several months had passed since Hunter was able to reassure his wife that he'd continue to take care of the family. Since then, he had made several strides in his recovery. All of his cuts had closed up, he could walk freely and he could even exercise again. Sure, he was a little out of form considering the circumstances, but that would change the moment he managed to shake off his rust. He had spent the entire morning exercising. Everything from sprints to refining his technique against the training dummies he had set up, and he didn't plan on stopping until he was sharper than he had ever been before. He wasn't strong enough to keep fighting back then... That would never happen to him or his family ever again.

The man circled around the dummy like he did every other time, carving into it with his claws as he walked in an attempt to regain his fluidity and grace. His steps were heavy and off center, causing him to lose balance when his knees began to buckle. Hunter's brow furrowed in frustration, but he wouldn't let that stop him. He'd come to form and he'd improve. With that same indomitable will, he continued to try his hardest even as his knuckles bled and his muscles ached. This pain was necessary, it was a reminder of how much he needed to push himself in order to reach that next level. Once again, the man lost his balance and fell to his knees, a puddle of sweat staining the dirt beneath him. He looked completely exhausted, his entire body soaked with sweat.

Luna and Damien watched from a distance as their father continually worked himself to the brink of collapse. It was painful to see at first, considering how easily he used to work his way through his strict training regimen, but the sight was inspiring. The fact that their father had been through so much in order to protect them made the pair want to follow in his footsteps. Even if Hunter was slower and less precise in his movements, they still knew that neither of them would be able to stand a chance against him. He was just that good,

"Should we try to make him take a break?" Luna said, looking to her brother. In response, Damien shook his head, eyes transfixed on his father, "No... He wants to keep going. The most we can do is keep watch and pick him up when he's not able to walk on his own."

Despite the fact that Hunter tried his best to hide his pain for his family's sake, the twins' enhanced hearing could detect his heart rate. Their sight could notice the subtle locks in his knees, and their smell was able to lock on to the blood that dripped from his knuckles, "You're right... But I can hear how Papa's joints grind and pop as he moves. It must be so painful for him to keep going like this." Luna began, "Remember how we used to complain about how hard Papa pushed us? If only we knew how hard he always pushed himself."

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 14, 2016 6:17 pm

Damien nodded slowly to Luna's words, his gaze locked on their father as he picked himself off the ground once more. If he didn't know any better he would've jumped in to stop him a long time ago, but he did know. He knew that this what their papa wanted, to keep pushing himself to get better and better. The boy was young, but he understood that look in Hunter's eye. It was similar to his own after all. Like father like son, right? Or in this case, like son like father. Hunter wanted to become stronger than ever before. Strong enough so that he never had to show his weak side to his family ever again. Damien felt the same, he wanted to become stronger as well. That way, his parents wouldn't have to worry about them anymore and so that he wouldn't ever have to sacrifice himself just for their sake like before. Not now, not ever.


Rei watched from the shadows, seeing the both Damien and Luna were watching as well. She hoped they would use this opportunity to train even harder. She knew they would of course, but still. She couldn't help but worry. Moving her gaze from the twins over to her husband again, she felt a pang of pain when she saw the sweat rolling down his face and blood running down his knuckles. She knew Hunter was stubborn, that had been made apparent several times before. And she knew he was just wanting to get back into shape as fast as he could, but... She hated to see him like this. It was as if all his training from before the incident with Melissa meant nothing and it hurt her to seem him feel as if he were starting from square one again. She just wanted to take the pain away. All of it.

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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 16, 2016 5:52 am

Hunter punched the ground in frustration at his weakness before he tore the sweat soaked shirt from his torso, exposing the scars he received from Melissa's rough treatment. There was an almost horrifying combination of fresh and faded scars that covered almost every inch of Hunter's body. The man's children had never seen the true results of their father's work, but he decided that it was time he allowed them to see everything. Sure, there was a cut or two on his face and neck, but the true damage was usually hidden beneath his clothes. He cast a glance to his children for a moment before he rose to his feet and began striking the dummies once again.

Just like before, Hunter circled around each one and struck when he saw his opening, pretending that he was fighting against a multiple group of vampires. In his prime, he could have done this with ease. But in his current condition, his movements were anything but graceful. It was going to take time for Hunter's body to get used to the strain he was putting on it, time he simply didn't have. He was getting older, and it was only a matter of time until he would be a frail old man unable to provide for his wife and children. The thought of leaving them behind terrified him. But there was one thing that terrified the man even more; leaving them all without a way to defend themselves from those who wished to do them harm. His family was the fuel that fed his fire, and as long as that fire burned, he'd continue to fight. The doctor was wrong, he was going to hunt again.

With a final roar, Hunter leaped into the air and twisted his body around as he spun around into a corkscrew, his claws decapitating each dummy that surrounded him. It was a new trick that he thought of, something that he would pass on to Luna when her time came. As long as Hunter could continue to innovate, to expand his arsenal of tricks, he would never truly be behind the curve. After all, the old him never would have been able to pull off such a difficult and strenuous technique.

Despite landing firmly on his feet, using that attack sapped what was left of Hunter's energy and he began to sway weakly where he stood until collapsing out of exhaustion, falling flat on his back. He coughed and wheezed, his chest rising and faling rapidly as he struggled to catch his breath. It wasn't easy to fight through the pain, but nobody ever drowned in a pool of their own sweat, "Damien, Lulu!" He called out, "I need you both to do something for me. I can't move right now and I'd hat to have to get your mother involved. Son, I need you to create a nice bowl of ice large enough to fit me in. Then, Lulu, I need you to lift me into it. After that, get the hose and fill it up. I think I'm overheating."
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 22, 2016 1:13 am

Rei let out a gasp when Hunter ripped his shirt off, tearing her gaze away upon seeing his new scars. She'd gotten used to his previous ones but these... they were too much to bear. She still blamed herself for that night, and for the condition her husband was in now. She just wished should could take the pain away. She would give anything to do that. All the while, Damien and Luna continued to watch in awe as their father stood again, become a human drill as he cut the training dummies into pieces. "Wow..." the young boy spoke, while his sister stared wide-eyed. When he fell flat on his back however, they immediately leaped into action after hearing Hunter's request. "Right!"

Damien was the first to reach their father's side, leaning down to help him stand and walk him over to the porch. Luna proceeded to run over to the hose and drag it over to them, reaching them just in time as Damien helped Hunter sit. He proceeded lift his hand and concentrate, an ice formation beginning to form on the ground and slowly being shaped into a tub. Once he finished, he turned to his sister and they both nodded. She filled in as they were instructed and as soon as the last drop had landed she tossed the hose to the side before twirling around to face their exhausted father again. Even with both she and Damien, he was still too heavy lift so there was only one thing to do. The young girl closed her eyes then, taking a deep breath and slowly exhaling. There was silence between the three, until Hunter began to slowly float upwards and towards the ice tub. Damien watched in surprise, amazed at how much their secret training sessions had paid off and kept his gaze on their papa the entire time until he was gently placed into the water. Luna fell to her knees then, letting out a sigh of relief and she wiped the drop of sweat away from her brow before both she and Damien let their gazes fall on Hunter. "That should do it." she spoke, a small smile tugging at her lips. "You should take it easy more, papa." she added, as her brother helped her onto her feet.

"Yeah, don't want me calling you that again, do you?" Damien grinned.
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 02, 2016 5:57 pm

Hunter waited patiently while his children went to work preparing the ice bath he requested, grimacing at the sun that beat down mercilessly on his exposed body. If they didn't move him soon, he'd probably roast in the sun. Few things were as painful as dealing with the aftermath of a particularly bad sunburn. Sure, the rest of his family would be surprised that he'd complain of a tiny sunburn more than being flayed, but it only showed how resilient Hunter had become. Once the preparations had finished, Hunter grunted when the children tried to lift him using their combined strength, but holding up a grown man like their father proved to be a little too difficult especially considering the fact that he was dead weight at the moment. After a brief pause to deliberate, Hunter whipped his head back and forth when he felt his body beginning to lift off of the ground as Luna used her enhanced abilities. God, that was going to take some getting used to, "Hey, don't take me too high, I'm afraid of heights!" He called out, "Well not really, just don't drop me!"

The man's jesting caused a slight break in his daughter's concentration as she laughed and almost lost control, but she managed to slowly lower Hunter into the ice cold bath, forcing the air out of his lungs, "Oh fu-" He managed to cut himself off before finishing the curse and breathed a sigh of relief as the pain in his body began fading away, "That's exactly what the doctor ordered..." Hunter allowed himself to sink deeper into the water until just his his nose hovered just above the surface, drawing a deep breath before he submerged for a moment and embraced the calm feeling it brought. About fifteen seconds passed and the twins looked to each other in worry until Hunter rose from the water and leaned back, spreading his arms to rest them on the edges of his makeshift tub, "The both of you did a great job making this... I think I'm gonna sit here until it melts and forces me out. Your abilities have surely grown and I couldn't be more proud." He paused a moment to slick back the strands of blonde hair that clung to his face and grinned, "The moment I'm back in fighting shape, I think it's time for the both of you to truly learn how to use your weapons... But for now, I have something to show you." He looked to Luna before tossing her a set of keys, "Remember where I took you when you were ready for weapons training? Go ahead and show Damien what I have in store for him."
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 15, 2016 12:00 am

Damien and Luna blinked a few times as they watched their father sink deeper into the makeshift ice bath, slowly turned their heads to look at each other. But as soon as they heard his words of praise the immediate perked up and turned to face him again, nodded in excitement. "Thanks papa!" they both spoke in unison, bright smiles on their faces. Though when he addressed Luna and tossed the young girl a set of keys, Damien looked down at them in confusion before looking back at Hunter. "Eh?" he spoke, while Luna's gaze lit up even more. "Right, come on Damien!"

The boy was being pulled along by her sister then, the pair leaving their papa in the dust. A few moments passed before they reached a secluded grove a little ways from their home, where a small shed lay hidden. Slowing to a stop in front of the door, Luna proceeded to open it while her brother crossed his arms and tilted his head to the side with his brow furrowed. "What is this place?" he asked, leaning a little closer.

"You'll see." she replied, soon after unlocking it. She the pushed the door open and gestured for him to follow the shed being pitch black until Luna switched the light on. The light revealed all sorts of weapons that surrounded them, but what really caught his eye was a sword right in the middle, with an empty case beside it. Was that...? "This is where papa kept my claws." she spoke, staring at the empty spot with admiration, before turning to face her brother. "And that sword... is yours." Damien's eyes were wide in shock, his body frozen to the spot. That word really was his? Slowly but surely he walked towards it, but hesitating to grab it. He swallowed the lump in his throat, basking it it's glory. It was beautifully made, and undoubtedly strong. Why else would Hunter kept it hidden for so long? It was then the boy moved his hand towards the hilt of the blade, wrapping his fingers around it and getting a firm grip. Once that was done he picked it up with ease, resting it's blade in the palm of his other hand to examine it a little more. In it he could see his own reflection and the newly lit fire in them. Now he was ready to prove how much stronger he would become.


Rei had been watching from afar, a small smile on her face as the scene unfolded. Eventually Damien and Luna ran off, leaving her husband to soak a little longer. But seeing as he had been in there for quite a while already, she figured it was high time she got his butt moving again. Walking over to him, she slowed to a stop and placed hand on the edge of the ice, feeling it's cold sensation on her skin, a feeling she was well used to. "Just how long are you going to be in there?" she asked, leaning in a little so that her breasts were directly over the water now.
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 01, 2017 10:54 pm

While the children were off far away gushing over their weapons, Hunter continued to relax in his ice bath, his head tilted back towards the sky as he breathed a long sigh of relief. He had to get them to do this more often. It was much better than using cold compresses on his aching limbs. Having the pain dulled like this all the time was something that the man could definitely get used to.

With his eyes closed and body completely relaxed, Hunter wasn't paying any attention as the time passed. Normal ice would have melted fairly quickly, but the special properties of Damien's ability made it hold firm. If someone didn't come get him, then he wouldn't leave until he started to lose feeling in his extremities. But considering the strong sun that hung high above, that wouldn't happen for quite some time. The man didn't even hear as his wife approached the bath, evidently thinking he had been in there for long enough.

"Until it melts and I fall out." Hunter responded, that same grin of his beginning to form. He opened one eye to offer a lazy wink, but his gaze suddenly locked on the seductive look on Rei's face. A look that he hadn't seen since recovering from his injuries. Watching him remove his shirt and continue to fight on must have stirred something in the vampiress. And once she got like this, there definitely was no denying her.

Hunter attempted to hide the fact that his gaze was shifting from his wife's face to her breasts that hovered just above the water's surface. Rei knew exactly what she was doing. She always managed to subtly get her husband's mind in the right place. Considering all that had been going on in the recent months, enjoying the pleasures she had to offer was the last thing on his mind. He was lucky that she was able to contain that ravenous hunger of hers. If not, she'd probably tear into him before he was recovered and extend the time needed for him to heal. Not that he'd complain or anything...

"On second thought..." He began, sitting up until his face was directly in front of Rei's, their lips only an inch apart, "I've been meaning to pay you back for what happened the last time we had a bit of fun... I hope you enjoyed your taste of power while it lasted." The man pressed his lips against hers and slowly stood, prompting her to stand straight with him before he reached over and pulled her close, breaking the kiss so he could whisper in her ear, "Because this time, I'm holding the reins again... There's a little gift for you up stairs under our bed. The key to the lock is already sitting right where it should be... All you need to do is turn it and see what I have in store for you. By the time I get up stairs, I want you to be dressed in it, on your knees and facing away from the door. Can you do that for me, love?"
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 11, 2017 12:40 am

Rei rolled her eyes at Hunter's comment while an amused smirk formed on her lips. "Whatever you say-" she spoke, when she was suddenly cut off by her husband's next words. Hearing them the grin grew, nodding in response. She managed to get in a quick "Oh?" before their lips touched, the pinkette leaning into the kiss until he so rudely pulled away and whispered into her ear. The following words from his mouth sent a chill up her spine, but one of excitement. Rei liked it when Hunter took charge sometimes and after the punishment she put him through last time, she had a feeling he was going to do the same to her. Just what did her lover have in store for her this time?

"As you wish." she said, giving one last slap in the blonde's behind before slipping out of his grasp and heading inside. Rei let out a small laugh to herself as she headed up the stairs and into their bedroom. She had known her husband for quite some time, though they still had their little... secrets. That had been proven a few months ago and she expected Hunter wouldn't disappoint with his. Shutting the door behind her she walked towards the bed and knelt down, grabbing a hold of the box with the key neatly placed on top. Taking it into her hand, Rei inserted it into the lock and opened it. After pulling the lid off her face turned red for the first time in a while. She was silent for a few moments, placing and hand to her cheek before finally voicing her thoughts. "He wants me to wear this?" she said, feeling a drop of sweat roll down the side of her face. Well, nothing on her body would be hidden that was for sure. It was then that she undressed, slipping her shorts and shirt off, followed by undergarments. Once that was done she pulled the outfit out and put it on, adjusting the straps so that they weren't giving her an awkward wedgie. She then sat on her knees as she was instructed, pushing her bangs behind her ear while she waited for Hunter to arrive.
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 11, 2017 10:50 am

Hunter could feel his heart flutter as the thought of Rei's reaction to the little gift he had left her. The man decided to wait for a few minutes, allowing his wife ample time to prepare and wait for his arrival. Once the mental timer he had set went off, Hunter stepped from his rather relaxing cold bath and shook away the excess water before he stepped through the door to their home.

He paused a moment, looking over his shoulder to see if the children were on their way back, but the pair was nowhere to be seen. No doubt they were still in awe of everything Hunter had in his storage unit. There was a plethora of weapons, pictures, documents and the like to entertain themselves with. There was a familiar pang of fear when he considered the possibility of injury, but he never kept anything dangerous anywhere near his family. All of the real toys were in Hunter's own private lockup. Not even Rei knew where that one was... If she were to find that out, he'd probably lose his head. He was supposed to retire after his injuries, but that definitely wasn't going to happen. After all, it was all he knew.

After managing to shake the distractions out of his head, Hunter drew in a deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment, putting himself right back into the mindset he had when he first gave Rei her task. The orders he gave beforehand were clear and concise. There was a slim chance that Rei would test him and disobey, but that wasn't likely. She tended to enjoy his dominant side, and despite being physically stronger than her husband, he definitely had the skill to remind her who exactly was in control when necessary. This little encounter wouldn't be like their last at all. Hunter would have the reins clutched tightly in his hand.

The sound of his footsteps echoed through the halls as he closed in on the door to their bedroom. With each step, Hunter could feel his body beginning to react. His heartrate increased, his breathing more shallow and rapid. He couldn't wait to indulge in the sweet nectar of his wife's arousal.

Once at his destination, Hunter drew a final breath and stepped through the door, locking it behind him. Once that was secure, he turned his attention to Rei, who had done exactly as he asked. She looked absolutely beautiful in her leather harness. The straps were tight, yet not uncomfortable and complemented every accent and curve to her body. Her skin glowed faintly in the dim light of their room, the true light of his life. But for now, she'd be the object of his growing lust.

Barely able to restrain himself, Hunter circled around and gently stroked her long hair until he stopped directly in front of her, kneeling until he was at eye level, "I've waited a long time for this moment, Rei..." He said, that same devious grin spreading across his face, "And I plan on using your beautiful body until I'm satisfied..."

That being said, he stood and walked over to the chest he had prepared earlier. There was a false bottom, allowing him to trick her into believing the harness was all that Hunter had in store for her. Luckily for him, she was dead wrong.

Once he had gathered everything, Hunter returned to his wife and slipped a blindfold over her eye, moving her hair so it wouldn't get in the way, "I hope you don't mind the darkness, love." He purred, "I'd hate your wandering eye to spot everything. That would ruin our fun."

The moment his sentence ended, Hunter snapped a padded leather collar around Rei's neck and tugged firmly on its attached leash in an attempt to surprise her. Its true purpose would come later. From there, he gripped his feathered crop and dragged it across her skin, starting at the base of her neck. From there, he continued down her spine and slithered it around until the pad rested on Rei's navel before he traced upwards again, pulling it up along her abdomen and along the curves of her breasts until it reached her left shoulder. Then, suddenly he whipped it away and returned with force, the crop hissing as it cut through the air before colliding with her deliciously exposed ass.

This was going to be interesting.
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 11, 2017 6:06 pm

Eventually Rei could hear footsteps before her husband finally entered their room, shutting the door behind him. He walked towards her then, circling around her and feeling his touch as he stroked her hair. The pinkette let out a small chuckle when he spoke, returning the grin that he flashed at her. "Do your worst, my love." she spoke. The vampiress watched as Hunter took a few steps back and opened the box back up grabbing a few more items. That little punk hiding things from her... it was well-played. She had done the same just a few months earlier, so it was only fair. The blonde was slipping a blindfold over her eyes then, warranting a curious cock of her eyebrow. But she soon understood following Hunter's next words.


Rei suddenly felt a collar being snapped around her neck and a quick jerk of the leash attached to it. So he was playing that game huh? Well then. She could feel leather stroking her skin next, letting out a low moan at it's strokes. As it slithered down her torso, she heard aloud slap followed by a stinging sensation from her exposed bottom. A yelp escaped her lips, falling forward with both hands on the ground and looking up at where she thought Hunter would be standing. "Is that the best you can do?" she taunted, the same smile tugging at her lips.
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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 11, 2017 8:58 pm

Rei definitely had a mouth on her, even after the ground rules had been set. After spending so much time together, it wasn't too surprising that she'd act all rebellious and bratty with him despite her current circumstances. Some of Hunter's abrasive and cocky personality had no doubt rubbed off on the vampiress. But he always knew just how to tame the wild one when necessary.

The instant she yelped and fell forward, Hunter made his next move, sweeping the woman's arms behind her back. Once that was secure, he went to work binding them with a line of hemp rope. After years spent practicing this art form on his own, it came extremely easily. The rope was placed evenly around her wrists, looped several times over in order to strengthen the tie. He ensured that it was tight enough to restrict movement, but not so tight that it was painful or caused circulation to be cut off. As much as he loved to tease and torment his wife, he wasn't cruel.

Once her hands were secured, Hunter admired Rei as she laid there in the prone position, her arms bound behind her back. Despite the woman's superior strength, the man with the leash had all the leverage to keep her in place. No matter how hard she pushed back, it would be extremely easy for him to bring her right back down to the level he wanted her, "I'm sorry, what was that?" Hunter taunted, his foot resting on the back of her head, keeping it pressed down into the carpet, "I don't recall giving you permission to address me."

There was another sudden crack through the air as the crop slapped forcefully against her ass once again, "It seems that you took my kindness-" He struck her again, grinning as the pale flesh began to flush a deep red, "For weakness."

Every time he stopped speaking, the crack of his crop slapping against Rei's bare ass would soon follow. Without being able to see what was going on, all she could hope to do is find a way to make things right, "But if anything becomes too intense, just say the word 'Red' and everything will stop." He purred, "But until then, you need to realize who is in control..."

Satisfied with his quick corrective action, Hunter took a step to the side and tugged on her leash once again, prompting the woman to rise up to her original position. From there, he cupped her chin in his hand and tilted it upward as he leaned in, planting a passionate kiss on her lips, "Can you tell me who that is, love?"
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PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 11, 2017 9:36 pm

Rei's arms were suddenly swept out from under her and being pulled behind her back before being tied together by a rope. Moments later she felt a slight gust of wind as Hunter pulled away, undoubtedly admiring his handy work. She squirmed a little, attempting to pull free from the knots but they were a lot tighter than she thought. Not uncomfortable no, but enough that she wouldn't be able to escape unless she tapped into her vamperic powers something that she wouldn't do. Not yet anyway. She had to let her husband have his fun after all. There was silence before he spoke again, Rei feeling a foot over her head keeping her from sitting up. He really was enjoying this and well... she kinda was too. It was always fun taking charge, but the pinkette loved it even more when her husband did. It showed just how strong he truly was.

Before she could come up with a quip of her own, there was another crack and stinging sensation warranting yet another moan. She wasn't ready for the second one, letting out a loud yelp this time around. Already she could feel her flesh burning though it didn't seem like her love was going to give her a break. Yet another slap could be heard and she yelped again, arching her back some from the pain. There was a slight pause when he announced a safe word, keeping it in mind before her thoughts became muddled by one last crack from the leather crop. One last moan escaped her lips before Hunter tugged on the leash again, pulling her upwards and placing a kiss on her lips one that she leaned into, rubbing her exposed breasts against his chest. When he broke the kiss she nearly fell forward onto her face, but was able to catch herself just in time. Instead her head rested against him, truly feeling the burning from the earlier strikes. Slowly Rei slithered even closer to Hunter, lifting her head to face him despite the blindfold over her eye. Then she finally answered, "... You."

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Hunter Kieff
Hunter Kieff

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We Meet Again  - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 11, 2017 11:06 pm

The moment that one word escaped from the mouth of his beloved, Hunter couldn't help but embrace her in another passionate kiss. Before she could fully melt into him a second time, he stood and circled around once again behind his wife, kneeling to her level. From there, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close, his lips resting in the crook of her neck. From there, he began to snake his hands up her torso, tracing his fingers along her every luscious curve until they reached her breasts. Once there, Hunter gently massaged the soft mounds. He knew exactly how to play with his wife. After all, they had been together for quite some time. If he didn't know exactly how to make her tick, then he'd be a failure as a husband.

Not quite satisfied, Hunter pinched each of her nipples forcefully and pulled them outward before letting go, laughing as the flesh bounced back to its original state. But that wasn't exactly satisfying either. But he had just the remedy for that... Again, he began massaging her breasts, but only to put her mind at ease. The moment he felt her relax, he quickly snapped two clamps onto her nipples, a chain linking them together. But that wasn't all he had in store. There was a bit of weight to them... Not enough to be excruciating, but it definitely was impossible to ignore. Before Rei could cry out, they began to vibrate against her flesh, sending waves of pleasure and pain simultaneously.

Once that was set, Hunter placed something between his wife's legs, directly against her exposed *****. With a quick push, she fell forward for just long enough for him to set it upright, and then, before she could collide with the ground, he pulled her back. However, as she returned to her kneeling position, shed be able to feel a long, thick object push past the folds of her lower lips and bury itself deep within her. Just like the clamps, Hunter flipped the switch and it began to vibrate.

Now that everything was in place, Hunter stood from his place behind her and stepped roughly two feet in front of Rei before pricking his finger with a needle just enough to draw a bead of blood to the surface. The man cruelly danced his index finger just inches from her nose, allowing the vampiress to gather its scent before pulling away every time she attempted to reach for it,

"I wonder what you'll choose, love... My blood, or your orgasm. You'll only get one or the other."
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We Meet Again  - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: We Meet Again    We Meet Again  - Page 3 I_icon_minitime

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